Xiao Heng waited for Liu Shengming to leave his office, then went to Li Shuhua to explain, and after approving the money to Li Shuhua, he left Stellar Investment and went to Sands Media to find Song Yi.

Sands Media, Xiao Heng originally acquired the shares of Sands Media from Lisboa Casino to get out of trouble.

I thought I would sell it when the stock price rose.

After such a long time, under Song Yi's management, Sands Media's stock price has returned to its peak.

But now he doesn't want to sell it.

As for the reason? There is three.

One is for Song Yi.

If he sells Sands Media, where will Song Yi go?

It is better for women to have their own careers.

Only a woman with a career will be independent and independent, and will not be too clingy to men.

So if he doesn't sell Sands Media now, he will treat it as an investment in Song Yi and give Song Yi a platform for development.

Let Song Yi fully demonstrate and reflect her life value.

The second is for Yang Chaoran.

His deal with Yang Chaoran is to invest in five films worth over 100 million yuan for Yang Chaoran in the next three years.

If he sells Sands Media now, he will not be able to complete the deal.

Third, he is optimistic about the future of the entertainment industry.

This is an era where entertainment comes first, and since he has acquired two companies, Xinglang and Bibo, it would be a waste of resources if he does not have an entertainment company in his hands.

And this is why he came to Sands Media to find Song Yi today.

He feels that it is necessary to adjust the future business focus of Sands Media and increase investment in the company's film and television investment department and artist department, so that Sands Media can truly become a media group, not limited to the Magic City, but looking at the whole country and the world..

In addition, he came to Sands Media to find Song Yi because he didn't know whether Song Yi's family had left his and Song Yi's home in Azure Garden.

Regarding Song Yi's family, he couldn't help Song Yi make decisions or help Song Yi deal with it. Song Yi could only deal with it by herself.

If he were to take action, it would be certain that Song Yi's brother Song Kai would be sent to prison.

As soon as Xiao Heng walked into his office at Sands Media, Song Yi hurried to his office to see him after receiving the news.

"Brother Heng~~"Song Yi came to Xiao Heng, hugged Xiao Heng with both hands, and shouted with tears in her eyes

"Song Yi, what's wrong with you? Why have you become so haggard?"Xiao Heng looked at Song Yi and asked with a frown.

Now Song Yi is no longer as dazzling as before.

Her eyes are dull and have dark circles......Everyone is haggard

"It's okay, I just didn't have a good rest these two nights. Song Yi pretended to be relaxed.

In the past two days, in addition to suffering the psychological pain of breaking off the relationship with her mother, she was also worried that Xiao Heng would give up on her because of her family's affairs.

Because since Xiao Heng left, he has treated her badly. Regardless, he didn't even send her a message, and because of her family's affairs, she couldn't take the initiative to call or send messages to Xiao Heng......It's so uncomfortable, she didn't sleep well for two days

"Yeah? Xiao Heng asked without believing it at all:"Song Yi, is it true that your family hasn't left yet and is still in our house?""

"No, I drove them away after you left the day before yesterday."After Song Yi said this, thinking about her severing the relationship with her mother, she could no longer control her emotions and started crying."Brother Heng, I have no family from now on, woo woo~~"

After Xiao Heng listened to Song Yi's words, he was stunned for a moment and then said to comfort him:"Don't cry, don't you still have me? As long as you don't leave me, I will never give up on you."

The meaning of Song Yi's words, He understands.

No family? This is severing ties with the family!

"Uh~woo~~...Um~~"Song Yi responded fiercely while sobbing. What she wants is Xiao Heng's words

"Okay, stop crying. You are the president of the company. The people below saw you crying so sadly in my office and thought I was bullying you. Xiao Heng diverted Song Yi's attention and said,"If your admirers come to trouble me, I will have a headache!""

"they dare~~"

"them? Song Yi, what you mean by this is that you have many admirers?"

"I have no admirers."After Song Yi said this, she didn't want to cause Xiao Heng to misunderstand. She wiped her tears and changed the subject:"Brother Heng, why did you come to the company today?"

"Look at me~~"When Xiao Heng saw Song Yi changing the subject, he pretended to remember when he came to Sands Media and said,"Song Yi, didn't I go to the capital a few days ago?"

"I went to the capital to pick up Xinglang and Bibo companies."

"Brother Heng, did you acquire Xinglang and Scarf? Are you now the mysterious boss of Xinglang and Bibo?"Song Yi asked in surprise.

She knew about Xiao Heng going to the capital, but in those two days because of her family and Wang Qiang's affairs, she didn't ask Xiao Heng what he was doing in the capital.

Of course, it was not easy for her to ask.

Xiao Heng is She couldn't control a prodigal, and she had given up on Xiao Heng. As for Xinglang being acquired?

The person Xinglang spun off turned out to be Xiao Heng.

This really surprised her!

However, after the surprise, as the president of a media company, she immediately thought of Xiao Heng's purpose in coming to the company.

"Brother Heng, do you want to adjust the company's future business focus? Increase investment in the company’s film and television investment department and artist department?"

"Well, that's what I mean. After Xiao Heng confirmed it, he looked at Song Yi and said,"Since you guessed it, you don't need me to teach you how to do it!""

"Of course you don’t need to teach me! Song Yi rolled her eyes and said,"If I ask you to teach me everything, what do you need me as the CEO to do?""

"Haha~~ You are quite enlightened!"Xiao Heng knocked Song Yi on the head with his hand and said with a smile.

"Disgusting~~it hurts."Song Yi thought that Xinglang and Bib could put Sands Media on the fast track of development, and she couldn't help but want to have a meeting with the company's senior management to arrange future work."Brother Heng, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to a meeting. Let’s arrange work!"

"Then go quickly! I'll sit for a while and then leave."Xiao Heng nodded in agreement.

"Brother Heng, are you going home tonight? Song Yi asked cautiously

"Come back!"

"Then after I finish arranging my work, I'll go back and cook for you."



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