(It is difficult to write in the later stage, and it is impossible to write all kinds of … It’s a bit sore and I’m making adjustments to try to avoid those sensitive things. )

“Classmate An Jing, what do you think about the signing of 8 billion US dollars in funds by the United States for the research and development of new fighter jets?”

In the past few days, the actions of the United States have been seen in their eyes.

After the “1 August” naval parade.

F35 strayed into “intercepted skies over the blue ocean;

The $8 billion R&D fund signed by the United States is used for the research and development of new fighter jets.

8 billion US dollars, that is, more than 56 billion Chinese dollars.

In the development of the entire fighter, there really is not much.

But only for research and development, it is not less.

In addition, the military weapons and defense work of the United States are outsourced.

Military contractors have accumulated technology.

The $8 billion military budget almost fell directly into the hands of military contractors, and it was enough to come up with a research and development plan for a new generation of fighters.

For Academician Wang Jianan’s question, An Jing seemed very calm: “Expectedly, for now, our J-35 fighters can still stay ahead!” ”

Even if the US military industry enterprise comes up with a research and development plan for a new generation of fighters and creates a new fighter, it is impossible to compare with the J-35 fighter.

There are gaps in all aspects of materials!

Even because of Anjing’s Nobel Prize achievements, countries around the world have made a lot of breakthroughs in the field of materials and have made great progress in the field of materials.

But the relevant results are in the past few years… Isn’t there a breakthrough on the Deep Blue Group’s side?

The J-35 fighter has long been upgraded!

Academician Wang Jianan nodded and said with some concern: “If this development continues, the war may not break out, but it may turn into an arms race…”

The so-called arms race is the current peacetime, when hostile or potentially hostile countries are imaginary enemies of each other.

For example, the United States regards China as its worst enemy and competes in the quality and quantity of military equipment.

For example, Huaxia developed a new generation of fighters – J-35!

The United States will invest huge amounts of money to develop a better fighter than the Huaxia J-35 fighter.

Compete with each other like that!

It’s the arms race!

The arms race is a very large consumption … Not only all aspects of the national finance, but also the competition and consumption of talents, research and development capabilities, etc.

When a country falls into this state of arms race, it may lead to major mistakes in a country’s economic system, national construction, personnel training and arrangement, and so on.

It can eventually lead to a country falling apart.

The Soviet Union at the time… It was thus disintegrated, and finally disappeared in the eyes of everyone and became history.

Academician Wang Jianan is also worried that this may turn into an arms race.

Academician Hu Yinghua looked at it with a smile and said: “Academician Wang doesn’t have to worry at all, we are currently staying ahead, and the country will not fall into that state of arms race… We also have Major General An Jing, and the Deep Blue Group! ”

“Our research and leadership, not only in terms of fighters, but also in all aspects, will continue to succeed and achieve leadership in the future!”

“When you take the lead across the board, it’s an insurmountable barrier!”

“At that time, it will not be an arms race, just wishful thinking on the other side…”

Huaxia’s current research is very correct and planned.

It’s just that the United States itself is catching up.

An arms race is totally unnecessary.

When Huaxia took the lead in all aspects, the United States continued to catch up, constantly invested funds, and fought from east to rake to west.

In the end, it led to problems in all aspects of the United States’ own economy…

“It’s also said that we have An Jing and Deep Blue Group, let’s let them catch up!”

Academician Wang Jianan does not bother with these.

The national conditions and profound inheritance doom China not to engage in any arms race like the Soviet Union and the United States.

Every step of official development is planned.

There will be no such situation in the United States.

They are currently working at the Blue Ocean Nuclear Energy Research Center.

Blue Ocean Nuclear Energy Research Center is the largest nuclear energy research center in China.

China’s largest nuclear power plant is also located on this side of the blue ocean.

Blue Ocean’s Nuclear Energy Research Center was established in 2018 and is a military research institute.

Founded by Huaxia Nuclear Industry Group and Huaxia Zhongneng Group, together with Huaxia Navy, it gathers the top talents in nuclear and atomic energy in China.

In the framework agreement on strategic cooperation on military-civilian integration in related fields, the two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in relevant construction planning and demonstration, professional force building, joint training and exercises, and major project construction.

Promote the innovative development of military-civilian integration.

The 004 aircraft carrier, originally planned to be a conventionally powered aircraft carrier, has now become a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and the research institute has provided great help.

An Jing is not the first time he has been here.

He was here when he first developed special alloys.

This time, it was also Academician Hu Yinghua who invited An Jing over.

“There are still some defects and flaws in the nuclear reactor used on the Fuzhou aircraft carrier, and the second generation of special alloys of Deep Blue Group has been released for a while, and the reactor of the 005 aircraft carrier always has some problems to solve!”

This is the reason why Academician Hu Yinghua invited An Jing over.

A new generation of specialty alloys.

The person who knows this material best is still Anjing.

In addition to this, Deep Blue Group has some other alloys.

There is also graphene technology mastered by Anshi Technology.

Graphene is the king of materials, and it is also useful in nuclear reactors.

The discovery and breakthrough of these new materials is of great help to the research of nuclear reactors.

“The decay here, want to move away from the nuclides of the stable line, form a decay chain of fission fragments, and during the decay process, some nuclei may emit neutrons to further complete the fission process…”

“Nuclear fission is still somewhat inadequate, it would be better if it was nuclear fusion!!”

When An Jing first arrived at the Nuclear Energy Research Center, he had opened up related skills in the big treasure chest.

Coupled with his mechanic’s god-level skills and related skills in the field of materials, Anjing can also be regarded as very researched in terms of nuclear energy.

If it is only a single skill or knowledge, it does not make Anjing a leader in the relevant field.

But…… The various skills of An Jing’s whole body, the knowledge developed by the skill book, is combined.

Definitely not 1+1=2 that is simple!!

There will be a chemical reaction that complements and derives from each other.

Anjing can use these abilities and knowledge from each other, and will not be locked up in one aspect of research.

His ideas, research directions, some ideas… It’s really fantastic.

They all have their own set of theories, not just random talk.

The director of the Nuclear Energy Research Center said: “We are also working on controlled nuclear fusion, and the whole world is doing it. ”

“But there are too many problems with this research.”

“This is still the announcement of Major General Anjing’s Nobel Prize research results, a certain breakthrough in materials, and a certain breakthrough in nuclear fusion research…”

“There is still a long way to go to truly master controlled nuclear fusion!”

“At the current stage, the nuclear reactor used on the aircraft carrier is still fission energy…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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