(Thanks: [Qin Fengyan] 1000V reward!) )

The ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger plane will land in the manufacturing center of Huaxia Commercial Aircraft in Jiangdong New Area in two hours.

There were no problems with this test flight.

Then the ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner will fly back to the Pinggu aircraft manufacturing center, and then hold a public maiden flight.

The first flight was announced.

Journalists, even individuals, can visit the site.


After the ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner completed its first test flight, Anjing and their side were not idle.

The top leadership came here not only to see the test flight of an ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner … Otherwise, the leaders of the military department, as well as relevant experts, would not have been brought over.

In addition to the test flight of the ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, the new generation of fighter – J-35 will be officially delivered.

The new generation of fighters designed by Anjing and Shufei 103 is officially named: J-35 fighter.

Directly benchmark the American F35 bucket machine.

Previously, the engine of the new generation fighter was tested on the J-20.

In all aspects of engine data, it is better than the engines of the F22 and F35.

However, the J-20 is powered by two engines.

The J-35 was designed as a land-based fighter; is a fighter that the Marine Corps can adopt; It is a carrier-based fighter that can board an aircraft carrier, and there are three models in total.

Compared with the size of the J-35, it is equipped with only one engine.

So the real data of the J-35 has not yet been tested.

The engines of the new generation fighter have been tested, but the J-35 has not yet completed flight tests and tests.

However, the J-35 is built and processed, and the follow-up test flight and testing do not need to be carried out on the side of Deep Blue Commercial Flying.

Directly transported to the Huaxia Military Department for relevant tests.

Information related to the design and manufacture of the J-35 is currently confidential.

Although foreign countries also know that Huaxia is developing a new generation of fighters … I don’t know the progress.

Don’t say anything else.

Just the materials developed by Deep Blue Group and the engine upgrade and optimization plan proposed by Anjing have greatly improved the combat effectiveness of Huaxia Aerospace and the Air Force.

With better materials, with better new technologies, the development of the next generation of fighters is certain.

It’s just that overseas countries do not know the progress of the development of a new generation of fighters here in China.

The test flight and test of the J-35 definitely need to be kept secret.

It is not possible to conduct relevant flight test flights and tests at the Pingu Aircraft Manufacturing Center.

The ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner has just taken off, and at this moment, there may be news on the Internet.

Surrounding residents, even from a long distance, can see the huge fuselage of the ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner taking off here.

What’s more, everyone knows that the Pinggu Aircraft Manufacturing Center is Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company.

Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company is developing ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft.

At this time, what does a large aircraft fly out of the Pinggu Aircraft Manufacturing Center?

Nature goes without saying, right?

Coupled with satellites in the sky, it is not difficult to photograph ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners from Pinggu aircraft manufacturing.

At this time, there should be relevant news discussed on the domestic network;

Satellites of some overseas countries should also photograph ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners.

Since then, the Pinggu Aircraft Manufacturing Center has been a hot spot for everyone.

How can the J-35 fighter be tested here?

This time, in the production and manufacturing workshop of Deep Blue Commercial Flying, the final assembly workshop of the J-35.

The people of the first TV station, as well as the team of the ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner on the side of Deep Blue Commercial Flying, did not come.

Only An Jing, Meng Xin, as well as the top leaders, generals of the military department, and the expert team of the military department entered the assembly workshop.

In the final assembly workshop of the J-35, a fighter of more than 15 meters was docked.

The fuselage design of the fighter is very aggressive and very smooth, and the air intake, absorbing material, surface design and processing technology of the whole machine can be said to have reached a perfect degree.

Experts from the military department, just by looking at this fuselage design, know that hard work has been put into stealth;

An Jing said: “J-5 fighter, length 15.53 meters, wingspan 10.5 meters, height .3 meters, wing area of 42.5 square meters, empty weight of 12,054 grams, maximum take-off weight of 35,100 kilograms…”

“Equipped with the SL-1 afterburner turbofan engine built by Deep Blue Precision, the maximum thrust is 17 tons, and the afterburner thrust is 18 tons!”

“The RCS (radar area) of the whole aircraft is only 0.055 square meters, and all the data are better than the F35 fighter, or even greatly ahead!”

As for some flight data, it is not stated.

The J-35 did not fly test, and Jing did not get flight-related data.

The previous test flight was only the J-20 with a new engine.

The J-20 is more than 20 meters and carries two SL-1 engines, and the flight data tested are not the same type of fighter at all compared to the 15-meter, one-engine J-35.

Moreover, this is a stealth fighter, and in order to improve stealth capabilities, part of the performance is sacrificed.

Of course…… The J-35 fighter is also common to all three services, not all troops, and stealth fighters are needed.

If the requirements for stealth are not so high, the performance will naturally be better in all aspects.

What is the concept of a thunder-reflective area of 0.055 square meters?

That is to say, on the J-35 fighter, there is only an area the size of an ID card and playing cards, which may be scanned by radar.

This has a lot to do with the materials created by Deep Blue Materials Group, as well as stealth coatings, J-35 overall aircraft design, and manufacturing processes.

“Is this data really?”

“It’s excellent!”

“More than the design data submitted by Shufei 103.”

“Looking at the J-35 alone, the design of stealth has been painstaking, if it is really as An Jing said, there is such an excellent stealth ability, and such performance, then… The excellent level of the J-35 is much stronger than the F35!! ”

The researchers heard An Jing speak out the data.

Immediately check the test data of Deep Blue COMAC, look at the computer and monitor, ask and discuss.

The researchers got excited and really didn’t lead anything.

The data that fell out of the Deep Blue COMAC side can see the relevant test data.

In fact…… The engine of the J-35 fighter has long been tested in the military department.

The expert group has a concept in mind about the integrity of the J-35.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that in the case of taking into account the stealth design, there is such performance.

That’s excellent!

The supreme leader is not only the supreme leader of the country, but also the supreme leader of the military department.

He did not say anything about the actions of the military department’s expert group.

Researchers need to have this kind of energy and spirit.

The top leader asked An Jing: “What is the overall selling price of the J-35?” ”

The SL-1 turbofan engine used in the J-35 is priced at 4.2 billion, so what will be the price of the J-5?

This is also a relatively important thing.

After all, every year, the military department spends so much on various materials from the Deep Blue Group.

And to purchase fighters from the Deep Blue Group?

Really unconsciously, the Deep Blue Group has occupied a pivotal position in the military supply system.

At this time, the top leader was also thinking: Is it time to add some burden to An Jing?!

An Jing didn’t know what the supreme leader was thinking, and it was impossible to see it!

How can you become a supreme leader and have decades of official experience, how can you show what you think in your heart?

An Jing said: “The price of the J-5 machine is currently 780 million, and depending on the order volume and the improvement of the manufacturing process, the price should drop a lot…”

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