Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

The First Big Circuit Breaker Of The 184-Meter Stock 【2】


Six hours have passed since Chu Xuan predicted the US economic crisis.

It's already six o'clock in the morning.

But at this time, it happened to be the time when the sun in the United States had just set.

This matter quickly fermented.

caused a worldwide sensation.

The economic crisis belongs to the United States.

But the United States is also the world's largest economy.

In the whole world, it is the first ~ big country.

The economic crisis in the United States will undoubtedly sweep across all parts of the world-.

Within half a month, the economic crisis of going abroad.

will turn into a global economic crisis.

The Great Depression will befall the world again!

On the Internet, Western media and the public launched a round of scolding against Chu Xuan!

"It's all Chu Xuan's fault! The economic crisis in the United States!"

"Down with Chu Xuan! Trigger the economic crisis in the United States! This is persecution to the whole world!"

"People all over the world will live in dire straits in the next few years, and it's all Chu Xuan's fault!"

"Damn Chinese people, please apologize to the whole world!"

These remarks quickly fermented, and formed a siege against Chu Xuan on the Internet.

After seeing this kind of news.

Three question marks slowly appeared above the heads of the netizens of Tianchao.

Black question mark face.jpg


It is said that Western happy education has ruined many low-level people.

From this point of view, as expected.

What caused the economic crisis?

Isn't this caused by the US government and capitalists?

Wouldn't the economic crisis break out without Chu Xuan?

Chu Xuan just analyzed the economic crisis.

How to make it seem like the economic crisis was caused by Chu Xuan?

The people who had received the nine-year compulsory education in the Celestial Dynasty were completely speechless.

The remarks of these low-level people in the West are rubbing the nine-year compulsory education of the Chinese Empire on the ground!

Of course, this is only part of the rhetoric.

After all, both directions of education in the West are extreme.

One side is happy education, basically you can't learn much knowledge.

I can't even do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within ten.

At the other extreme is elite education.

It is certainly impossible for the people who have been educated by elites to be so ignorant.

But elite education is built with money.

It is always just a small number of people.

Most of the speeches were still overwhelmingly fired at.

As a result, a large number of netizens overcame the wall and went to the external network.

"Hahahahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter! The economic crisis broke out, why don't you ask the capitalists and the US government to spray Chu Xuan here?"

"Sure enough, the happiness education in the West makes people lose the most basic ability to judge."

"The capitalist fainted from laughing in the toilet this time, and someone actually took the blame for me?"

"WTF? Waterfark? I'm really shocked by such remarks! There are such stupid people in this world?"

"Not only are there such fools, but there are many!"

"It's clearly the fault of the capitalists and the government, but it's on Chu Xuan's head? I've never seen such a brazen person!"

"Wang Situ, calm down!"

It's six o'clock in the morning.

Chu Xuan didn't know about this matter.

Even if he knew, Chu Xuan would just shake his head and smile.

The stupidest thing a person can do is argue with a fool.

Such ridiculous words can be said.

Chu Xuan also took it as a joke.

As a matter of fact, Chinese netizens did take this incident as a joke.

Countless jokers on Weibo began to write jokes.

Countless video bloggers on Douyin have edited these and made them into videos, which has brought a lot of happiness to netizens.

Even CCTV's official media account came out to join in the fun, which really made many netizens laugh.

The employees of Magic Sky Private Equity stayed up all night.

Although tired, but the state of mind is highly excited!

Because, rice stocks fell badly!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has fallen into a dog!

Most of the employees have never seen rice stocks fall so badly in their lifetime.

It was so bad that even my own mother couldn't recognize it.

"This drop, even when we are in the A-share bear market, isn't it?" Liu Chuyan looked at the big screen, shaking her head and laughing.

At this moment, there are thousands of stocks in rice stocks, except for today's good news.

Or stocks that were not greatly affected by the economic crisis fell less.

More than 90% of the remaining stocks are falling!

Among them, the decline of Apple and Amazon is as high as 10% and 12%!

The company evaporated hundreds of billions in an instant!

Other stocks fell even worse.

After all, giants have sufficient cash flow and the economic crisis has had a great impact, but they can also grit their teeth and survive.

But other small and medium-sized companies do not have this ability to resist risks at all.

The outbreak of the economic crisis will affect the whole body, and these companies may go bankrupt within the next year.

0…ask for flowers………

Some stocks are now down more than 50%!

Cut directly!

And, this is far from over!

"The Dow Jones Index fell to -6.94%! It's going to be a circuit breaker!"

The employees shouted excitedly!

The Dow Jones Index is related to the US stock market as a whole.

U.S. stock market regulations.

Once the Dow Jones Index fell -7% in a single day, the first circuit breaker would be triggered.

Then, the stock market will stop trading for 15 minutes.

Wait 15 minutes after opening again.

If the Dow continues to fall, the decline will reach -13%.

Then the rice stock will trigger the second circuit breaker.

Stop trading for another 15 minutes.

Wait 15 minutes to open again, if the Dow continues to fall.

After falling to -20%.

Directly trigger the third fuse!

Three fuses a day!

Rice stocks will be completely closed today!

Because, rice stocks... crashed!

This is a hallmark event of an economic crisis.

After the rice stock crashes, it will cause a global panic.

further exacerbated the outbreak of the economic crisis.

Countless funds will be withdrawn from rice stocks.

The people hold their money and dare not spend it.

They dare not spend money, which further causes the stagnation of wealth circulation and accelerates the vortex of economic crisis.

There is no time for a few years, and it is impossible to get out.

"Breaking, blowing! The Dow Jones index fell to -7%!!! Rice stocks are blown!"

Suddenly, an industry analyst pointed at the screen and yelled excitedly, looking crazy!

Rice stocks, the first blowout!

The Dow Jones Index fell -7%, and the entire US stock market directly evaporated tens of trillions of funds.

Except for a few stocks that did not fall.

More than 95% of the remaining stocks all fell! The fall was extremely miserable!

This is just the first blowout.

If it is blown three times.

What is certain is that no single stock in the stock market will rise again.

By that time, all stocks, without exception, will all fall!

At that time, the entire U.S. stock market will be red! There will be no green!

Because, Caiguo's stock market is the opposite of China's.

In rice stocks, red means down and green means up.

In China, red is rising and green is falling. .

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