The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 854: : 1 great change

Where did Fang Jifan dare to say nothing, he was still in shock.

If your majesty missed a little, it would be bad. Such a big pot, I am afraid that I ca n’t get rid of it.

Finally there is no danger ...

He hurriedly said: "Children are obedient, ten, no, twenty, how much is your majesty, how many."

Emperor Hongzhi immediately looked at Zhu Houzhao with a bad look.

"You boss is not too small, so insignificant?"

"I ..." Zhu Houzhao froze as if cicadas: "Lao Fang said that he is extremely luxurious, three hundred ... three hundred and sixty degrees come, take care in all aspects ...

He tried hard to remember ...


Fang Jifan was a little embarrassed.

Did I say that?

Is this what I said?

Will Ji Fang say such things?

Even if I said it, I would just do a business, of course, what good things to say, but you also believe it?

Are you stupid?

"All in all!" Zhu Hou Zhao said: "It is this car that can be kept safe and secure. The children are thinking that the father and emperor have never ridden a horse in his life.

The more he came back, the smaller the voice became in the eyes of Emperor Hongzhi. He inexplicably felt that the back of the head was chilling ...

Finally said: "Children think about it, this car, children have 50% of the shares, I wish to honor the father and emperor 30%, long live my emperor!"

50% ... shares ...

Emperor Hongzhi took a breath.

This is not enough for Zhu Houzhao.

Listen so.

What he understood at once, the car ...

Yes, this car ... he has experienced it.

It is more comfortable than Buyu, then compared to Buyu carried by dozens of people, it is naturally more uncomfortable than the sedan.

What is said by Fang Jifan, one hundred and two can make a car, and if so, who is still in the sedan chair?

So today the carriage is used as a birthday gift, the intention behind this ...

Dare to love these two guys, they actually managed to do business on my head.

Emperor Hongzhi did not know whether to cry or laugh.

These are two little wolves, without what they dare not do.

Fang Jifan also lost his enthusiasm: "Children also think about it, and children are willing to offer 20%."

"Humph!" Emperor Hongzhi sneered: "Building a car? Every day I know silver in my head. What's the use of so much silver? Every day, thinking of earning money, the superior should be virtuous!"

"Yes, yes!" Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan were ashamed and nodded.

Emperor Hongzhi sighed and looked at the unsettled ministers: "Zhu Qing has congratulated the congratulations, and let's go back first."

Liu Jian and others did not dare to neglect, and claiming to live long, they left.

See all the officials scattered clean.

As relatives, Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan need to stay.

Later in the palace, there will be a performance of He Shou.

Emperor Hongzhi squinted his face, squinted, and said for a long time: "Fang Qing's family ..."

"Children are here."

Emperor Hongzhi sighed for a moment: "Can a car make money?"

Fang Jifan said: "How is your majesty's experience?"

Emperor Hongzhi thought for a while: "Not bad."

Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty, even your Majesty feels good, then so many people in the world who ride in sedan cars will certainly feel comfortable. Ken will hire someone to carry sedan cars, one car for two, a hundred or two, to them For the sake of it, it ’s no problem. "

"In addition ..." Fang Jifan paused and said: "This car is not necessarily used by the public secretary and the wealthy households. The minister thought about it. When the time comes, the sofa can be withdrawn and replaced with a small stool. The car can be longer. In addition, there are dozens of people in it. The distance between the new city and the old city is quite long. If it is sold to a car dealer, and the car dealer will travel between the two cities, the people can travel with only a little money. Is n’t it good? Also, in the future, this new city also needs to build countless roads that are criss-crossed, and the road is also far away. With this, the round trip saves time and prevents them from being exhausted on the way. "

Fang Jifan continued to say eloquently: "This car can be modified again, just like a ceramic tile. In the past, two-wheeled vehicles not only can't load too much cargo, but also are not stable enough. All broken? Wouldn't it be nice to use this car to pull it? "

"Think about it. The future sales are considerable. Please rest assured your majesty."

Fang Jifan analyzed very well. Emperor Hongzhi nodded his head and sighed, "I never thought that there is such a knowledge here, so good, I don't want your two shares, the Prince's three shares, Temporarily deposited with me ... "

However, Fang Jifan said immediately: "Your Majesty, your son is willing to give 20% of the shares. Please also accept your majesty smile. Your majesty should not look down on your son."

Emperor Hongzhi could not understand the posture of catching money and sending money.

It can be seen that Fang Jifan's determination has been determined.

Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but sigh, this party continued ... after all, he was a loyal and honest person.

It's a pity that my son ... Why didn't he learn this?

Emperor Hongzhi shook his spirit and said: "That's why I'm disrespectful."

