(ps: Because of the review, Sweden changed to: Ryan!) )

Because he promised Princess Daisy that he would go to her succession ceremony.

At the end of the month, An Jing and Wu Yumeng also left for Rui’an.

Anjing’s courses are not much, and it will not be long to go to Ruian.

Private jets take off from Shudu and fly to Ruian.

10 hours of flight.

On the plane, except for An Jing and Wu Yumeng.

There are also crew members, that is, flight attendants, in addition to two pilots, there are more than a dozen security personnel, and two flight attendants.

Anjing’s private jet is the CSL-500, which is more than 77 meters long, with a wingspan of 69 meters and a height of more than 20 meters.

Such a behemoth is a palace in the sky.

Everything on board: study, meeting room, restaurant, bar, living room, shower… The configuration is comparable to that of a top five-star hotel.

The rooms are several.

The entire aircraft also comes with its own garage.

The extended Navy D-1 customized for Anjing by the Deep Blue Group also drove directly to the garage on the lower floor of the plane.

Fly to Ryan together!!

As for the license plate formalities, Princess Daisilei invited An Jing over, naturally it had already been done.

A very large intercontinental airliner that can carry 500 people has become a private jet, and there are few in the world.

You can count it on one hand.

This is like a five-star hotel presidential suite space, accommodating Anjing and his own security team, which is really spacious.

Nothing too uncomfortable about a 10-hour flight.

The only thing that is more uncomfortable may be the time difference.

Taking off from Shudu Airport in the morning, a 10-hour flight, arriving in Ruian should be in the evening… But when I arrived in Ryan, it was noon.

Fortunately, Anjing and they rested on the plane, and when they arrived in Ryan, even at noon, everyone was not very tired.

Can adapt well to jet lag.

When An Jing arrived, the royal family sent people over to receive An Jing and Wu Yumeng according to the high standard of treatment.

Anjing’s car drove directly out of the plane after it was parked.

On the royal side, escort vehicles were sent.

Cars were also prepared for Anjing’s accompanying security team.

They were taken to the royal palace to settle down.

Built in the 17th century, Ryan Palace is a small square castle with two stone lions in front of the main entrance, and two guards wearing red military hats more than a foot high and wearing medieval military uniforms standing with guns.

It is the place where kings work and celebrate and is Stockholm’s main tourist attraction.

The succession ceremony of Princess Daisy Lei was also held here.

An Jing and Wu Yumeng must have come over a day earlier.

The ceremony of Princess Daisilei’s succession to the throne is held the day after tomorrow.

“Hello King Karl!”

“Hello Princess Daisile!”

On the palace side, after Wei Ran stopped

An Jing and Wu Yumeng got out of the car in formal clothes and greeted King Karl and Princess Daisilei who came to greet them.

King Karl is almost 8 years old, a little older than a few years ago, when An Jing went to Ryan to attend the Nobel Prize ceremony.

King Karl did not always occupy the throne.

Instead, according to the law, he passed the throne to his eldest daughter, Princess Daisile.

“Mr. An Jing and Miss Wu Yumeng, very welcome!”

King Karl shook hands with An Jing and Wu Yumeng.

He also welcomed the arrival of An Jing and Wu Yumeng.

Daisilei dressed in royal formal clothes to receive An Jing and Wu Yumeng, and thanked the two for their arrival: “Thank you for coming to my succession ceremony, thank you very much!” ”

“You’re welcome, it’s our honor to attend the succession ceremony of Princess Daisilei!”

“Congratulations, Princess Daisile!”

An Jing and Wu Yumeng were also very polite.

Congratulations to Princess Daisy and a gift.

The gifts were all made by An Jing and Wu Yumeng themselves, which are not very precious things, but more representative.

Because the ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow, Princess Daisley and King Karl have many people to receive.

Among them are some national dignitaries.

There are a lot of things to deal with.

So he didn’t accompany An Jing and Wu Yumeng much, and found a housekeeper to take care of the two, and any needs could be raised.

An Jing and Wu Yumeng knew that King Karl and Princess Daisilei were busy.

After settling down, the two were led by the butler to check the companies that An Jing invested in here.


“We have invested in mineral resources here, as well as companies in medical biology.”

In the car, Wu Yumeng introduced the investment in Ruian to An Jing.

Although relevant information and financial reports will be sent to Anjing’s mailbox every quarter, Wu Yumeng also knows that her boyfriend does not care about this aspect at all, at most he will take a look.

A few years ago, An Jing came to attend the Nobel Prize ceremony.

Wu Yumeng and Yang Peng, on behalf of Anjing and Deep Blue Group, invested on Rui’an’s side.

Deep Blue Materials Group needs a lot of mineral resources to make special steel.

With proven iron ore resources of more than 4 billion tonnes, Shui On is Europe’s largest exporter of iron ore.

However, Ryan’s side has high requirements for all aspects of the environment, mining pollution is relatively serious, and the investment is relatively large.

For Deep Blue, which has high technology, there is nothing wrong with environmental matters.

The two parties hit it off and agreed to invest in mineral resources and establish a mining company in Shui On.

Similarly, the official Ryan side, as well as the royal family, all own a certain amount of shares and do not have a controlling stake.

The official and royal family only have about 40% of the shares, and they will contribute, not the kind that collects protection fees.

In terms of medical biology, Ryan is very strong.

AstraZeneca is Shui On with production and R&D facilities in 17 countries and operations in more than 100 countries.

The company’s market capitalization is also as high as $10 billion.

It is enough to rank among the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the world.

More powerful pharmaceutical companies than AstraZeneca, only Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Roche and other companies.

Now AstraZeneca, also using Deep Blue Group’s precision instruments.

Wu Yumeng also cooperated with the Royal Carolinsha College to invest in some drug research and development projects with Anjing Private Investment Fund.

A 10-year R&D cycle is possible.

The investment in medicine is very large, and the research and development cycle is extremely long.

Many pharmaceutical companies invest billions of dollars in research and development every year, and many of these research and development projects fail.

These failed projects will also be counted as costs.

For example, if there is a successful drug research and development, the research and development cost of the failed project will be added to it.

The result is that the development of new drugs is very, very high, and the price is naturally very high in all aspects.

It is because the funds for other failed research and development projects are also included in the successful drugs.

Actually all companies!

Whether it is drug research and development, or the research and development of other products, this is the case.

The cost of R&D failure is passed on to successful R&D products.

When it is sold to the outside world, it is passed on to consumers, and the price is raised to recover the R&D cost and achieve profitability.

In addition to investments in mining and pharmaceuticals.

Anjing and Deep Blue Group also have some other investments in people’s livelihood here.

This time, one is to participate in Princess Daisy Lei… No, it should be the inauguration of Queen Daisy Lei.

The other is to work together again.

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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