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“An Dong”

An Jing entered the factory of Deep Blue Materials Group in Rong’an New District, and someone immediately greeted him.

Deep Blue Materials Group has not yet reorganized, but bought a piece of land in Rong’an New Area to build factories and production lines.

After the reorganization, Deep Blue Materials Group has companies such as Baosteel, and a number of special steel companies have been merged into it, and the production capacity has been greatly improved.

Part of the factory was built on the land purchased by Rong’an New District, and the rest of the land was used by other branches.

Or put there as spare land.

The entire Deep Blue Group is located in the park of Rong’an New District, and has purchased more than 1,000 acres of land.

Many of them are reserve land.

“Has a new generation of materials already been produced?”

An Jing asked the person in charge of this side of the production line.

Entering 2022, the first to launch a new product this year is Deep Blue Materials Group.

After Deep Blue Materials Group launches a new generation of materials, Deep Blue Auto will announce that this year’s new cars will use a new generation of materials.

Deep Blue Materials Group is leading the way.

And after the release of the new generation of materials, the supply will definitely be very large, at this time trial production should begin, or official production ?!

“Production has already begun.”

The person in charge of the production workshop introduced Anjing: “At present, there are still some orders to be supplied, most of the equipment, or the materials before production, it is expected that the new generation of materials will be produced in large quantities until March.” ”

At this time, the new generation of materials produced were all used by the internal companies of Deep Blue Group and digested.

In the next two months, the production capacity of the new generation of materials will gradually increase, and by March, it will be really produced in large quantities.

At that time, the materials of the previous generation will not be produced?

Of course production will continue!

Even if it is a special type of the previous generation

After the launch of the new generation of materials, these materials will still be purchased by many companies.

And maybe even more!


The entire Deep Blue Group, from the management door to the production line, An Jing went to see it again.

Many problems have been found, and they have been adjusted or dealt with.

The entire group company turned down, and it was basically the end of the month.

Deep Blue Group also formulates relevant holiday plans and arranges personnel on duty.

This year’s New Year is relatively early, January 31.

At this time last year, Wu Yumeng accompanied An Jing to Sweden to participate in the Nobel Prize presentation and banquet, stayed in Sweden for a while, and then flew directly to the United States to acquire three companies: Yisou, Yihu, and Changplay.

Wu Yumeng did not go home for the New Year last year.

An Jing was also counted down by his own mother, saying that he arranged so much work for Mengmeng, so that Mengmeng would not have time to come back for the New Year.

An Jing said that he was helpless… Fortunately, when Wu Yumeng contacted An, it explained that she arranged the itinerary herself.

This year is the year when you can go home for the New Year.

This year’s New Year is January 31, and February 1 is the Chinese New Year’s Eve.

Earlier than in previous years.

An Jing and Wu Yumeng returned to Shudu early.

After arriving in Shudu by plane, the security team came over early to prepare for the pickup.

Wei Ran drove and took An Jing and Wu Yumeng to the Nanhu Yuxiangshan Villa.

“Moe Moe is back!!”

“Su Jing is also back!”

On the side of Nanhu Yuxiangshan Villa, An Jing directly let Wei Ran drive to Wu Yumeng’s house.

Well~ Wu Yumeng is now the vice president of Deep Blue Investment Company, and also manages Anjing’s private investment fund, and his salary is still very high.

I also bought a villa on the South Lake side and let my parents move over.

Wu Yumeng did not go home for the New Year last year.

After the end, Wu Yumeng was also busy investing in companies, investment funds, and Anshi Technology and Yisou.

I never had time to return to Shudu.

Mother Wu and Dad Wu have not seen their daughter for almost two years, and they must miss them very much.

Seeing Mother Wu holding Mengmeng, she was a little emotional.

I haven’t seen it for two years, Wu Yumeng has changed a lot, now it is one meter seven, and the short neck-length hair that originally looked cute has also become long hair, which looks very mature and capable.

Such a change, Wu’s mother and Wu’s father, watching the video can’t see anything.

When you see a real person and make a comparison, you can know how much your daughter has changed.

“An Jing, don’t stand, come in and sit quickly.”

Dad Wu looked at his wife and daughter hugging together, and he was a little excited, and he immediately beckoned An Jing to rest at home.

An Jing moved out a large number of things in the car and took them to Wu Yumeng’s house.

“Why buy so many things?”

Whether it was Dad Wu or Mama Wu, looking at An Jing and the security personnel, so many things came out of the car, they were also shocked.

“It’s completely unnecessary, it’s all a family, isn’t it a waste of money to buy so many things?”

Although Anjing is already very, very, very rich.

There’s really no need to buy so many things.

An Jing said with a smile: “I just bought some, many of them were bought by Mengmeng, she said that she hadn’t come back for a long time, so she would buy something and come back to see your second elder, so as not to be scolded by you…”

“Many of them were bought by Mengmeng abroad, and some things were given to Mengmeng by the Swedish royal princess!”

There are indeed many things that Wu Yumeng bought abroad.

There are also many that were given to Wu Yumeng by Princess Daisilei, as well as An Jing.

There is also this side of Anjing’s house.

“So polite… Mengmeng too, why buy so many things?! ”

In fact, a lot of things, bought home and Ben can’t finish eating, basically go to relatives, just give it away.

An Jing stayed at Wu Yumeng’s house for a while before returning to his home.

Anyway, it’s all in a villa area, such a distance, it’s very convenient to get around, don’t be so polite.

“I’ll call your parents and grandparents over for dinner later.”

When An Jing left, Wu’s mother told An Jing.

“My mother and grandmother, they have already prepared lunch, and they told you to come over and eat… Let’s come to our house for dinner in the evening! ”

Before An Jing returned, his mother and grandmother were already preparing lunch.

also called Wu Yumeng’s family.

However, the two families are preparing lunch, and Wu Yumeng has not been home for a long time, so An Jing can’t pull Wu Yumeng back to himself, right?

So send her back first.

It was only at night, and everyone ate together.


An Jing left Wu Yumeng’s house, and Wu’s mother and daughter whispered something in the kitchen.

From time to time, Wu Yumeng’s somewhat shy complaining voice was heard.

Obviously, Mother Wu knows where her daughter has come with An Jing.

In the past two years, the status of quiet status has been continuously improved.

The original intention remained the same, there was no change, and there was not even a female assistant or female secretary around.

An Jing and Wu Yumeng’s relationship is also very stable, which is very rare.

Dad Wu was in the living room, looking at it and shaking his head slightly, ignoring too much.

This kind of thing, just let it be.

Just let the daughter and Anjing develop and run their own business. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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