At ten o'clock in the evening, the birthday dinner of Chen Yufang, the crew chief of Chen Xi's crew, came to an end.

At the dinner, there was no scene of the rich second generation showing off. Most of the people who came to attend Chen Yufang's birthday dinner worked in airlines and basically knew each other. There were only a few family members like Xiao Heng who were brought to attend.

Therefore, Chen Yufang's birthday dinner was held in a very harmonious and lively manner.

However, when Chen Xi announced that Xiao Heng was her boyfriend at the dinner, Xiao Heng still received malicious looks from two men who had admiration for Chen Xi.

But this was just a small episode in the progress of the birthday dinner and did not have much impact.

In the car back to the rental house. Chen

Xi snuggled in Xiao Heng's arms and watched the neon lights passing by outside the car window for a while. He suddenly turned back to Xiao Heng and asked,"Brother Heng, what do you think our future will be like?"

After tonight, Xiao Heng was truly In her circle of friends, Xiao Heng was her boyfriend and man, which made her a little elated and started to dream about her and Xiao Heng's future life.

"I don't know, but I know that as long as you hold my hand, I won't let you leave my side." Xiao Heng replied with a smile.

Although his answer was vague, he thought so.

He couldn't give Chen Xi everything he had, but he could guarantee that as long as Chen Xi followed him and didn't betray him, he would not let Chen Xi go.

"Brother Heng~~You are such a scumbag! Why can't you lie to me like you lie to other girls?"Chen Xi pouted and said unhappily.

She knew very well that Xiao Heng was everything to her, but she was not everything to Xiao Heng.

But she was a girl, and although she understood, she still wanted to hear what Xiao Heng had to say. : They will support each other and spend the rest of their lives together, just like she said, even if Xiao Heng lied to her and let her live in a dream or a lie.

"I don't want to lie to you, because you are more important to me than anyone else"

"Really? After Chen Xi came to his senses, he tilted his head to one side and said softly:"Huh~~ What the scumbag said is just nice to hear.""

"???"Xiao Heng threatened silently:"Chen Xi, do you believe that I will show you a scumbag now?"

You are the one who said he was a scumbag, why didn't he lie to you with sweet words?

After he lied to others, you were the one who called him a scumbag.

This is so bullying.

If he didn't scumbag Chen Xi, he wouldn't be worthy of the title of scumbag.

"Who is afraid of whom? Chen Xi threatened:"If you dare to slander me, I will rely on you for the rest of my life.""

"Okay~~I will let you rely on me for the rest of my life"

"don't want~~".........

The next day, morning.

When Xiao Heng woke up, he saw Chen Xi with blurred eyes, holding his chin in his hands and watching him think about something.

"What are you thinking about?"

"without...Didn't think anything of it. After Chen Xi said this with a blushing face, he changed the subject and said,"Brother Heng, what do you want to eat?" I'll make you breakfast"

"It's up to you! Anyway, I like to eat the breakfast you make."

"Woo ah~~"After hearing what Xiao Heng said, Chen Xi happily slapped Xiao Heng on his face and said,"You can sleep a little longer, and I'll make breakfast for you.""


Xiao Heng watched Chen Xi struggle to get up and get dressed. After going to the kitchen to make breakfast for him, he no longer felt sleepy.

Now that Chen Xi is his woman, it would be inappropriate for him to let Chen Xi live in such a dirty rental house.

He didn't know if Chen Xi was willing to live with him in the Magic City from now on.

But as far as he is concerned, he is from Chengdu. When he gets old, he will sooner or later return to his roots, so it is necessary for him to buy real estate in Chengdu.

So, Xiao Heng found his mobile phone and saw that the time was already 9:40 a.m., so he opened the stock trading software and logged in to his Hong Kong stock trading account.

It has been nearly half a month since he and Su Jing withdrew 200 million yuan from their stock trading account when they bought a house at Tomson Yipin last time.

In the past half month, he has taken ten minutes every day to operate stocks.

Therefore, after he cashed out 200 million yuan in his stock trading account, the remaining 220 million yuan in the account became the current 760 million yuan.

This also became his inexhaustible wallet.

Chengdu is an inland first-tier city. Although housing prices are not as high as those in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, they are not cheap either.

Now he wants to buy real estate in Chengdu, and with his current worth of tens of billions, he either doesn't buy it or buys the best one without any shortage of money.

In addition, he also wants to buy a car, and it is inconvenient not to have a car.

They went to a birthday dinner last night, and Wu Gang rented a car from a local car rental agency.

Therefore, he directly withdrew 300 million yuan from his stock trading account.

Then use the remaining 460 million yuan in the stock trading account to select 10 stocks that will rise sharply and buy them in full.

When all the operations were completed and the 300 million yuan withdrawn arrived, Xiao Heng heard Chen Xi shouting in the kitchen:"Brother Heng, get up and wash up quickly. Get ready to eat.""

"Oh~~here it comes."Xiao Heng responded, put down his phone, got up and washed up.

After breakfast,

Xiao Heng said to Chen Xi:"Chen Xi, pack up and accompany me to buy a house and a car later."

"Brother Heng, you don’t want to support me in Chengdu, do you?"Chen Xi came to Xiao Heng, held Xiao Heng's arm and asked with a smile.

She knew that Xiao Heng was very rich now.

And she just became Xiao Heng's woman last night, and Xiao Heng would take her to buy a car today. , Buying a house, isn’t this a way to support her?

"how? you are not willing? After Xiao Heng asked, he thought for a while and said,"If you don't want to stay in Chengdu, come to Shanghai with me after I attend my brother's wedding.""

He will rarely return to Chengdu in the future, so he also hopes that Chen Xi will go to the Magic City with him.

"I don’t want to go to Magic City with you"

"Shall I go to the Magic City with you and share you with the women in the Magic City?"

"Besides, my circle of friends is in Chengdu. If you don’t accompany me when I go to Shanghai, I won’t even have anyone to talk to."Chen Xi refused and explained

"Then you are still talking nonsense here?"

"Go clean it up quickly! Let’s try to move to a new home today"



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