“Deep Blue’s company culture, office atmosphere, this atmosphere, is really very good…”

Ma Tengyun visited the Deep Blue Group and also had a lot of feelings.

The employees on the headquarters of Deep Blue Group are very young, and this flexible office atmosphere and corporate culture are indeed excellent.


Not all companies can imitate and learn.

Deep Blue Group is a young company, not long after its establishment, most of the company’s employees are still young, which is very suitable for this working atmosphere.

If it is a company like Qianxun Group, which has been established for more than ten or twenty years, it is impossible to use this way of office.

You can only praise, you cannot imitate and learn.

Qianxun Group has been established for more than 20 years, and has long had its own corporate office mode, its own corporate culture, and its own management rules and regulations.

How is it possible to make random changes?!

An Jing said: “I don’t participate in the company’s management, but the effect and efficiency achieved by this way of office are not bad, employees work voluntarily, pay attention to the company, not work to complete the work…”

Many employees of companies go to work just to go to work.

Every day is to complete their work to work, work efficiency and quality, is certainly not as good as employees to work with voluntary, attentive, serious work attitude.

The management method of Qianxun Group, in order to avoid the company’s growth in the future, the old employees who first join the company will hand over the work in their hands to the new employees… The status of old employees within the company is higher than that of new employees, forming that kind of class office style.

The work number of the company’s employees is the ID number, and it is not said that An Jing is No. 0 or No. 1, and Yang Peng is No. 2… The employees who follow are sorted in order.

The smaller the job number, the sooner you join the company and the higher your status.

An Jing also knows that he has a general understanding of the company’s operation and management methods, and this set of management methods actually has many problems, but it is slowly improving.

Deep Blue Group is also the world’s top enterprise, and it is also appropriate to have its own company culture.

There is a long time in the future, as long as there is a quiet needle, Deep Blue Group can slowly explore, slowly improve, and create its own and most suitable company culture and management method.


“The three buildings here are Deep Blue Laboratories…”

An Jing took Ma Tengyun to leave the Deep Blue Group and went to the laboratory.

On the laboratory side, Ma Tengyun could clearly feel that the security measures of the Deep Blue Laboratory had increased several times.

Around the entire laboratory, all cameras are running, 24 hours a day, and there is no dead angle coverage in all directions.

Ma Tengyun also knows that the entire Deep Blue Group was actually established by relying on the relevant technologies developed by the Deep Blue Laboratory.

In other words, it is to rely on the various technologies developed by Anjing to establish a company and bring the technology and products developed by Anjing to the market.

The importance of Deep Blue Labs is self-evident.

It is also normal to have such security measures.

Along the way, Ma Tengyun found that the door was moved from the deep blue.

When he arrived at the Deep Blue Group, Ma entered a face message.

That’s a few seconds. The scan captured face information.

The entire Deep Blue Group, as well as the Deep Blue Lab, was helpless and did not encounter a single problem.

In terms of face recognition technology, deep blue is indeed very strong.

Ma Tengyun also knows this.

Qianxun Group has WeChat payment, face recognition technology accumulation, can be regarded as the world’s top.

But Anshi Technology’s face recognition technology is even more powerful than Qianxun’s…

Many companies, hotels, security companies, property companies, home appliance companies, and even some mobile phone manufacturers have chosen to use Anshi Technology’s face recognition technology.

Faster and safer!

“This laboratory is mainly responsible for the development of computer software and hardware, such as the artificial intelligence technology used by Anshi Technology, which was actually used to create driverless technology at the beginning…”

“Here, artificial intelligence technology, big data, cloud computing, operating systems, chips and other hot fields are all studied!”

“Some of the research may not be very in-depth, but it has to be there.”

An Jing introduced the relevant projects in the laboratory, and even took Ma Tengyun to experience the relevant research results.

Ma Tengyun listened to An Jing, only to know that the artificial intelligence technology used by Anshi Technology, as well as various other technologies, were actually used in unmanned driving at the beginning?!

“It seems that Deep Blue Group’s driverless technology is very powerful!”

Ma Tengyun sighed.

The technology that Anshi Technology now uses comes from driverless technology.

Even if Anshi Technology has been optimized and improved in various ways later.

It is also enough to prove that Deep Blue’s driverless technology is certainly very advanced.

Qianxun Group is also involved in driverless technology.

Even the first company in the Shenzhen market to get a driverless test license.

Qianxun Group has also invested in new energy vehicle companies to prepare for driverless technology.

An Jing said: “Deep Blue Auto has been doing relevant tests here, if Ma Dong is interested, you can take a look later.” ”

Ma Tengyun nodded and said, “Then you must go and see!” ”

“The rapid development of Anshi Technology is inseparable from the cloud computing and big data support provided by Deep Blue Lab!”

“Deep Blue Lab’s supercomputing is very strong… These servers are provided by Hongwei Group…”

Visiting the deep blue laboratory’s computer only laboratory, Ma Tengyun’s feeling was: trench!

Really trench!

This laboratory is stronger than Qianxun College and the laboratory of Qianxun Group.

Just the supercomputing used is enough to rank in the top 10 in the world!

The servers used are not bad, all the best servers of Hongwei Group…

Of course, in terms of the scale of servers and data centers, it is definitely not as good as Qianxun Group.

Qianxun Group’s big data center has several in the country, and Deep Blue Group has only one data center here in Rong’an New Area for the time being.

After that, An Jing also took Ma Tengyun to see the research results in industry, materials and precision instruments.

This aspect is the real main business of Deep Blue Group.

The computer lab is just a side hustle.

“Deep Blue Group deserves to be a world-class industrial group…”

After visiting the research of Deep Blue Laboratory in industry, Ma Tengyun was also very emotional.

This is an industrial company!

This is the power of industry!

Deep Blue Group can even build ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, and the company’s strength in industry is too strong.

Of course, it is a pity that the aircraft engine was not seen … But a lot of precision instruments have been seen.

Well, An Jing naturally also sells his own products to Ma Tengyun!

Qianxun Group has become more than just an Internet technology company, but has developed into a diversified integrated group company.

Companies that have invested in a lot of industrial business: automotive, medical, etc.

Naturally, related precision instruments and equipment are also needed. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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