“Little Year… Don’t forget to buy us Coke. ”

“Yes, little year…”

“At noon, Xiao Fat and I took on everything.”

These two dead fat men, English words can not be remembered, this owes them Coke has not been forgotten

“Rest assured, I will buy it for you.” Wang Xiaonian said with a cry and a smile


Physical education class.

Teacher Wu, who was wearing sportswear, did not let everyone move freely as usual.

With a whistle, a stopwatch, and a notebook, he gave everyone a big thunderbolt on a sunny day.

“In this lesson, we do a long-distance running test.”

“Boys 1000 meters.”

“Girls 800 meters.”

As soon as these words came out, the students immediately made a ghost crying wolf howl.

“No, it won’t!”

“Oh my God!”

“I’m going to run again!”


“Okay, don’t be wordy, a group of 6.”

“After running, you can move freely.”

Teacher Wu didn’t bother to talk nonsense to everyone

“Oh.” The crowd looked helpless

At this time, Teacher Wu looked at Wang Xiaonian and the three of them and said, “Today I can keep an eye on you, and the three of you will give me the first group to run.” ”



The class burst into laughter.

Running is the ultimate torture for fat people.

Not to mention that Wang Xiaonian was the fat man among their kind of fat people…

For this reason, in the past physical tests, these three people will always slip halfway through.


Senior men’s 1000m physical test, the passing line is 4 minutes and 35 seconds.

The women’s 800m physical passing line is 4 minutes and 36 seconds.

The huge weight of the three fat, not to mention the boy’s passing line, even the girl’s passing line, they can’t complete it.

The three people with previous convictions were targeted by the physical education teacher at this time, and had to take the lead in the first batch of hard scalps.

Due to the extreme endurance of the three people, this makes many students who cannot pass want to be with them, although they cannot pass, but it must not be the most humiliated.

For this reason, many people rushed to team up with Wang Xiaonian and the three of them.

The act of rushing to form a team is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting.

The big fat and the little fat two people have black lines on their faces, but they can’t say anything, after all, who called them dishes?



Wang Xiaonian They stood on the starting line.

With that, after Teacher Wu’s ‘preparation’ and ‘start’.

The two men started one after another.

Although Wang Xiaonian’s leg strength has been strengthened, the increase is the bounce and the speed of the bounce, and the speed has not increased, it is still the same as before.

However, at this time, Wang Xiaonian on the track was leading the way and became a leader.

“Zhizhi, I found that Xiao Nian has been a little different lately.” The representative of the Chinese class in the class, although her appearance and figure are not as good as Qin Zhizhi, she is also a beautiful looking girl, if there is a deep meaning

“Hmm.” Qin Zhizhi nodded gently

This Wang Xiaonian is not the same as two years ago….

Not only did he not call his own aunt ‘Exterminator’ like other naughty boys, but he also seemed to have a ‘responsibility’ and ‘responsibility’ that should not belong to this age.

Take the fight just now, if it weren’t for Wang Xiaonian maneuvering around, Liu Pinjie and Xiao Fat, they would be in big trouble.

“Oh… Branches, you also noticed ah. The representative of the Chinese class said with a smirk

“Xiao Yu, what are you talking about?” Qin Zhizhi looked at his girlfriend talking nonsense and couldn’t help but say angrily

“I see that this little year is to play handsome in front of the branches, this long-distance run is not a sprint, what is the use of you starting to run fast?” I see he’s going to give up soon. Another girl spoke

She is the representative of the English class in the class, a little over 150cm tall, Lori’s looks, and the character of the hot girl

“Really? Van! Qin Zhizhi smiled lightly

But at this time, she has a feeling…

This Wang Xiaonian will persevere.


As the leader, Wang Xiaonian, after running with all his strength for a minute, the whole person was already tired and breathless.

According to the original plan, after the limelight, when the physical strength is not enough, it will play an accident and end successfully.

But just when Wang Xiaonian was ready to sacrifice his acting skills like a movie emperor…

Once again, an electronic sound that continued to be cold sounded in my mind.

“Ding, pain values are being acquired…”

I rub!

Is this OK?

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t laugh or cry.

But on second thought, yes…

This 1,000-meter run is a big problem for ordinary high school students, not to mention their own 200 pounds, and their endurance is not as fat as that of their age.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian saw that running could also brush money.

He gritted his teeth and persevered.

Wang Xiaonian, who was seriously deficient in physical strength, felt that it was difficult to breathe at this time…

The thought kept flashing in my mind, ‘Give up, the year of trouble’.

Just when the word ‘give up’ was getting bigger and bigger in his mind, Wang Xiaonian planned to stop and walk…

The system’s voice sounded again.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2 [pain points].”

I rub!

2 pain points at once!

After hearing this voice, Wang Xiaonian seemed to have a dragon slaying knife in his mind, destroying the word ‘abandonment’.


“Ding, pain values are being acquired…”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2 [pain points].”

“Ding, pain values are being acquired…”

Wang Xiaonian on the track was immersed in the brushing pain value, and did not notice the strange eyes of the students around him and the physical education teacher Wu.

This fat man….

Is it difficult to drink Red Bull in advance?


Even if you drink Red Bull, you can’t be like this.

In the end, Wang Xiaonian took the lead in crossing the finish line first.

“4 minutes and 5 seconds!”

The physical education teacher had some excited and excited voices, pulling Wang Xiaonian back to reality

At this time, Wang Xiaonian, although under the stimulation of brushing money, super level play, but also has completely reached the limit, after rushing through the end, the whole person gulped and gasped, the whole person is like fished out of the water, sweating and raining.

“Wang Xiaonian is good!” Looking at Wang Xiaonian, who not only passed, but also had good grades, Teacher Wu of Physical Education couldn’t help but praise

Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded, his face full of smiles.

This 1000-meter run…

Not only did he win the praise of the teacher, but more importantly, he brushed to 6 points [pain points].

There are currently a total of 11 [pain points].


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