A few minutes after the college admissions team arrived.


The door lock opens.

An Jing was wearing a T-shirt, cropped pants and white board shoes, all clean.

Because he took a shower at the factory and changed his clothes before coming back.

Before, his mother said that his clothes were dirty, so he brought the dirty clothes over, wore them at the processing plant, and when he came back, he just changed his clothes.

An Jing, who walked into the house, once thought, did he go to the wrong house?

But he opened the door with a key?

Look up at the house number on your head, right?

But why are there so many people in the family?

“An Jing-san is back!”

“That’s right, come in quickly, I’m from the admissions team of Beijing University…”


The members of the admissions team introduced each other and then sent an invitation to Anjing.

Scholarships are basic operations.

But not very high, the major universities are basically the same.

A few years ago, there may have been sky-high scholarships to rob people, but with the official release of relevant regulations, the use of sky-high scholarships to rob people has also been suppressed.

If you want to grab people, you can only fight for strength and eloquence.

The admissions team used all their eloquence to say that their school was heaven and earth.

Anyway, it is the top or number one in the industry.

Even if it is inferior to other schools, it has its own advantages.

In the beginning, Anjing’s goal was obvious: to learn mechanical engineering and automation.

In fact, before the college entrance examination, he discussed it with his family, and his parents did not object.

After all, interest is the best teacher.

An Jing learns whatever he likes.

But now…

An Jing had a big treasure chest in his mind, and he had already opened three things: “Learning God Aura”, “Computer Skill Book” and “Mechanic”.

An Jing also found a pattern.

That is: the things that open up in the treasure chest are related to the things he usually touches.

During the college entrance examination, he was studying and brushing questions.

The first time I opened the treasure chest, what came out was the “aura of learning gods”, which made the college entrance examination unchallenging.

Therefore, An Jing picked up his previous programming knowledge and learned.

On the weekend after the college entrance examination, when he drew a lottery, he drew 10 “computer skills books” in programming.

Drew 10 “computer skill books”, which facilitated An Jing’s software writing of the “J-20” model aircraft.

An Jing further invested in the manufacture of the “J-20” model aircraft.

After that, he worked with various machining processes and assembled various mechanical parts.

So the third time you open the treasure chest, you will open a skill – “Mechanic”!

Looking back at the three times of opening the treasure chest, it is not difficult to find that the items opened in the treasure chest should be related to the things that An Jing touched in reality.

He now has the god-level skill of “mechanic”, and in terms of mechanics, he has come into contact with the realm of gods and is the most powerful master in this world.

Theoretical knowledge of mechanics, he can teach himself when he goes to university.

With the god-level skill of “mechanic”, just learning theoretical knowledge, An Jing can completely learn by himself.

At the same time, An Jing also has the “aura of learning gods”, and he can learn anything quickly.

Similarly, he also has intermediate “computer skills”, in the field of computers, he is also a top existence in China, he is a master, enough to use, there is no need to learn.

With the “aura of learning the gods”, An Jing can learn other things, contact more things, and the treasure chest can open a variety of items, skills, and skill books in all aspects.

Therefore, An Jing gave up his previous choice of mechanical manufacturing and automation and wanted to choose another major.

However, it is not possible to deviate from the aspects of mechanical engineering and automation.

It’s impossible to learn art and foreign languages, right?

Although it is okay, Anjing is not interested in this aspect.

He wanted to study mechanical engineering and automation!

In the manufacturing of the “J-20” model aircraft, An Jing felt that it was more difficult, it must be the aircraft engine, or the problem of power and energy.

An Jing thought about it, or applied for a major in power energy.

In this regard, Beihang and China Southern should be the top and most competitive, and then HKUST.

However, these universities still have a gap compared with the comprehensive and powerful Qingda University and Beijing University.

An Jing has to learn things about power and energy, but if he prescribes relevant skill books and skills, he may soon reach the level.

He will be exposed to other things.

In this case, he definitely needs to choose a comprehensive university.

Plainly…… Or the Jingda and Qing general elections.

“Thank you teachers for your love, I decided to apply for the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Qingda University!”

This is Jing’s choice.


An Jing’s parents were a little surprised.

My son doesn’t want to apply for a major in mechanical manufacturing and automation, he should apply for the School of Mechanical Engineering, right?

How did you run to the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics?

When the time comes, ask and see, anyway, you have to fill in the volunteer, this time is just contact.


“Student Su, in terms of aerospace, our University of Science and Technology is definitely stronger than Qing University, and the heads of our Aeronautics and Astronautics Academy are all academicians…”

Other universities were somewhat disappointed.

HKUST still wants to struggle.

He Anjing has already decided to go to Qingda.

Because Qingda has a good environment, there is the best dormitory in China, Bauhinia Apartment, and it is also the top comprehensive university in China.

HKUST is indeed strong in aerospace.

But what Anjing needs is a comprehensive university.

Director Li of the Admissions Office of Qingda University became the biggest winner and seemed very happy: “Thank you An Jing for your choice, you will definitely not be disappointed by this choice!” ”

An Jing is definitely the student with the highest score in science in this year’s college entrance examination.

743 points!!!

As the director of the admissions office of Qingda University, Li Hongshan knows that An Jing’s essay still has full marks, and it is 2 points deducted for language, not 2 points for composition.

Moreover, the college entrance examination questions in Sichuan Province this year are difficult, and Qingda enrolls students in Sichuan Province, and the admission score line is much lower than last year.

It is not an exaggeration to say that An Jing is the strongest candidate this year, and even in recent years.

Without any policy extra points, the difficulty of the exam questions has increased a lot, and the score of 743 points can still be obtained, which is enough to make other candidates despair!!

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