Chapter 160 Go home and wait for the news! _!!

The fastest half a year to rise to the minister.

It is not Wang Xiaonian painting a big cake, at present, there is a shortage of people in various positions in his company, if he really has the ability to stand out, let alone half a year to promote the minister, even if it is 3 months.

Wang Xiaonian’s pen went down, and suddenly seven or eight applicants came.

“Your university major is “Welding Technology and Engineering”, how did you come up with the idea of interviewing a personnel specialist?”

Old Fan smiled and looked at the young man in front of him, and his eyes were full of puzzlement.

In Lao Fan’s cognition, the major studied in college is the direction of future engagement, but in fact, after graduating from college, you can still engage in this major, and a class can have ten percent, which is a groundbreaking high.

In this regard, Wang Xiaonian did not care about these things.

It’s just that the person in front of him really can’t come up with anything, even the basic operation of office software can’t be understood, if you are a personnel specialist, the designation is not OK” I know your conditions, go home and wait for the news. ”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.


After hearing this answer, the job seeker knew that he was out of the game, and he left with a little regret.

In the next half an hour, there were many job seekers, but none of them interviewed the [Design and Development Department].

Sales are the most.

This is followed by the Planning and Personnel Department.

During this period, there were 2 job seekers from the interview planning department who passed the first round of interviews.

That’s right.

Just passing the first round of interviews, but that doesn’t mean that the interviews pass.

Although Wang Xiaonian’s company is small, it is not low.

There are three rounds of interviews in total.

In the first round, it was the old Fan who was the interviewer.

The second round is the practice of professional skills, at the very least, some simple office software you have to use.

In the third round, Wang Xiaonian personally checked the pass, talked to them about wages, fixed posts and so on at 11:00 a.m.

Wang Xiaonian and Lao Fan continued the interview.

“Hello, you… Yes…”

After the interviewer handed the resume to Lao Fan, he looked at Wang Xiaonian with a look of surprise.


Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but shake his head slightly, and instead smiled and said hello.

“Mr. Wang, do you know?”

Old Fan asked with a smile.


Wang Xiaonian and the job seeker both nodded.

“Chen Rongrong, I see that you have 3 years of accounting experience, are you here to interview financial accountants?”

Old Fan asked while flipping through Chen Rongrong’s resume.

That’s right.

This job seeker is the same college classmate Su Mengmeng met last week.

He also eats hot pot with her and her boyfriend.

What just made Wang Xiaonian curious was that this Chen Rongrong was not doing accounting in a training institution?

Why did you still jump ship?

At the same time, Wang Xiaonian also noticed that behind Chen Rongrong, her boyfriend’

Huang Dongyang actually had a resume in his hand.

It should also be looking for a new job.


“I want to interview the HR department.”

Chen Rongrong shook her head and said.


“Personnel Department?”

Old Fan was a little surprised.

“Hmm. I don’t like being an accountant, I like to deal with people, it should be quite suitable for personnel. ”

Chen Rongrong smiled.

Although Chen Rongrong is also Fan Qin’s college classmate and the relationship is not bad, but it is not as good as Su Mengmeng’s sake, she has not been to Fan Qin’s house for dinner, and naturally she does not know Old Fan.

“All right.”

“Oh, I graduated from Sichuan-Chongqing Normal University.”

“If you transform to do personnel, it should be no problem.”

After seeing Chen Rongrong’s graduation college, Lao Fan couldn’t help but show a look of approval!

Old Fan’s words made Chen Rongrong laugh a little.

This company recruits people, so look at the academic qualifications?

About the interview.

Although Lao Fan has experience, in the previous company, many new people in the technical department have to go through his round.

But Lao Fan is an interview on the professional side.

At present, this is the first time that Lao Fan has done so.

But after passing the interview, Lao Fan could feel the enthusiasm and kindness in Chen Rongrong’s bones.

If such a person can be placed in the personnel department, it is conducive to enlightening new employees and can also bring temperature to new employees.

“Mr. Wang, I think she has no problem.”

“Look at it here.”

Old Fan handed Chen Rongrong’s resume to Wang Xiaonian.

After Wang Xiaonian glanced at Chen Rongrong’s resume, he only felt déjà vu.

Like this resume template, I seem to have seen it somewhere.


By the way, it was Su Mengmeng’s.

“No problem.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled, “However, you have to start with the personnel commissioner.” In terms of salary and salary, the guaranteed minimum salary is 1.5k, bonus, and performance are calculated separately. ”


“It’s so high.”

When Wang Xiaonian broke the news on the spot that Chen Rongrong’s salary was 1.5k basic salary, he couldn’t help but let the job seekers waiting behind him make a burst of surprise.

On the recruitment poster of [Nian Nian Technology Co., Ltd.], the salary package is written 800-1500.

In general, the salary is 800, and writing ‘800-1500’ is just a gimmick.

But Wang Xiaonian directly gave 1500 yuan.

This can’t help but make the job seekers behind them feel good about this company.

“Okay, no problem.”

Chen Rongrong, who had successfully interviewed so smoothly, smiled happily.

“By the way, you’re coming to us at noon?”

Wang Xiaonian said again.


Chen Rongrong didn’t think much about it, nodded her head and agreed, but suddenly thought of something, looked at her boyfriend, and said to Wang Xiaonian again.

“My boyfriend Huang Dongyang is introverted and bumps when talking to strangers, and he wants to interview financial accountants, you see.”

Chen Rongrong was a little embarrassed when she said this, but her boyfriend’s personality, I was really afraid of being nervous and unable to speak during the interview, in order to continue to work with her boyfriend, Chen Rongrong had to say helplessly.

“I see?”

“Aren’t you my personnel specialist?”

Wang Xiaonian asked with a smile.


Chen Rongrong said wordlessly.

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