(Thanks: [188**6895] 1000V tip!) )

The outside world is discussing the matter of ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners.

National officials, as well as Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin and other companies, are also highly concerned about the Deep Blue Group.

Being able to manufacture ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners represents a country’s industrial strength, manufacturing technology and processes, which can process and manufacture more powerful engines and make more powerful fighters.

In the field of civil aviation, Boeing and Airbus have always been giants in the industry and have a monopoly position.

It used to be Boeing and Airbus fighting.

Right now?

It feels that with the entry of Deep Blue Group, it may be difficult for the two companies to achieve any advantages.

Even their Boeing and Airbus are using Deep Blue materials.

In this respect alone, they have already lost their advantage.

The advantages in terms of materials and price are definitely gone.

The only advantage may be the brand advantage.

But Deep Blue Group is already the world’s top 500, and automobile companies in various countries around the world are using their materials.

Even Boeing and Airbus are using Deep Blue materials.

It has virtually enhanced the status and brand recognition of Deep Blue.

Anyway, at this time, Boeing and Airbus should have a headache.

Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Motors, as the United States military contractor, the world’s arms giant.

They are all diversified companies, involved in the field of military defense, and build a variety of weapons and equipment.

Deep Blue Group has not yet set foot in related fields, at least… There is no such thing as a field yet.

Coupled with the national conditions of Huaxia, everyone knows it.

Deep Blue Group can manufacture ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, and if you want to build fighter jets and manufacture other munitions and equipment, you need to go through the official permission of Huaxia, and at the same time… In terms of orders, there is also no autonomy.

Don’t worry that the Deep Blue Group will enter the world market in the field of arms and equipment.


Yen Ching Restaurant.

A military conference room.

As the supreme leader of China, the supreme leader is also the supreme leader of the three armed services.

This time, the top leader presided over a meeting of the military department.

Summon the generals of the three services, as well as other functional departments: the Department of Equipment Development, the Joint Staff, the Department of Logistics Support, the Science and Technology Commission, the Strategic Planning Office, the Reform and Establishment Office…

At this meeting, An Jing participated on behalf of Deep Blue Group.

It mainly discusses the issue of upgrading the weapons and equipment of the military department.

The main thing is the upgrading of our fighters.

This is a very huge problem, involving trillions of military spending, what is needed is orderly upgrading, not all of them immediately;

In addition to fighters, many of China’s weapons and equipment, and even aircraft carriers, need to be upgraded.

Well…… The aircraft carrier does not need to be upgraded, but the aircraft carriers built in the future are all made of Deep Blue Group materials and belong to a new generation of aircraft carriers.

At this meeting, in addition to discussing the J-35 combat and equipping the three services, the fighters equipped by the military department were gradually replaced.

It is also necessary to give an order quantity to the Deep Blue Group, so that the manufacturing cost of the Deep Blue set fighter can be reduced.

In addition, it is necessary to discuss the reform of the military department, the reform of the … and some issues related to civil-military integration.

An Jing dressed in military uniform and attended the meeting, which was the first time he received the rank of captain… The first time the ship wore a formal attire to attend such a formal meeting.

An Jing mainly introduced the J-35 fighter in detail on behalf of the Deep Blue Group.

The J-35 fighter, the J-35A, is a land-based fighter, a traditional take-off and landing fighter, with more powerful power, load, and more weapons;

The J-35B is a vertical take-off and landing model that can be assembled by the Marine Corps;

The J-35C, a carrier-based model, can be assembled by the aircraft carrier fleet.

In addition to introducing the data of the Xianguan model, Anjing’s Deep Blue Group also plays an important role in this civil-military integration reform.

The new generation of fighters, the J-35, currently only Deep Blue Group has this processing and manufacturing capability.

It must be the military department that purchases from the Deep Blue Group.

However, now through the Aerospace Industry Group, the Deep Blue Group is entrusted to the OEM.

Under such a model, the Deep Blue Group completes the overall manufacturing of the J-35 fighter.

It looks pretty much the same.

It’s that there is an aerospace industry group in the middle,

But…… This is essentially different from the military department’s direct procurement from the Deep Blue Group.

Throughout the meeting, An Jing was basically asked various questions, and then answered, occasionally publishing two sentences, and his sense of existence was not very high.

The meeting lasted four days.

After the meeting, An Jing was promoted to deputy director of the Huaxia Weapons and Equipment Development Department (General Assembly Department) and director of the Fighter Research and Development Department, and was awarded the rank of major general.

This award was personally bestowed on An Jing by the supreme leader.

Of course…… This kind of technical level of the title of general, plus An Jing’s identity and age, is naturally not public.

At present, the youngest major general publicly awarded by Huaxia on August 1 is 42 years old, and the report at the time also said that he was only “one of the youngest major generals”

In fact, many people who have made outstanding contributions and who are engaged in all aspects of research need to be kept secret, are awarded the rank of major general.

At present, the youngest major general on the side of the military department cannot be lower than 30 years old!

Even the Ministry of Equipment Development, or other military researchers who have made outstanding contributions to technical research and have been promoted, cannot find major generals under the age of 30.

Doing research itself requires accumulation.

He graduated from military school in his 20s and held the rank of captain.

Since then, he has been engaged in research, made relevant research results in his 30s, and was promoted quickly… The minimum number of major generals who become is in their 30s.

The youngest major general in Huaxia is 34, but that was a long time ago, even if it was a few years ago;

There are even younger generals, but that dates back to before Huaxia officially announced its liberation, belonging to the “second generation of generals”, who were promoted by their own fathers.

In any case, since entering the new era, An Jing has just passed his first birthday and is the youngest major general in Huaxia.

“It’s amazing, Vice Minister An Jing, the youngest major general in Huaxia, is already the superior of this old man of mine!”

After the supreme leader conferred the title on An Jing, he gave a few words of encouragement, and after everyone applauded, they each retreated.

The meeting was held for four consecutive days.

We all have a lot of things to deal with.

It is impossible to gather around here and chat with Anjing.

On the contrary, Professor Deng of the general assembly has long dealt with An Jing.

When An Jing researched the special alloy, Professor Deng went directly to the laboratory of Qingda University… Then wait for people and quiet to talk about procurement.

How long has it been?

An Jing is already an agency of the 1st military department, deputy director of the equipment development department, director of the fighter research and development department, and the rank of major general.

Professor Deng is also a senior colonel, but the director of the material research and development department, An Jing is one level higher than him.

Of course, Professor Deng is not jealous of Anjing, but happy for it.

After all, the two have dealt with each other for so long, and they are very familiar.

“Professor Deng, don’t laugh at me, I’m just idle…”

An Jing said with a smile, still very happy in his heart.

Four days earlier, he had attended the meeting dressed as a captain.

Today, four days later, the meeting is over, and he already has a gold star on his shoulder.

Even if An Jing is not a military fan and has little interest in the thing of rights, he is still very happy to become a general.

What man does not have a dream like to be a general?

How come you ever had such an idea?

Professor Deng smiled and said, “Am I not the same, am I idle?” ”

An Jing agreed: “Everyone is idle, so this thing is not important…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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