"Has the head of the Uesugi family been found?"

Putting down his black windbreaker, Gen Chisheng looked at the somewhat gloomy sky outside, and also looked at the beautiful assistant-like woman beside him with some tiredness.

"Although the sudden appearance of those ghosts (that is, Deadpool) disrupted our surveillance and temporarily lost the trace of the head of the Uesugi family."

Yabuki Sakura heard Gen Chisheng's voice, saw Gen Chisheng with a somewhat ugly face, and then quickly said: "Don't worry, the head of the Uesugi family will not be in trouble."

"I'm not worried about Eri's safety, but the safety of this city."


In addition to Yabuki Sakura, the two cold black-clothed men standing on the side also showed doubts on their faces.

"With Eri's power, no one can threaten her, but with her power, 20 hours is enough for Eri to destroy Tokyo...if she wants."

Hearing Gen Chisheng's voice, Yasha and Crow also looked at each other.

"A large giant Deadpool seemed to appear over there in the cinema, triggering a small earthquake, but we didn't see Deadpool fleeing, nor did we see Deadpool's body. Could it be the head of the Uesugi family who did it?"

At this time, holding a tablet, he suddenly looked up and spoke. (Note: iPads were available in 2010)

Yabuki Sakura made this judgment based on the artificial intelligence of the Snake Eight Families and the information of the action team collected by Kaguya.

Among the people she knew, only Eri could kill a large Deadpool without leaving any traces, and even Gen Chisheng couldn't do it.

Hearing Yabuki Sakura's voice, Gen Chisheng also took the tablet and flipped through it.

"Not really, but going to the cinema seems a bit like what Eri would do."

While healed softly in his mouth, Gen Chisheng also thought about whether he was too harsh on Eri. She had never seen the outside world since she was a child, and he didn't have much time to accompany her, which led to her so eager to run away from home.

Counting it all, this was her sixth time running away from home.

Although the previous five times, they all walked to the intersection not far from the building of Genji Heavy Industries, and then stopped, and were finally caught by Minamoto Chisei.

But this time, he disappeared for nearly twelve hours, which was simply too dangerous.

"Whether it is or not, go and take a look. Everyone, take action, and make finding Eri the primary goal. The reward... 1 billion yen. As long as anyone can provide accurate information about Eri! But if anyone hurts Eri... his head is worth 1 billion yen!"

Standing in front of the French window, Minamoto Chisei gave the order directly. For the main family, Eri is too important. Eri's power, to a certain extent, is also an important force for killing the White King in the future while guarding against Cassel.


 "I know you are very tired, and I am also very tired," Genji slowly leaned back on the chair, "but no one can rest before we find Eri, we must seize every minute and every second, and I can only feel at ease if Eri returns to me as soon as possible."

Looking at the dense dark clouds outside the window covering the sky, there is a feeling of dark clouds pressing down on the city and a storm is coming.

Whether it is the beautiful assistant, the professional ninja Sakura Yabuki, or the two professional gangsters Crow and Yasha, they all acted quickly.

As for whether it would be dangerous to leave Genji alone here.

Not to mention that Genji himself is an extremely powerful super hybrid, just the defense force of the entire Genji Heavy Industries, if someone can come to Genji and threaten him, even if they are here, it will be useless and will only become a burden. It is better to be more active in finding Eri.

"Apart from beer, are there any other drinks?"

A very abrupt voice appeared behind Yuan Zhisheng. Yuan Zhisheng was startled and turned around suddenly.

A handsome young man with burning golden eyes was sitting in his seat and opening a bottle of beer.

Looking at the young man, Yuan Zhisheng did not feel any hostility from the other party. In addition, he had his own strong strength as a guarantee, so he looked at the other party and asked calmly: "Who are you?"

"Well, actually you don't have to make such a big fuss. Eriyi is with me. To be honest, I am very disappointed in you."

Hearing Luomen's voice, Yuan Zhisheng's golden eyes lit up instantly, and then a dangerous light appeared in his eyes.

"What do you mean."

Repressing his somewhat restless emotions, Yuan Zhisheng stared at Luomen and asked, but he could sense that his tone was a bit unfriendly.

"The dignified head of the Uesugi family was actually locked up in a laboratory alone. To be honest, is he so cruel to his own sister?"

"Eriyi is not..."

Looking at the suddenGen Chisheng stopped, and Luomen smiled and said, "Are you sure?"

Thinking back to the first time he saw the young Eri after killing his brother Gen Chinjo, Gen Chisheng felt that he was not so sure.

All along, he seemed to have always regarded Eri as a substitute for Gen Chinjo, but now thinking back, it seemed a little inappropriate.

But he quickly realized that the issues he and the young man in front of him were not these things.

"I will verify this matter. Where is Eri?"

"Don't ask or bother me. The three people just now are your most loyal retainers. You don't want them to get into trouble."

After saying that, Gen Chisheng saw Luomen disappear. To be more precise, with his naked eyes, he could only capture the speed of the afterimage. He disappeared on the spot. A beer can that was squeezed into a ball in the air was slowly falling at an unreasonable slow speed.

Unfortunately, he knew this kind of word spirit. When he was studying at Kassel Academy, Principal Ange had inadvertently displayed it, Time Zero.

The hybrids with this kind of word spirit can be called the king of assassins, the ghost of time.

If the word spirit of Time Zero is used against hybrids, except for super hybrids like him with extraordinary physique, other ordinary hybrids will be killed at first sight if they encounter this level of existence without being prepared.


Suddenly, two words appeared in Yuan Zhisheng's mind. It seemed to be an online friend that Eri had mentioned before, but he didn't pay much attention to this at that time. Eri's life was boring enough. It was impossible for her not to make an online friend, otherwise it would be a real imprisonment.

Then he thought about the reason why Eri wanted to run away from home in the past year, and he instantly had some guesses in his mind.

"Come back, all of you, and take back the reward."

After the call, Yuan Zhisheng also sat on the seat.

He was anxious because he couldn't find Eri before, but now he has a slightly more certain news, so he no longer hesitates.

Moreover, Eri also knows her problem. After staying outside for a few days, she will eventually come back to inject serum to stabilize her bloodline.

It's just that there is such a terrifying guy all of a sudden, and Yuan Zhisheng feels a little headache.

With the powerful hybrid of Time Zero, the eight families of Snake Qi, except him, have no capital to deal with it. Maybe the head of the Inuyama He family who has the momentary words is qualified to deal with it, but others really can't.

But think about it from another direction. If the other party is on Eri's side, it may be possible to become his helper in the future.

The last question is whether Eri is his sister. His father, Tachibana Masamune, who he has always trusted, seems to have concealed something.

All kinds of questions linger in his heart, and the young man, who was already very tired, looks even more haggard.

The beautiful ninja assistant who returned to Genji Heavy Industries looked at the somewhat haggard figure of Genji Chisei, stood there for a moment, slowly walked to the side of the young man and sat down, then hugged the young man's head and said, "Take a rest first."

George, who compared himself to the lonely George, the last remaining tortoise in the tribe, the most famous bachelor in the world, or the man of a single tortoise, slowly fell asleep in the other's arms under the action of the woman.

Crow and Yaksha saw the situation inside, were silent for a while, turned around and walked out of the door, and then guarded the door, like two door gods.

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