The abyss is actually just a projection of an appearance.

As long as Krakoa wants, it can completely turn into something like a black hole or a big mouth.

In the final analysis, except for Krakoa's main body and its attachments, other Krakoa creations are all projected by Krakoa with its own power.

One by one, the mutants of Hydra were thrown into the bottomless abyss, and were actually swallowed directly by Krakoa.


Through telepathy, the thoughts transmitted by Krakoa roughly presented this meaning.

Speaking of which, Krakoa usually said that it was not enough, just average, that is, when Lisa fed him, the evaluation would be much higher.

Feeding Krakoa is also a good way to clean up some things, at least it is very clean.

After doing all this, Romen did not stop.

From Dr. Hit's mind, Romen also took out more useful things, such as other laboratories that Dr. Hit knew, the location of Hydra's base and so on. There are also Dr. Hitt's own research results and the like. Needless to say, Romen will hand them over to Charles for processing.

Romen himself only has a little knowledge of this aspect, and professional things should be left to professionals.

"You all act with me and directly deal with the Hydra base."

After watching the members of the action team push people into the abyss one by one, Romen also looked at the members of the action team next to him and spoke.

If it is just to escort personnel and feed Krakoa, there is actually no need for so many people. They are mainly needed when the Hydra base is taken down later.

This group of action team members all grew up in this era. A small number of them grew up in the laboratory, and most of them had a normal childhood.

There is still a certain understanding of Captain America and Hydra.

They did not expect that Hydra was not cleaned up and was still active in this world. Many people still feel very fantasy.

But after thinking about it, Captain America, who was originally active in World War II, is active in this era again. Then it seems reasonable that Hydra, the enemy of Captain America, still exists.

However, if there is any problem, they just need to think about it, and then just follow Romen's instructions.

For this operation, the main thing is to collect food for Krakoa and rescue fellow mutants.

Although Romen learned from Dr. Hit who the leader of this Hydra is and where he is.

However, this person has a strong connection with the Avengers, so Romen will not touch this person for the time being, but it is okay to cut off some of his wings and collect some food for Krakoa.


"What did you say?"

Pierce looked at the information his subordinate told him, and looked at the subordinate who delivered the information with some sharpness.

"Forget it, you go down first."

After a while, Pierce, who calmed down, let this subordinate leave first.

After watching his subordinate leave his office, Pierce frowned after a while.

He felt that he didn't seem to have good luck during this period.

Nick Fury seemed to have discovered something inside SHIELD. Although he was not suspected, it still gave him a headache.

This smart guy who was promoted by him seemed to have a backlash. Just thinking about it, this little thing is nothing. Most of the people in SHIELD, from top to bottom, are Hydra personnel, so the impact that Nick Fury can cause is still relatively limited.

As the world situation continues to change, Pierce has also invested in many laboratories outside to study extraordinary powers.

Mutants, once a famous race in the world with extremely rich abilities, also entered his field of vision, and then he also invested in many related laboratories.

At present, according to the news given to him by his subordinates, many of his laboratories have been destroyed. ,

"Is it the old guy Magneto, or other mutants? These mutants are really difficult to deal with."

Pierce finally murmured, and he also felt a headache.

Although the situation of mutants has declined a lot due to the spread of genetically modified food, the potential is still amazing.

After thinking for a while, Pierce directly contacted people, mainly the twins who took over the power of Baron Zemo.

In the previous battle caused by Ultron, the power of the twins was enough to attract people's attention, and it was enough for other snakeheads to acquiesce that they took over the power of Baron Zemo.

Although the defense of Sokovia faced the revengeThe Avengers' offensive, the performance of these two twins still has many shortcomings, but the huge potential is enough to attract attention.

That is, in that battle, Ultron attracted too much hatred, and the Sokovians strongly rejected it, so that the Avengers' actions in Sokovia were quite unfavorable, which allowed the two brothers and sisters to escape.

However, Ultron did not cause much damage to Sokovia, but the damage caused by the Avengers in various aspects was not small, that is, the loss of personnel was relatively small, and the Stark Group was willing to bear the funds for the reconstruction of Sokovia, so the problem did not continue to expand.

Of course, no matter what, Sokovia still doesn't like the Avengers.

"Pierce, what are you contacting us for?"

A woman's cold voice came from the encrypted mobile phone.

"Wanda, I hope you two brothers and sisters can do me a favor."

Although Quicksilver is the elder brother among the twins on the opposite side, perhaps it is a kind of nature that is suppressed by his sister, or the Scarlet Witch's more powerful power, but Wanda is the one who speaks the talk between the two.

"Of course, it's not without a price. How about 100 million US dollars?"

"What favor?"

"It's about mutants. I've sent you the specific information."

"I'll take a look and get back to you later."

Wanda on the other end heard the word mutant, her eyes changed slightly, and then she closed the call directly.

Speaking of mutants, Wanda knew that she and Pietro both had the X gene.

However, due to the global popularity of genetically modified food, even Sokovia has a certain impact. For her and Pietro who had not awakened their mutant abilities before, it was actually nothing.

Then under the power of the Mind Scepter, after activating their own power, genetically modified food was nothing, because they were no longer just mutants.

However, Wanda was still a little curious about the mutant group.

She used to think it existed in comics, but after knowing that she was also a mutant, she was still very curious.

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