Chapter 128: The Great Prophet King!

Sure enough......

The han team directly snatched this version of the auxiliary brother Hammer Stone in 2L, and 3L directly took Jace!!

"Wow, Team Han is so fierce. Wawa said in surprise.

"Indeed, the combat effectiveness of these three of them in the early stage of selection is a bit strong. Miller nodded in agreement.

Chen Feng didn't speak, this lineup was exactly the same as his impression.

In the end, the lineups of both sides were decided.

On the side of the LPL All-Star team: top laner Zack, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Kyaukyue, and bottom lane policewoman Jia Lulu.

Han All-Star Team Side: Top Lane Jace, Jungler Blind Monk, Mid Single Card, Bottom Lane Small Cannon and Hammer Stone.

"I'll be honest, the lineup of LPL seems to be fantastic, once it enters the late stage, Zack, Nightmare and Kyaukyue are three heroes with a sudden face, and Lulu "Four, Five, Seven" protects the output of the policewoman, but in fact, this lineup must develop peacefully for at least 30 minutes to exert its combat effectiveness. "

"On the other hand, on the Han team's side, each road is an advantage in the early stage, even if the lower road is a little disadvantaged, but due to the existence of hammer stones, the blind monk gank is very easy to get down the road. "

"And the LPL side, itself has chosen a very late lineup, and it also takes the nightmare as a jungler with no combat effectiveness in the early stage, this BP is really a failure, if it is me, there is really no choice, I think it is better to take a Zhao Xin, the early rhythm is not inferior to the blind monk, and there is a big move in the later stage to protect the ADC. "

Chen Feng quickly analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages of the lineup on both sides as soon as the lineup came out.

The lineup on the LPL side looks like a typical 'WE' tactical play.

PDD chooses a tank, Xiaoxiao chooses a protective support, and Nakano walks with rhythm in the mid-term.

This kind of tactical play is simply being beaten by the Han team!

"I think WE's lineup is worth at least 5,000 economy! It is equivalent to saying that it is ahead of the 5,000 economy of the han national team from the beginning!" Wawa took out the so-called 'lineup' value theory that he was hacked the most.

At every turn, I think XX is worth how much economic ......

"The LPL side can play a quick push tower, which is equivalent to speeding up its own pace, right?" Miller has a little bit of professional vision.

"No......" Chen Feng shook his head, "It seems that the lower lane combination of the LPL is to suppress the Han national team's side, and the hands are long and easy to consume." "

"But in fact, the pressure is also on the lower road, you look carefully at the lineup of the LPL, no one can help the lower road in the early stage, but the combination of Lulu and the policewoman, the meaning of taking it out is to quickly push the tower, if you push the line, no one will help you, the other party is a hammer stone auxiliary, and you can call the jungler at any time. "

As soon as Chen Feng's words came out, Miller suddenly burst into tears.

Even many viewers who couldn't understand the game, when they heard this analysis, their thoughts were instantly sorted out by Chen Feng.

"No wonder K God, you said that you would rather take a Zhao Xin, it's better than a nightmare. Miller nodded in realization.

"If you get Zhao Xin, you can push the line in the early stage, because of Zhao Xin's existence, the other party does not dare to gank at will, after all, Zhao Xin's combat effectiveness in the early stage is not weak at all. "

"That's right. Chen Feng nodded, "There is another point, Jace is an advantage in the lane, and the card is also an advantage in the early stage, and the middle and upper on the LPL side do not have the ability to cooperate with the jungler gk, and they will definitely be pushed into the line." "

In this way, the blind monk on the opposite side only needs to keep going to the lower road of the PL to destroy the rhythm of the policewoman's tower pushing, the hero of Nightmare is destined to have to develop in the early stage, and it is impossible to be like the blind monk's brain gang. "

"It depends on what the LPL can go up to. "

Let's be honest......

In the case of the same level of the two sides, it is impossible to win the LPL set.

Chen Feng can be regarded as somewhat restrained, and did not pronounce the death sentence of LPL at the end of BP just now.

The game has officially begun.

Both sides started conservatively.


When the buff was about to be refreshed, Han Guo chose to invade the blue buff of LPL with the jungler trio on this side, and insec forcibly added CJ to QQ, and robbed Ming Kai's first blue.

There is a lack of hard control on the LPL side, and there is no way at all.

"The nightmare single buff is on, there is no blue buff, the efficiency of the field is greatly reduced, and the level is also affected. Chen Feng shook his head.

Don't look at the game, it's only less than 2 minutes old.

But you can see a lot from this scene.

LPL has chosen a lineup that will be strong in the later stage, and it will definitely be inferior in the early stage.

Someone snatched his blue buff in front of him, almost a bandit, but he couldn't do anything about it....

This is a small microcosm.

Next, every time before the Han national team does something, Chen Feng can always predict it in advance.

It's not an afterthought, it's a prediction of what they're going to do before they do something.

For example the first wave of insec to the lower gank.

Then the second wave directly killed the LPL's bottom lane duo and took out the LPL's bottom lane tower.

"I can't stop it. Chen Feng shook his head, "This one has gone far." "

The heroine of the policewoman is still assisted by Lulu.

was actually pushed off by the other party in turn, then this combination will become quite chicken.

The policewoman can only exert her strength again in the later stage.

But will people drag you to the later stage??

Although Ming Kai used the ultimate move to successfully cooperate with PDD to catch a wave of Jace who was on the list, it didn't have much effect at all.

It's too late.

PDD's laning disadvantage is not something that can be compensated for by killing Jace once or twice.

Team Han slowly rolled the snowball step by step.

It's 25 minutes.

The two sides are 10-5, and the gap is not very big.

But in fact, the economic gap between the two sides has been widened to 1W5!

The top single Jace is two large pieces ahead of PDD!

The mid-laner card pressed Ruofeng's Bright Moon by nearly 200 knives!

The policewoman is also a big piece behind the small cannon. 1.0

There is no team battle at all!

In the end, it took less than 30 minutes!

The han team directly pushed the base of the LPL team all the way!

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Mom, I just found out that the book review area is so lively......

Brothers, don't argue, in fact, the golden finger of the full-picture vision, I personally think it's a bug.

Bugs can make the opponent's jungler scrap, and can resolve the ambush in the opponent's jungle and the like.

Even if the opponent is financially ahead of you and the vision crushes you, it is impossible to single out the people of the team by suppressing the vision.

I did think about making the protagonist lose this ability at some point and change to another more reliable gold finger.

So here's the problem.

Keep the full-picture field of view, or change a gold finger, and tell your opinions in the book review area0.0_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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