After hearing Lu Xingfan’s words, the head of state looked very solemn. Before he could continue to ask questions, the emergency contact number from the military was dialed.

“Hello, head of state, I am Zhou Zhengxiong. There is bad news from the control room of the military’s Qiming Satellite Navigation System. In 27 minutes, a major earthquake of at least 8.2 magnitude will erupt in Guangchuan City, Shuzhou, and the serious impact will be Reaching 130,000 square kilometers.

We must take measures immediately.”The call from General Kaiguo completely confirmed Lu Xingfan’s news.

At this time, there was no time to summon other cabinet members. The head of state directly called one after another. The first call was made to the governor of Shuzhou.

At this time, it is better to believe that the earthquake happened than not! Since the satellite warned of the earthquake half an hour in advance, measures must be taken.

Wrong, it is just a panic at most , if the early warning comes true and no measures are taken, it will be an unforgivable crime.

When the government began emergency deployment, Lu Xingfan’s order was also conveyed to Galaxy Electronics Group and Galaxy Internet Group.

Galaxy Electronics Group owns In Yanlong’s country, all Xinghui smartphones sold in China have emergency warning permissions. This kind of permission is not used at all at ordinary times, and will only be activated in very critical moments.

And this time, it is a very urgent moment.

In All Xinghui smartphones whose phones were located in Shuzhou sounded a piercing alarm sound at the same moment. The sound was so loud that even people who were sleeping were woken up.

“Didi – Didi -, Alarm -, Alert -, Qiming satellite navigation system warning, the earthquake will erupt in 26 minutes, all residents are asked to take shelter in safe areas immediately”

“Didi – Didi -, Alert -, Alert -, Qiming satellite navigation system warning, the earthquake will erupt in 25 minutes and 40 seconds, all residents are asked to take shelter in safe areas immediately”


The alarm sounds of Xinghui smartphones and the constantly flashing red screen suddenly stimulated people’s nerves to a tense state.

For those who do not have Xinghui smartphones, Shuzhou earthquake warning information from various platforms of Galaxy Internet Group is popping up on the mobile screen like crazy.

Just when people were hesitant or had already taken action, the official air raid warning from Shuzhou sounded, and major TV stations frantically issued earthquake warnings.

At this moment, those who were still hesitating became completely panicked and quickly started running downstairs.

Those who live in high-rise buildings don’t have time to take the elevator and just start running down the corridor.

Everyone in Shuzhou who had received the news and notifications were in a panic, running downstairs in a hurry, and then looking for a wide road or square to escape.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, twenty-six minutes passed.

At this time, countless people were already standing in the wide square or on the road. The vehicles that were originally flowing in a steady stream also stopped. Everyone was nervously watching the countdown on their mobile phones.


Violent shaking occurred under the panic expressions of people. Even on the wide ground, the sudden violent shaking caused many people to lose their feet and fall to the ground.

The earthquake broke out, and the strong shaking caused the earth to crack, and high-rise buildings collapsed one after another visible to the naked eye.

“ah——”””Dad, I’m scared.”

Countless people screamed in fear, looking at the high-rise buildings that collapsed in the blink of an eye, as well as sections of cracked ground, and countless collapsed public facilities.

With Guangchuan City in Shuzhou as the center, surrounding areas A very violent earthquake broke out in more than 20 cities, counties, and townships at the same time, affecting more than 130,000 people and reaching 150,000 square kilometers.

Among these 150,000 square kilometers, the earth cracked, high-rise buildings and all Almost all the houses and public facilities collapsed, and the scene was very tragic.

In addition to the entire Shuzhou, there are also 23 states in the country such as Yunshan Prefecture, Guchen Prefecture, and Yihuan Prefecture adjacent to Shuzhou. They also felt the or An obvious or slight earthquake was felt.

The earthquake erupted in just a few seconds. Decades of construction achievements in more than 20 cities, counties, and townships, including Guangchuan City, were almost destroyed in an instant.

Looking from the entire sky In the past, only some buildings and houses under the Galaxy Construction Group were still standing on the land, and the rest were all in ruins.

Everyone in Guangchuan City and more than 20 cities, counties, and townships looked at the scene in confusion. In the ruined homes, countless people could not help crying.

“An 8.3-magnitude earthquake hit an area of 140,000 square kilometers, alas! This is truly an unprecedented disaster. Fortunately, everyone should be fine. With 26 minutes of warning in advance, if he still can’t escape, then God is determined to take his life away.”

Lu Xingfan looked at the satellite observation images and the detected earthquake energy level in the control room, shook his head, and then left.

After the earthquake broke out, more than 20 cities, counties, and townships, including Guangchuan City, covered an area of 140,000 square meters. The vast area of kilometers was directly cut off from the outside world. Under the strong earthquake, all the signal towers were destroyed.

“Tell Galaxy Communications Group that the fifty low-orbit communication satellites that have been launched will be given priority to ensure communications throughout Shuzhou and let the outside world know the situation in Shuzhou.”Lu Xingfan returned to the office and issued the order.

“It’s connected, it’s connected, great, the phone has signal.”

With the full efforts of Galaxy Communications Group, in just half an hour, communications with the outside world in Guangchuan City and other areas were finally restored, and the outside world finally learned about the situation in the earthquake-stricken areas.

“How is the situation? Has communication been restored?”All members of the cabinet have gathered in the office, anxiously awaiting the results.

“Reporting to the head of state, prime minister, and ministers, communications in Guangchuan City and other earthquake-stricken areas have returned to normal. According to what we have learned, this earthquake broke out. Because of the early warning, almost everyone ran to safety before the earthquake. wide area.

Therefore, the number of casualties in this unprecedented earthquake disaster is expected to be very small, but the strong earthquake caused the collapse of most buildings covering an area of 140,000 square kilometers, and the economic losses will be huge.”The secretary of the head of state replied.

After hearing this, all the cabinet members breathed a long sigh of relief and let go of their worries. The head of state waved his hand and said:”As long as people are fine, the collapsed buildings and economic losses are nothing. Just rebuild it.

As for how the communication was restored so quickly this time, I remember that when earthquakes occurred in the past, it would take at least three days before some communication could be restored.”

The secretary replied:”I have asked about this matter. It is Galaxy Communications Group. They had a ‘Sky Constellation’ plan before, which wanted to launch more than 800 low-orbit communication satellites and integrate them with the previous Qiming navigation system. , to create a satellite communication interconnection network.

This time, they adjusted the fifty satellites that had been launched to restore communications in the earthquake-stricken areas.”

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