Chapter 409 Stock Price Stable

After Anjing and Anshi Technology issued an announcement.

Anshi Technology’s stock price in the morning, since its listing, has finally declined!!

As of the close of the morning, the stock price of Anshi Technology closed at 338.47 yuan, with a market value of 59570.72 yuan!

Compared with yesterday’s close of 5.99 trillion, the market value of nearly 6 trillion yuan fell by more than 30 billion Chinese coins.

The total share capital of Anshi Technology is there!

The market value decline of 30 billion yuan is actually very small, and the share capital of 17.6 billion shares, that is, each share fell by two or three dollars.

However, this morning’s decline is also a little cooler for Anshi Technology.

Many retail investors also know.

This is a big dealer trading!

With the size of Anshi Technology, it is not yet a bookmaker operating behind the scenes.

There are quite a few bookmakers who have joined forces.

Those news on the Internet that Anshi Technology is expected to hit the world’s first market capitalization… A lot of it was posted by the bookmakers behind the scenes.

It is to let shareholders blindly follow up!

Buying up rather than buying down has almost become the practice of countless investors in Huaxia.

Whether it’s the stock market, or house prices… Countless investors in Huaxia have done this.

If there is no Anshi Technology and Anjing issued an announcement to cool down.

No doubt…

These behind-the-scenes bookmakers really have the potential to pull the stock price of Anshi Technology to a trillion-dollar market value.

Even becoming the world’s largest company by market capitalization is not a problem.

As long as someone buys the order to take over!

“Boss, what about the afternoon?”

A trading room for an investment bank.

The trader looked at his boss and asked how to operate when the stock market opened in the afternoon?

“I’ll take a look at the analytics and data!”

There are still many hours to go until the afternoon open.

A professional investment institution with its own analytics department providing a variety of data.

Anshi Technology and Anjing stood up to make announcements, and the effect was still great.

The main thing is that the reputation of Anshi Technology itself is too good!

And Anjing’s status is there.

Everyone has great trust in Anjing, and did not blindly follow the stock market of Anshi Technology, waiting for Anshi Technology to cool down.

According to the data collected by the data analysis department, the trading volume of Anshi Technology’s stock fell by 40% this morning!!

It’s no wonder that it’s useless for the dealer to pull up behind his back.

Anshi Technology official, and Anjing personally stood up to cool the company’s stock price.

It was a basin of ice water that poured down, allowing countless shareholders to calm down.

The listing of Anshi Technology is indeed a carnival.

For investors who want to hold their shares for a long time.

They have participated in this carnival, holding shares of Anshi Technology and waiting for the future;

For short-term operations, people who want to make a profit, the first few price limit boards can be shot, and they can also make a lot of money.

Only greedy people, this is the most uncomfortable!

There are only greedy people, if there is no technology itself and Anjing personally stand up to cool down the stock price.

In the end, he may become a receiver who takes over the high position.

“We’ve earned enough, let’s cash out some of it.”

“There is no need to cash out all of it, leave a part of the shares to hold for a long time, Anshi Technology is still very optimistic about the future!”

The boss, who returned to the trading room, immediately gave the order.

This directive is staged in many other domestic and foreign investment institutions.

It’s almost all about cashing out a portion to make money!

Keep a portion for the long term!

In the afternoon, the stock of Anshi Technology ushered in a trading peak!

A real peak!

Higher than the volume of previous days combined!

Didn’t do the opposite! In the previous trading days, the stock price of Anshi Technology was pulled up by institutions in the back.

The opening is quickly up and down, and there is no way to trade it.

After the official of Anshi Technology, An Jing personally stood up to cool down the company’s stock price.

Major institutions began to cash out one after another, releasing their stocks.

Only other people can buy shares to trade.

There were 1.76 billion shares in circulation, and the trading volume reached 100 million shares throughout the afternoon.

With such a trading volume, the stock price of Anshi Technology has not risen much.

Maintained in a smooth phase.

Everyone tacitly did not break this stock price.

Anyway, hang this price, can be traded out.

If you can’t trade it, forget it.

But overall, as of the end of the afternoon, Anshi Technology’s stock price still fell 1%!

Before approaching the market value of 6 trillion Chinese dollars, even if it was only 1%, there was 60 billion!

Then the next day.

Anshi Technology’s stock price trading volume is even bigger!

Because the day before it cooled down, people on the sidelines really found that the stock price could not rise, and at this time, many people had already doubled the stocks they held, so they chose to drop their pockets.

Ordinary shareholders are also ready to cash out.

At this time, institutions want to deliberately control the stock price.

The stock price of Anshi Technology finally ushered in a big fall!

A 3% drop in one day!

Fell more than 170 billion Chinese coins!

Market capitalization: 57618 Huaxia coins.

At this time, the stock price of Anshi Technology can be said to have completely cooled down.

In the next two days, the stock price of Anshi Technology did not rise or fall much.

Everyone also knows where the stock price of Anshi Technology will not fall.

“Is it good to start at this time?”

“The stock price is very stable these days, you should be able to start, right?”

“You can start, you can’t fall anywhere!”

“At this time, the stock price of Anshi Technology is not something that ordinary bookmakers can influence, and many investment institutions choose to cash out a part of the stock and put it into the pocket for An… But still hold a part of the shares, optimistic about the future of Anshi Technology! ”

“The market value of more than 800 billion US dollars is already very high, and Anshi Technology will not have any chance of doubling in the future, but it is still very considerable to hold for a long time.”


At this time, ordinary shareholders also began to buy shares of Anshi Technology one after another.

Anshi Technology’s stock price ushered in another wave of rise!

The increase is not very large.

The stock price of Anshi Technology in the following period of time was stable at about 6 trillion Chinese coins, about 857 billion US dollars.

It is still the listed company with the highest market value in Huaxia!

If there’s no big bad news or good news.

Anshi Technology is a long time in the future.

Stock prices will hover at this stage.

There is only major bad news, or good news.

will bring huge fluctuations to the stock price of Anshi Technology.

For such a stable stock price as Anshi Technology, everyone has seen it.

Many new shareholders are optimistic about the listing of Anshi Technology, so they open a stock account and buy the shares of Anshi Technology and put them there.

It’s just a long-term investment.

Many investment funds, at this time, also entered the market, buying the shares of Anshi Technology as a long-term holding object.

After the completion of financing, the investment in research and development is not visible to everyone.

But it is really working research and development.

In addition, Anshi Technology officially announced that in November around the CSL operating system, as well as the SL processor platform!

Host the Worldwide Developer Conference.

Because Anshi Technology launched a mature holographic operating system, overseas technology companies have to use Anshi Technology’s graphene chip standard;

Coupled with the holographic technology using Anshi Technology, the operating system also uses Anshi Technology’s standards.

As a result, the applications developed by developers and some other hardware interfaces can be used by Anshi Technology.

It is necessary for Anshi Technology to hold a global developer conference to further integrate global resources, form a huge platform, and consolidate its own standards! _

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