Chapter 386 Rushed to the meeting

Shareholding announced from the official prospectus.

Anjing holds a 43.38% stake in Anshi Technology through private investment funds and Deep Blue Labs.

Anshi Technology implements an AB share structure.

Including employee stock ownership and option pools, Anjing’s side has more than 80% voting power.

Firmly control the company!

The AB share structure was used in Xiangjiang as early as 218.

In 202, Huaxia officially allowed companies to be listed on the AB share structure.

Ant Financial was the first company to adopt the AB share structure and be listed in mainland China.

Otherwise…… Even if Ant Financial’s IPO scale is as high as more than 20 billion US dollars, it can successfully complete the financing in Huaxia.

Without the permission of the AB share structure, Ant Financial has no control of the company and will not choose to list in Huaxia.

After the formal prospectus is disclosed.

Arouse the attention of the whole world.

The listing valuation of Anshi Technology: 1,845 billion Chinese dollars, about 260 billion US dollars.

The IPO issued 10% of the shares and is expected to raise US$26 billion.

The prospectus also gave a detailed explanation of where the funds raised in this financing were used.

The listing of Anshi Technology is billions of dollars higher than the valuation of Ant Financial’s listing.

Anshi Technology is only listed in valuation, and its market value exceeds that of Huaxia ICBC.

It has become a local listed company in Huaxia, second only to Qianxun and Ant Financial, ranking third in the local listed company in Huaxia, with a market value!

From the perspective of the company’s prospects, it is no problem for Anshi Technology to surpass Ant Finance in the future.

Whether it can surpass Qianxun Group, I don’t know!

This listing of Anshi Technology, Qianxun Group is still a beneficiary!

Because Qianxun Group is the major shareholder of Anshi Technology, second only to Anjing!!

After the disclosure of the official prospectus of Anshi Technology.

The market value of Qianxun Group, Atanu Group, Rice Company, Huaxin International, and these shareholder companies… Straight skyrocketing!!!

Among them, Atanu Group and Qianxun Group both rose by more than 10%.

The US stock market and the Xiangjiang stock market do not have the concept of a price limit.

The market value of hundreds of billions of dollars has increased by more than 10%.

The market value skyrocketed by tens of billions of dollars in one day!!

It is enough to see the influence brought by Anshi Technology.

Anshi Technology was valued at US$260 billion, and Qianxun Group held 14.57% of the shares, worth US$37.8 billion;

Atanu Group holds a 9.3% stake, worth $24.2 billion.

This is just a listing valuation… After listing, the market value of Anshi Technology will be higher and higher.

The shares in the hands of Qianxun Group and Ah Tanuki Group are naturally more valuable.

“Anshi Technology

“The real winner is still Anjing, right? His private investment fund and Deep Blue Labs together hold 43.8% of the shares, or $112.7 billion. ”

“Anshi Technology

“Anshi Technology

“This valuation is definitely not high, Beshi’s Technology lost more than 200 billion Chinese dollars in the first three years, but from this year, only 1-6 and a half months, the total revenue will be 85 billion US dollars, and the future profit is certain!”

“The valuation of 260 billion US dollars has become the top five companies in Huaxia by market capitalization, which is awesome!”

“A Deep Blue Group, an Anshi Technology… Let’s just say that Anjing Niu Batch! ”

“The account has been opened, and it is waiting for Anshi Technology to go public!”

“A and Hong Kong stock accounts are opened, just wait for Anshi Technology to go public… If you can’t apply for new shares, then wait for the listing to buy a little! ”

“Sit back and wait for the day when Anshi Technology dominates the rivers and lakes and surpasses Microsoft, Apple, and Google!”

“It may take more than ten years, right?!”

“It is not difficult to see from the prospectus that the current position of Anshi Technology is still unstable, and it needs to invest funds for the research and development of graphene semiconductors and holographic technology…”

“Always maintain the advantage, the market value of Apple and other companies has declined, the market value of Anshi Technology has risen, and it is simple to surpass overseas technology companies!”


After the disclosure of the official prospectus of Anshi Technology.

The valuation of $260 billion surprised countless people, but they did not find it impossible to accept.

Just the lead brought by graphene semiconductors and holographic technology is enough to support this valuation.

According to incomplete statistics of major securities companies.

Only 7 copies!

Or rather… Just Anshi Technology announced its listing, and Huaxia’s newly opened stock trading accounts reached more than 70 million!!

It’s terrifying!!

It’s really Anshi Technology

All want to buy shares of Anshi Technology and put them there to increase in value.

Anshi Technology submitted an IPO prospectus in early July and applied for listing.

After the listing application documents are accepted by the SFC, they are subject to communication and feedback from the pre-examiner, followed by a pre-disclosure update and a preliminary review meeting.

After completing this, go to the issuance review meeting (commonly known as the upper meeting).

After passing the issuance review meeting, you need to wait for the CSRC to issue a formal issuance approval, and you can choose an auspicious day to list.

Generally speaking, from the prospectus disclosure to the successful IPO.

It will take several months.

Some companies apply for listing, which may take several years to pass.

There are many companies applying for listing, and many companies are lining up.

At this time, if you want to pass the meeting quickly… If you want to go public quickly, it depends on the size and strength of your company.

A super-large company like Anshi Technology can be said to be highly valued by the stock exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission… The exchange even went to lobby himself.

The underwriters are even stronger.

The company’s own scale, strength, background, and all aspects are very strong, and the IPO review is naturally fast!

Just 20 days!

From the official presentation of the IO prospectus to the submission of the application to the meeting… It only took 20 days.

Breaking the record for the fastest meeting.

It took only 49 days from the formal submission of the prospectus to the meeting;

It took only 36 days from the formal submission of the prospectus to the meeting, which can be called “fast meeting”!

The Mingde era is faster than Foxconn, and it took only 24 to submit the prospectus, which is the speed of light.

Anshi Technology directly broke the record of Matilda Field this time… It only took 20 days to get by!

When Ant Financial was first listed, it took a lot of time to officially carry out the AB share reform pilot, various discussions, reviews, meetings, etc.

So did not break the record of the Matilda era!

Anshi Technology has been listed for two years compared to Ant Financial, and various policy reforms have matured, directly applied for listing, and passed quickly.




Gangdong District, Anshi Technology Headquarters Building.

Anjing appeared in Anshi Technology.

“The company’s listing application has been approved, the follow-up roadshow still has to continue, and you will be responsible for this aspect of the matter!”

“If the bell rings, I should attend, and call a few people on the company’s side…”

“By the way, the last time Yisou was resuming listing, when the Yisou ecosystem was integrated, please come over and participate in the listing of Anshi Technology together!”

This time, though, it was Anshi Technology

Yisou originally went to war with Qiandu to let netizens build the ecology of Yisou together.

Based on the contributions made by netizens, a contribution list was set up.

The first place in the contribution list is invited to participate in the listing of Anshi Technology, and it is definitely no problem.

It has made significant contributions to Yisou and also made great contributions to Anshi Technology.

Because Yisou is a subsidiary of Anshi Technology. _

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