In this era, it is necessary to ask Nie Fei what business is good.

Drinks, definitely one!

In 1995, CCTV marked the king for the Confucius banquet.

In 1996, CCTV marked the king of Qinchi Wine Industry.

Even, not long ago, Qinchi Wine Industry won the CCTV standard king.

What does this say?

Drinks, in ** really promising!

Naturally, Nie Fei would not let go of such an opportunity.

In mid-November, Nie Fei asked Will to help with something.

That is, through the headhunting company, help him find a new professional manager.

He has only one requirement, he must be a marketing and management master!

Will certainly had no problem with his boss’s request.

You know, Nie Fei’s annual salary for him is not low!

Therefore, he will not be so dead brained and only do his own things.

How much money to take, how much to do?

On this day, Nie Fei met with a new professional manager.

What surprised him a little was that the other party was very young.

And, still a beauty.

A blonde white beauty!

The name is Eliza!

26 years old, Harvard MBA graduate!

Inspectively glanced at the tall and fiery beauty in front of him, with a face as cold as frost.

“Kind of interesting!”

In his heart, Nie Fei couldn’t help but muttered secretly.

Then, he looked down at Eliza’s relevant information.

I have to say that Eliza is really very good.

At the age of 22, he received an MBA with straight honors from Harvard Business School.

In the same year, he entered a new company in country M.

In just one year, the company’s profit went from $100,000 to $10,000 because of her.

The key factor is her risky marketing.

The following year, she changed jobs again, this time to become the head of marketing for a Fortune 500 company.

Three years, in just three years, the turnover of the other party directly increased several times.

Then, she resigned!

“Why do you like to quit so much?”

After reading the information, Nie Fei looked at Eliza and asked curiously in English.

“No challenge!”

Without thinking about it, Eliza blurted out.

She used a fluent Chinese.

“Will you Chinese?”

Looking at Eliza, Nie Fei’s face was full of surprise.

“I’m a genius! I know the world’s mainstream languages! Is it weird? ”

Staring into Nie Fei’s eyes, Eliza asked rhetorically.

Hearing its words, Nie Fei couldn’t help but sweat.


What a genius!


“Now I ask you one last question!”

“You said you quit before because it wasn’t challenging? In your opinion, what does it mean to be challenging? ”

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Nie Fei asked slowly.

“I don’t want to just do marketing, I also want to do management, so…”

Shrugging, Eliza replied.

Her meaning is self-evident, and it is precisely because of this that she agreed to this interview.

“Very good!”

Nodding in satisfaction, Nie Fei took out a piece of information and handed it to Eliza.

“My name is Nie Fei, you only need to be responsible for me in the future!”

“This is a corporate plan, you look at it!”

“Also, there’s a check for $100 million!”

“Shares without questions, let’s start building the company according to the plan!”


“No problem!”


In the end, Nie Fei signed a contract with Eliza and left satisfied.

This new company will be helmed by Eliza and, like Nie Bank, will also be cross-controlled by an offshore company.

(Ask for flowers!) Ask for review votes! )

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