Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it comes to October 3, Cao Feng’s wedding day.

Xiao Heng got up early and prepared to leave from Lin Yuqing's Muma Mountain villa to the hotel where Cao Feng held his wedding banquet.

However, as soon as he walked into the lobby of the villa, he was stopped by Lin Yuqing, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room:"Wait a minute."....."

"how? Something's wrong?"Xiao Heng frowned and asked indifferently.

In the past few days of his contact with Lin Yuqing, his relationship with Lin Yuqing did not develop in the direction he imagined. He conquered Lin Yuqing and fell in love with Lin Yuqing. Love being together.

But because he has now moved in with Lin Yuqing, Lin Yuqing seems to really take care of him, calling him around like a servant, ordering him to do this and that, the key is not to give her a The opportunity to kiss Fangze.

And this was nothing. What made him disgusted and unhappy now was when Lin Yuqing took him to meet her best friends the night before. Her best friends made fun of and humiliated him. Lin Yuqing did not come out to stand up for him, but stood aside and watched his jokes.

At that time, he wanted to fall out with Lin Yuqing, but he thought that he was the one who made Lin Yuqing a woman, and he was ready to give Lin Yuqing a chance. He had a chance.

If he and Lin Yuqing went to the Demon City to meet Lin Yuqing's parents, Lin Yuqing would not change at all. She would still treat him aloofly, still call him around, and still ignore him.......He gave up on Lin Yuqing.

As for Lin Yuqing’s threat? That evidence collected in the hotel at that time?

Go to hell!

No matter what, he would destroy Lin Yuqing humanely.

Here Xiao Heng really wants to say: The character setting of the protagonist Fei Lu is so stupid. He is a scumbag. He wants to abandon Lin Yuqing at any time and teach Lin Yuqing how to be a human being.

"Go put on the clothes I customized for you and drive my car to your brother's wedding!"Lin Yuqing ignored Xiao Heng's indifference, threw her Bentley Mulsanne car keys on the coffee table in front of her, and said to Xiao Heng.

Seeing that Lin Yuqing still looked aloof, Xiao Heng refused directly:"No need.."

After refusing, he did not wait for Lin Yuqing's response, opened the door of the villa and left.

Lin Yuqing, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Xiao Heng's leaving figure and couldn't help but frowned.

She knew that Xiao Heng was teasing her because of her girlfriends , humiliating him, she didn't save him, which made Xiao Heng feel disgusted and unhappy with her.

But she had no choice at that time, and she couldn't help Xiao Heng because she had also made fun of and insulted her best friends. The man they keep is like offending all her besties by helping Xiao Heng.

"Hey~~Forget it, after you accompany me back to meet my parents and help me get through the difficulties of the blind date, if you still can't bear that tone, I will let you go." Lin Yuqing thought secretly.

She also looked away from what Xiao Heng did in the hotel that day.

Which girl wouldn't be turned into a woman by a man?

Just because she was born in a wealthy family, she would not worry about life. , she has more choices and more time to choose and find her true love.

Xiao Heng turned her into a woman, which broke and ended the fantasy that she had been waiting for for nearly thirty years, and also opened up for her. A brand new door.

Now that she thought about the person she was, she felt that she was stupid.

If she had agreed to a certain boss' request to spend one night with her when she first came to Chengdu to become the head of the Chengdu branch, she would be the one she is now. Her net worth is no longer what it used to be.

Maybe she could have returned to the capital to take over her father's position, become the chairman of the company, and lead her family and her company to become more glorious, and she could be like her best friends. In the same way, if you are looking for flowers and willows, you can find any man you want, and support any man you want.

To be happy in life, it is not a bad idea to try all the men in the world. Just like men, there is no difference. Whatever a man does, a woman will do the same thing. After a man turns a girl into a woman, most men will think about taking responsibility, but only a small number will do so. But women are different. Many girls no longer care after they become women, and some even stop caring when they are still girls.)...........

After Xiao Heng walked out of Lin Yuqing's Muma Mountain villa, Wu Gang, who had been waiting for a long time, drove the car in front of him. boarding.

After Wu Gang glanced at Xiao Heng with a frosty face in the rearview mirror, he didn't dare to say anything, started the car directly, and went to Jiaolong, who had already told him to go to Xiao Heng when he asked him to pick him up. Hong Kong Gillen Hotel, let's go.

When Xiao Heng saw that Wu Gang was silent, he had no intention of talking and stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

Drive all the way.

Just when he was about to arrive at the Jiulun Hotel in Jiaolonggang, Xiao Heng's cell phone rang.

Taking out his mobile phone, Xiao Heng looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Karl, who was building an armed force for him in Feizhou. He immediately answered the call:"Karl, it's me."

"Boss, no contact for a long time"

"Carl, you have something to say."Xiao Heng, who was in a bad mood, said directly


"Boss, our Madwolf mercenary is a bit tight on funds right now, so I want to....."

Xiao Heng interrupted Karl directly and said:"How much funding do you want?"

"one....100 million US dollars"

"I will ask Zhu Ran to transfer the money to the company account later"

"OK, thank you, boss"

"Karl, remember, I paid you to help me train a strong military force for my personal service."Xiao Hengyi pointed out.

Zhu Ran called him a few days ago to report the situation of the Mad Wolf mercenaries. During this period, he also told him that Carl had been found to have committed corruption.

So he hereby warned Carl that if he found out again, then it would be When he sent Carl away from this world,

Carl, who heard what Xiao Heng meant, hurriedly promised:"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely help you train a strong military force for your personal service."

"Well, it just hung up."

After Xiao Heng hung up Carl's phone, he thought about it and said to Wu Gang who was driving:"Wu Gang, make some preparations. In the next two days, go to Feizhou to take over the Crazy Wolf mercenary and become the leader."

He didn't take Karl's guarantee seriously. He no longer trusted Karl.

The Crazy Wolf mercenaries were his guarantee for getting out of the Xia Kingdom and nothing could go wrong.

That's why he thought of letting Wu Gang, who had gained his trust, fly Zhou takes over his wolf mercenary army

"ok boss"


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