"I don't want him to get into any trouble before I come back."

Wanda turned around and left, but before she left, she also made some harsh remarks.

Knowing that she couldn't take her brother away without exchanging what Romen wanted, Wanda didn't hesitate to achieve her goal.

But when she left, she saw that her brother had no body and eyes, and an idea came to her mind. She had to make something similar to Magneto's helmet and give it to her brother, otherwise, this brother who was only a few dozen seconds older than her would still be defeated when he encountered a mind-control type enemy.

As for Wanda making a mind protection herself, although Wanda could do it, her ability was mainly in mind control, which was always not as good as her telekinesis. She couldn't do the delicate work of building a mind protection.

"Since this trouble was caused by Pierce, let's find trouble with Pierce."

Setting the goal in her mind, Wanda's next move was also very decisive. She simply used an off-road vehicle before coming here. Otherwise, it would be troublesome to do things just by relying on two feet without the super speed of Quicksilver.

Thinking of the number limit required by Romen, Wanda summoned her subordinates and began to prepare for the activity.

Although there is a certain cooperation between the major branches of Hydra, important information such as bases are not common.

But it doesn't matter. There are also spies between the branches. Pierce's power is not small, so it is not troublesome for Wanda to find them.

"What do you want so many people for?"

After Wanda left, Magneto looked at Romen and asked.

If it was just mutants, Magneto thought it was not a problem, but the problem was that Romen wanted more than just mutants, which was a bit strange.


Hearing Magneto's words, Romen's answer was simple.

Seeing Romen say this, Magneto stopped asking and focused his attention on Quicksilver Pietro.

Finally, Magneto couldn't help but speak, "Can you let him go first?"

"Wait, let's talk about it after entering Krakoa."

Contacted another group of action teams in good condition to take over the task of the previous action team. After they finished dealing with this laboratory here, the main task was to wait for Scarlet Witch Wanda to come and hand over to her.

After doing all this, Romen took Magneto into Krakoa.

"Is this Krakoa?"

After entering Krakoa, Magneto's eyes widened.

Although he only saw the entrance, the fairyland-like situation almost made him forget about Quicksilver.

"Where is this?"

Until Pietro spoke, Magneto turned his attention to Pietro again.

Pietro's mind was in a mess, but after coming to his senses, he also recalled what happened to him.

Although Romen controlled him, he did not completely block his perception and memory, so he quickly recalled it.

After thinking about it, Pietro's first thought was to run away from here.

It's just that the thought appeared, but the body didn't respond at all, as if he had completely lost his superpowers and returned to the state of an ordinary person.

After thinking about it, Pietro also reacted.

The other party dared to release his control over him like this, so naturally there was a way to deal with him.

Pietro, who thought that he could do everything with his super speed, really didn't expect that there would be such a day when he would become someone else's prisoner and need to wait for his sister to rescue him.

For a while, Pietro's mood was also a little low.

Romen naturally noticed the emotional changes of Pietro following behind him, but for him, he didn't care at all.

Pietro's ability is very strong, but not that strong. He is very powerful in bullying, but it seems very useless against high-end powerful combat power.

In the final analysis, Quicksilver is not the Flash. Although they are both speedsters, the Flash has the speed force and the upper limit is extremely high. Quicksilver is just speed, and the upper limit is limited.

However, Romen noticed Magneto's little move. In Romen's perception, Magneto quietly manipulated the metal and cut a strand of hair into his pocket without Quicksilver's knowledge.

Obviously, this old guy wanted to use scientific means to verify whether Pietro was related to him.

Romen felt that perhaps Magneto could confirm the relationship between himself and the twins without his own advancement.

"Professor, this way."

He took the two to a placeIn the square, Romen saw a bald old man and waved.

With Romen's shout, Magneto and Quicksilver were attracted.


When Magneto saw the bald old man, his eyes were obviously dull.

Magneto had searched for his good friend before. But for many reasons, he did not find Charles. He felt that even if Charles was not dead, his condition must be very bad.

But now, Charles looked 20 or 30 years younger than him, and he could stand and walk without a wheelchair. This was beyond his expectations and even unreasonable.


Because Magneto was protected by a metal helmet, Charles did not take it seriously and did not even notice Magneto. It was not until he came closer that he found his good friend, and his face was also a little surprised.

He had wanted to find his good friend before, but he had never really found the exact information of Magneto, let alone finding Magneto.

And now Lao Wan actually followed Roman and came here together, which really surprised him.

"Professor, Mr. Eric is gone, and this guy is left to you."

After saying that, Roman left.

Eric has Charles, a good friend, and he won't mess around, and he can't do anything inside Krakoa. As for Pietro, he can't do anything. His ability is directly suppressed by Krakoa, and he is just an ordinary person now.

Roman himself is more relieved to hand over the two people to Professor Charles.

As for Roman himself, he has to deal with other things.

"Eric, and this..."


"Mr. Pietro, come together."

Charles' overall temperament is very peaceful. Even if he doesn't use telepathy, he still has a strong ability to infect. Therefore, even Pietro's mood is slightly relieved.

As for Eric, there is nothing to say, just do what your friend says.

Although the two have conflicting ideas, they are still good friends, which is beyond doubt.

The two people who came to Krakoa for the first time appreciated the scenery of Krakoa under the guidance of Charles, and also got to know each other.

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