"In fact, speaking of it, this is also fate!"

Wang Zuo hugged Su Zeming excitedly, slowly separated, turned to look at Wang Zhitao, and said,"I came here to eat, but I didn't expect to meet Zhitao."

"I wanted Zhitao to go to dinner with me, but he said you were here too, so I came here uninvited and waited for you directly."

What a coincidence!

Su Zeming looked at Wang Zhitao

"Yes! Wang

Zhitao also came over, opened his hands, gave Su Zeming a big hug, and said:"We met in the hall just now. Wang Zuo called me, and I noticed that he was here too. I originally wanted to come." I'm telling you, but Wang Zuo said he would give you a surprise."

Su Zeming slowly separated from Wang Zhitao, smiled slightly, and said,"It's really a big surprise."

"Let me just say it!"

Wang Zuo smiled proudly.

"What about these two?"

Su Zeming looked at the two people standing behind. Su Zeming didn't know the identities of these two people, but when he saw one of them, Su Zeming felt a little familiar.

It seemed that he had seen it somewhere......

However, the impression is not so profound.

"Zeming, come on, let me introduce it to you!"Wang Zuo excitedly pulled Su Zeming and walked towards the dining table. 22 He walked to the dining table and pointed at Hong Ye


Wang Zuo said excitedly:"She is from the Hong family in Yanjing City. She is the daughter of my aunt and the Hong family that my cousin married.""

Hong family? It turns out to be the Hong family in Yanjing City. No wonder it looks familiar.

Su Zeming suddenly realized that although the Hong family is not close to his Su family, the other party has some connections with the Wang family. Maybe he saw it in some Wang family activities. Passed Hongye

"Hello Mr. Su!"

Hong Ye greeted quickly.

"What Mr. Su! Before Su Zeming could speak, Wang Zuo said directly:"We are all in the same circle, or of the same generation. Don't call people like this less, just call them Mr. Su or Zeming!""

"Then it becomes clear!"

Wang Zuo looked at Su Zeming seriously.

"Um! We are all young people, so you can call me Ze Ming!"Su Zeming wants to give Wang Zuo face, but he doesn't like the name Su Shao.

Because he has always wanted to get rid of the influence of his father Su Can and let people see that he, Su Zeming, is also very powerful. , was able to achieve such great results not because he was Su Can’s son.

But because he was Su Zeming........

"Well, then I will ask you to understand."

Hong Ye's eyes were a little surprised. He didn't expect that Su Zeming was so easy to talk to. A sudden joy appeared on his face.

"That one!"

Su Zeming nodded to Hong Ye, then looked at Luo Qinghua. Wang Zuo looked at it, pursed his lips and smiled, and said,"Let Zhitao introduce this one to you!"

"He is Zhi Tao's friend, and it is most appropriate for Zhi Tao to introduce him."

This person was brought by Wang Zhitao!

Su Zeming looked at Wang Zhitao

"Then it becomes clear!"Wang Zhitao didn't pause, stretched out his hand and introduced:"This is called Luo Qinghua, he is from Qilu, his father works in Qilu, his name is Luo Qianzhang."

Luo Qianzhang?

When Su Zeming heard this name, his pupils flashed slightly. It was a strange color that was difficult to detect. Neither Wang Zhitao nor Wang Zuo nor Luo Qinghua nor Hong Ye saw it.

So that's it.......

After Su Zeming heard Wang Zhitao's words, he understood everything instantly.

At the same time, I also understood why Manager Ye of Yingyue Mansion respected him so much. It turned out that all this was due to Luo Qinghua!

Luo Qianzhang is one of the top five big shots in Qilu and has a very high status. As Luo Qianzhang's son, Luo Qinghua can almost walk sideways in Quancheng.

When he comes to Yingyue Mansion, can Yingyue Mansion not please him?

Co-authored, this is not the reason for Wang Zuo.

In Qilu, in the realm of Quancheng, Luo Qinghua's influence is greater than Wang Zuo's, and Wang Zuo comes here to eat, taking Hong Ye with him.

This is no accident either!

"Zhitao! Wang Zuo!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Zeming smiled bitterly in his heart. They were sold, and they were stupidly counting the money for them!

However, the matter did not become a big deal. His father I gave Uncle Wang Er some face and suppressed the matter without pursuing it to the Luo family and the Hong family.

Wang Zuo would not know about it..........

As for Wang Zhitao.

Su Zeming didn't even think that Wang Zhitao would know such internal affairs, because Wang Zhitao seemed to have assets of several hundred million and was worth a lot of money. He was considered a rich man.

But in that circle, even the lowest level is not counted.

At all, he is not qualified to join this circle. His foundation is still too thin, unless it takes more than ten or twenty years.

He certainly doesn't know either.

Therefore, these were all planned by Hong Ye and Luo Qinghua.


Su Zeming nodded slightly towards Luo Qinghua.

"Su, Mr. Su, hello!"

When Luo Qinghua heard Su Zeming's words, he quickly greeted Su Zeming. Hong Ye could call Su Zeming"Zeming".

But he didn't dare........

At least Hong Ye was still a member of the Hong family in Yanjing City, and although his father had a high status in Qilu, he was not qualified to call Su Zeming Young Master Su!

"We are all our own people, why are you so polite!"

Wang Zhitao said carelessly:"Qinghua has helped me a lot in Quancheng. It is clear that the latest orders my company has received were all helped by Qinghua. This is so loyal."

He helped Luo Qinghua speak. During this period, Luo Qinghua really helped him a lot. Without Luo Qinghua, he wouldn't have been able to get those official 903 orders.

To him, Luo Qinghua, It's indeed interesting


When Su Zeming heard this, he looked deeply at Luo Qinghua and said with a smile:"Mr. Luo, you have helped Zhitao so much. I really want to thank you, Mr. Luo."

Seeing Su Zeming's smile, Luo Qinghua and Hong Ye's expressions changed slightly.

They seemed to realize that something was not right.

Because Su Zeming's eyes were too sharp, like a sharpened blade, piercing through Deep in their hearts, they saw through all their little thoughts.

This person is scary.

Is there really someone so scary?

The two of them were shocked.

"Su, Mr. Su, just call me Qinghua. I don’t dare to use the word"Mr. Luo"."

Luo Qinghua swallowed with a dry throat and a smile on his face, but the smile was vague, a little abnormal and a little awkward.

A few drops of sweat broke out on his forehead.........


Su Zeming smiled meaningfully and said

"Yes Yes Yes! Luo

Qinghua said quickly

"Is it clear? What's wrong?"Wang Zuo suddenly realized that something was wrong. Although he couldn't see anything just now, Su Zeming's words made him faintly feel that something was wrong.

After all, he was born in a big family in Yanjing City, and some things were born with keenness.

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