Thinking of the future internal money, there was another source of wealth, and Emperor Hongzhi was in a good mood.

At least, I felt a little comfort.


Emperor Hongzhi suddenly brushed his teeth: "Zhu Houzhao!"

"What?" Zhu Hou still knelt on the ground, wondering in his heart. It seems that he made a wedding dress again?

As soon as I looked up, I saw the father emperor's murderous spirit, and my heart suddenly became cold.

Emperor Hongzhi said sharply: "How long have I never cleaned you up."

Zhu Hou said with pity: "Children ..."

"It seems that your tail is up to heaven?" Emperor Hongzhi was murderous.

Zhu Houzhao trembling: "Dare not!"

Emperor Hongzhi snorted: "And next time, I will have the right to be your son ..."

Zhu Houzhao quickly said yes, sincere and fearful.

Zhu Houzhao didn't dare to do what he didn't dare to do. This time he did go overboard.

The emperor Hongzhi said: "Go to Renshou Palace, the empress dowager has prepared a table for the family feast."


Fang Jifan had a meal at Renshou Palace and watched the show before leaving. Zhu Houzhao did not dare to stay in Renshou Palace for a long time, and took the opportunity to quickly follow Fang Jifan behind him.

He shrugged his head: "Just so dangerous."

"You asked for it!" Fang Jifan did not sympathize with him.

Zhu Hou shouted: "It's not like you said that you came here for more than 360 degrees. You are caring and protecting your safety. Since you can't die anymore, what happened to my father and emperor to see the world?"

Fang Jifan said: "That's a lie. If it's not like that, who will buy our car?"


Zhu Houzhao could not have imagined that there is still such a routine in it.

He wanted to cry without tears: "This time, I lost my life and got a car. As a result, my father emperor was cheaper."

However, Fang Jifan was smiling and said, "How much profit can the car make? More than a hundred or two silvers. I hired labor, iron making, wood making, painting, and the skin. These countless processes came down. If you sell one, you can get a profit of twelve silver. Although the profit is considerable, think about it. Who would buy more than one hundred silver at a time? "

"What do you mean?"

Fang Jifan smiled and said, "The money bank, car loan, this is the real profit. Sitting on the floor to collect the money, as long as the loan is released, your lord is afraid that there will be no money?"

"Furthermore, after commuting with this carriage, the third ring road of your Highness is also seven or eight miles away from here. In the past, it was farther away, but the road was repaired, and then there was a special bus to commute back and forth. It was an hour ago. The road I walked on now only needs a joss stick, and your highness is still afraid that the land in his hand will not be sold? "

Zhu Houzhao was silent for a long time, and seemed to be in deep thought. Then he took a sudden breath of breath and exclaimed: "There are still these doorways."

"There are many doorways." Fang Jifan narrowed his eyes and continued: "Your Majesty now has 50% of the shares of this car. By then, this car is bound to become fashionable. You think, even your majesty, the ninety-five, all take this car, as the saying goes. When you say that you are going up and down, is there anyone still in the sedan? Your Highness has forgotten that this car still needs to be pulled by horses. This horse, haha, in the desert, everything is missing. The only thing that is missing is the horse. With so many Tatars and so many migrants, how many horses will be needed in the whole customs in the future ~ ~ If you want to buy a horse, you still have to find us? "

Zhu Houzhao's eyes were shining, and the chick nodded his head and said, "It makes sense, why didn't this palace think about it?"

Fang Jifan said in his heart, if it were not our kindness, how about earning money, more than that?

Naturally, earning money is only secondary.

The emergence of four-wheeled carriages will drive the iron-making and machinery industries. Once the carriages start to be manufactured on a large scale, how much labor can be absorbed in the future, and the carriages bring time savings and road development. What changes will be made.

In the future ... there are more changes.

Perhaps many people have not realized that a change has begun quietly.

But once it started, it was vast and unstoppable.

Back at Xishan, thinking of a very important thing, Fang Jifan suddenly felt a headache.

It's just that in less than a day, it seems ... I have more than twenty students.

Admission is not a big problem, the big problem is that these people are nobles.

The circle of nobility is the most chaotic.

It is only in the later generations that there is the term "really chaotic".

It can be seen that this is something that has existed since ancient times.

Because the nobles are a minority, they generally like to marry in the circle. So, who's aunt married his cousin, who's cousin married his cousin, etc ... It is so commonplace.

Really want to shove, and eventually everyone found that this generation, dazzled.

And now ... Fang Jifan is facing such a dilemma.

Some people, his uncle is his apprentice, but he is a student of Fang Jifan, and ...

As soon as Fang Jifan thought that the chaos had become a pot of porridge, he couldn't help but grow up, but His Majesty had already decided, and it seemed that ... he could only take the blame.

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