Amid applause, An Jing took the stage.

King Karl, who is 74 years old, presented Anjing with the certificate of the Nobel Prize and expressed congratulations: “Young scholar, thank you for your contribution to science, you are the youngest winner I have seen in these decades!” ”

Because the Peace Prize was awarded by Norway, the youngest winner was 17-year-old Malazai, but it was not King Karl who presented the award.

An Jing is the youngest recipient of the certificate from King Karl.

“Thank you, I believe that there may be winners younger than me in the future!”

An Jing received the certificate from King Karl.

A simple speech followed.

Thank you to King Carl, as well as the Nobel Prize jury, the Nobel Prize Foundation, and the winning teams of previous medical prizes for their presentations.

An Jing also made a simple speech.

This is something that every Nobel laureate does.

Here, An Jing uses Chinese to give speeches, although he is also very good at English, but the place he is in at the moment, what he represents, is Huaxia.

Naturally, it is Chinese to give a speech.

There is a simultaneous interpreter on site.

It’s a very hardcore kind of translation.

It is a language scholar from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Moreover, there is a certain research on physics and materials science.

Otherwise, An Jing uses the professional noun spoken by Chinese, and ordinary translators do not know what it is.

An Jing’s speech is very hardcore things, and like the physics prize he won it, it is also about physics.

The presentation process was not very long.

An Jing spoke for a few minutes or so, then thanked all the gentlemen and ladies at the scene and retreated.

Later, other winners received the awards and gave speeches one by one.

After the entire award ceremony, everyone will also move to the banquet hall to participate in the Nobel Prize dinner.

It was also one of the largest dinners in the world, attended by more than 1,500 people.

The dinner party is not a table for 10 people like Huaxia.

It’s the kind of long table with all kinds of delicacies on it, and the tables are lined with people.

This is one of the largest dinners in the world, but also the most crowded.

Even if it is Anjing, these winners, as well as members of the royal family, are treated the same.

There is no discrimination.

Everyone sits at the same long table and eats the same thing.

The food is all prepared by top chefs.

These ingredients alone, the chef preparing the dinner party for 1,500 people, is a big expense.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and complete.

Just in terms of security, I am very careful.

It is also the Nobel Prize dinner that has been held for so many years, and it has long been experienced.

If such a dinner is held in another place, the banquet is full of top scholars, dignitaries, and some rich people, and if something happens, it will be terrible.

What to say about the taste of something at a dinner party… That’s good.

At least he had eaten the meals made by An Jing, and An Jing himself and Wu Yumeng felt that it was just like that.

But the ingredients and sake are very high-quality.

This is also why the cost of a Nobel Prize is higher than the bonus of the Nobel Prize.

The only drawback is probably that it is more crowded.

The distance between the shoulders of the people on both sides of the long table should not exceed 50 centimeters, or even less.

Enough to see how crowded it is.

After the dinner, there is a dance, and that’s when everyone interacts with each other.

And those who are fine, they have already left, and there are not many people left.

An Jing and Wu Yumeng did not leave in a hurry, but accepted the invitation of Princess Daisilei and King Karl to stay for the ball.

Dance this thing.

An Jing really will not and is not interested.

Wu Yumeng has learned dance, and of course she can also have some ballroom dancing.

However, An Jing did not play a little, so she followed An Jing and chatted with Princess Daiselle, King Karl, and Queen Monette.

The status of Anjing scholars is respected, but the reason why the entire Swedish royal family really attaches such importance is Anjing’s worth.

Because King Karl was old, he left at about nine o’clock.

On Anjing’s side, he talked with Princess Daisilei for half an hour, about ten o’clock, and returned to the hotel after the ball.


On this day, An Jing did not know how lively the country was.

His entire bib exploded!

The first domestic TV station opened a special live broadcast.

Live broadcast of the award ceremony.

In addition, domestic live broadcast platforms also carry out broadcasting.

When Academician William announced that he had won the Nobel Prize in Physics – An Jing received the award, King Carl personally presented An Jing with the prize and praised An Jing as the youngest scholar among the scholars he awarded the prize.

The people of the whole country sent blessings on the neck of Anjing.

All kinds of congratulations, all kinds of blessings, “congratulatory messages” on behalf of various schools, districts, etc…

Although it was just fun, everyone felt very lively, expressing their excitement and being happy that Anjing won the award.

Although in October, the Nobel Prize announced the winners.

It has been boiling all over the country once, and the Internet has been brushed for days.

But at this award ceremony, everyone was still excited.

In the first news, there are also related reports, which are certainly indispensable.

Like Shuwai and Qingda, they also congratulated An Jing on winning the award.

After An Jing returned to the hotel, he also received many calls.

However, when the Nobel Prize was announced in October, everyone congratulated again, and there were not so many awards ceremonies this time.

An Jing also turned over the bib and issued a bib in a unified manner: “Thank you for your blessings, I am very happy to be awarded, and the Nobel Prize will also be donated to a charitable fund to help projects in the global medical field.” ”

The Nobel Prize is 10 million crowns, less than 10 million Chinese coins, about 1.4 million US dollars.

That’s not a small number.

For Anjing’s worth of 680 billion yuan, about 97.8 billion US dollars, it is not worth mentioning at all.

But this time, An Jing donated to his own private charity fund, and the object of help is not limited to Huaxia, but the world.

“Congratulations to An Jing for winning the award, Jing and Wu Yumeng are indeed very compatible!”

“An Jing classmate is atmospheric, 10 million said donate.”

“An Jing and Wu Yumeng, really can’t see it at all, they are less than 20 years old, I remember that Wu Yumeng is two years younger than An Jing, right? Watching the live broadcast, it is very mature, not smaller than An Jing at all!! ”

“”Photo”, this is a photo of Wu Yumeng working in the “Deep Blue Investment Fund”, I can’t see that she is only 18 years old, she is simply a domineering female president!”

“10 million crowns, less than 10 million Chinese coins, for An Jing, it is really nothing, this is still the bonus of the Nobel Prize, donating it to help others, it is more meaningful!”


Stockholm is around 11 p.m. local time, but it is afternoon in China.

An Jing released a bib, and countless people responded in an instant.

An Jing sent a bib and ignored it.

Netizens are still brushing comments, and they have long been accustomed to the style of quiet classmates.

It’s very peaceful!

I don’t play with the neck bib very much, and it is rare to issue a bib in 10,000 years, but the bib is not handed over to the company or assistant to take care of.

Many people think that this is good, at least it can prove that the news was released by Anjing himself;

But some people feel that if it is handed over to the people of the company to manage, or handed over to An Jing’s assistant to manage, although it is not the news released by An Jing himself, you can see more news about An Jing.

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