Chapter 448 An Jing personally student!

As for using the usual offshore companies, diluting and hiding their holdings by constantly cross-holding.

For Anjing… That’s just a lie.


A company like Deep Blue is not suitable to hide its shares in this way.

Offshore companies are registered overseas after all.

“Okay!” Wu Yumeng just wrote this down, ready to let the company’s people start counting Deep Blue’s assets.

Statistics in this regard, in fact, every year.

At the end of last year, there was a statistic, and half a year has passed this year, and a new statistic is needed.

Since it is only a new shareholder, the statistics on salary assets are definitely not the final say on Deep Blue’s side, nor the statistics on Wu Yumeng’s side… Third-party statistics are also required.

Thanks to the fact that Deep Blue One was not personally taken care of by Anjing, a third-party accounting firm was introduced to do relevant accounting a long time ago.

Now it will not be too difficult to count the company’s assets.

But it will take time.


Deep Blue University.

Founded in 2022, the first batch of students enrolled in September of the same year: 630 students.

The following year, Deep Blue University opened enrollment for graduate and doctoral students.

Today, Deep Blue University has two campuses with tens of thousands of teachers and students.

The first batch of students admitted to Deep Blue University have already applied for early graduation, completed enough credits, completed the relevant assessments, and were awarded the bachelor’s degree certificate of Deep Blue University.


An Jing, who has been keeping a low profile for a long time, finally appeared in front of everyone.

47 top students who applied for early graduation from Deep Blue University were awarded graduation certificates and degree certificates.

There were many onlookers at the scene.

Among them, there are many internal school magazines and news clubs of Deep Blue University, as well as local media in the local city of Qianzhou and Shudu.

After all, Deep Blue University itself is a top university here.

Yes…… In just a few years, there was continuous investment in Anjing.

In addition, countless people from Deep Blue Lab applied for Deep Blue University.

Among all private universities, Deep Blue University now has the highest admission score, no less than 985 and 211.

In a way, it is more popular than many 985s and 211s.

Such a university, the first batch of students enrolled, someone applied for graduation, naturally pay attention to it, report it.

In advance, no one knew that Anjing would come in person.

All that can be said is… The media that came over, really earned.

47 top students wearing bachelor’s uniforms personally presented certificates.

At the same time took a picture with them and said a few words of encouragement to him.

Among these 48 people, there was the champion of the original examination, the female student – Tanya!

And in order to take care of his father, Cha Dian gave up his studies, and with the help of school teachers, classmates, and villagers, he continued to complete his studies… The first to receive the admission letter of Blue University: Zhang Kai!

The surrounding family is average, and he needs to take care of his grandmother, and his father with disabled legs.

It can be said that he is a semi-senior in high school.

This number of times wanted to drop out of school, or his father with disabled legs forced him to die, and with the efforts of everyone, he completed the college entrance examination… I still took more than 600 exams.

Students who were finally admitted to Deep Blue University.

In addition, there are many other students, which can be said to be the first batch to join the top students of Deep Blue University.

“Professor An, I have graduated and completed the task you assigned!!”

After awarding the bachelor’s degree, Tanya, wearing a bachelor’s uniform, submitted a stack full of anticipation… Dozens of pages of information!!

Here’s her answer!

At the beginning, An Jing was teaching at Deep Blue University, and countless people wanted to be his students.

This student is not a student who usually interacts with An Jing in the university, but a fairly quiet graduate student and doctoral student…

In other words, a kind of student with a mentoring relationship.

At the beginning, An Jing gave a few topics, as long as someone could solve them in his four years in college, he personally accepted them as students.

Until now.

For two years, no one has answered the question of tranquility.

An Jing thought that the students who taught in the first class would not be answered by anyone after graduating in four years.

I didn’t expect that… Someone actually answered it?!

Moreover, it is also a top student who applies for experience graduation.

Three years… Or more than two years, it’s done?!

An Jing took a thick stack of materials: “I’ll take a look first.” ”

There is a lot of information, but the person who gave the question is An Jing, and he naturally knows the answer.

It’s quick to flip through.

For about five or six minutes, Anjing was sure… He had more than a few questions, and one of them was really solved by Tanya.

With a super memory, An Jing must know that Tanya is indeed a genius.

It is indeed rare for a girl to like a major in science.

According to the original agreement, An Jing said to Tanya: “Then after graduation, you sort it out, and then go to the Deep Blue Laboratory to find me!” ”

The development of controlled nuclear fusion, quiet this time, these two years may stay on the side of the Deep Blue Laboratory.

During this time, An Jing can take students well.

The remaining students can choose to continue their studies for master’s or doctoral studies, and they have also found good teachers.

In fact, Tanya here also wants the professor to be willing to let her go for master’s and doctorates.

However, Tanya solved An Jing’s problem, so she declined the invitation of other professors, in this regard… The professor on the Deep Blue University side just felt a pity.

At the same time, I am happy for Tianya.

Can become An Jing’s classmates, the future future is limitless, naturally no one wants to rob students with An Jing.

In addition to Tanya, An Jing also kept Zhang Kai.

It was not Zhang Kai’s family situation that made An Jing treat him differently.

But during these three years, Zhang Kai studied the field of materials, except for the basic scholarship, other aspects of his life were completed by his own loans, without accepting social donations.

In three years, Zhang Kai improved two materials and developed two materials.

He has 3 improvement interests and 12 invention patents.

Zhang Kai himself is already a researcher in the deep blue laboratory, the materials department.

Or very thoughtful, relatively powerful researchers.

Relying on this research alone, Zhang Kai has paid off the loan he originally went to college, and now has a net worth of nearly 10 million.

The family’s life was improved, and his father’s legs were also equipped with the right mechanical prosthetics, and the materials were researched by Zhang Kai.

It can be said that Zhang Kai not only studied well, but also resisted the pressure of the manager and wanted to make his father stand up, and he invested a lot of effort in research.

A young man in his 20s, plus often doing farm work… As the first student to get the notice from Deep Blue University, many people have seen the relevant reports.

Zhang Kai, who was only a teenager at that time, was already bent over by the heavy burden, studying and working every day, and taking care of his father and grandmother. As a teenager, he feels dark, thin, and old, like an old farmer in his thirties.

Now in his 20s, he is still thin and dark, and the hair on the back of his head is white, and people may believe him when he is forty.

This is a truly talented person who works very hard to maximize his talent! _

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