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"4-1 Viktor, tanky and explosive"

"In this match of EDG, it is estimated that the next game will be centered around the top lane.

Miller's analysis is actually correct.

Then, the factory manager began to take care of the top lane completely. Xu Mo pushed forward at the second tower in the top lane, while the factory manager was directly active in the upper jungle. The intention was obvious, that is, to provide some support to Xu Mo at any time. At the moment, RNG did not dare to act rashly in the face of this Victor.


"You don't have to worry about me"

"My Viktor's equipment can fight three or even four at once. There is no problem."

Xu Mo said this when he saw the factory manager like this.

In fact, this is not Xu Mo's boasting.

The Viktor in front of him is indeed as he said.

However, his teammates don't dare to believe it.

In the following time,

Xu Mo started to go to the top lane and prepared to go all the way to the end. Anyway, RNG couldn't stop him. This wave directly led to the top lane.���Maybe the game will end faster.

Xiaohu should be substituted in.

Otherwise, the top lane will be guarded.

In this game, Xiaohu's development is still very strong. Although his Syndra didn't have many kills online, he was not at a disadvantage in the laning with Scout.

But soon, Xiaohu was frightened.

Xiaohu just walked to the highland tower.

Viktor came up and gave him a QER.

What a fast skill hand speed!

And... terrible damage.

After confirming with his eyes, this is someone you can't afford to mess with.


"This single Victor is basically unsolvable"

"RNG is now facing the same problem as in the first game of the finals, and basically has no way to deal with Victor."

Seeing Xiaohu being electrocuted by Viktor's ultimate, Miller also said.

At this time.

EDG people followed and pushed RNG's mid lane.

Facing Viktor, RNG was really powerless. The situation was becoming more and more unfavorable for them, but RNG could not think of any way to solve it.

At this time, RNG was exhausted from defense.

They watched Xu Mo's Viktor start to demolish the high ground.

But what can they do? No one can stop him.

In this game.

The factory manager was surprised to find that everything seemed to be as Xu Mo said, quite easy.

His barrel easily got the Rift Herald, easily got the little dragon, and then easily pushed down the bottom lane tower.

Everything seemed to be the same as a rank game.

The game came to 18 minutes later.

Strengthen the E skill, and have ice fists, ice staffs, and mercury shoes on hand.

With such a Viktor, the damage is not explosive. Such a top hero, why doesn't Riot nerf him?

Damn, it's simply unscientific!


"This game is boring."

""Let's end it quickly!"

EDG's internal voice.

When Meikou heard this, she thought it was Xu Mo again who was saying such dirty words. Generally speaking, he would be the only one who would say these things.

But the next moment, Meikou realized that the voice was wrong, and it was actually Qijiang who said it.

It was really incredible.

She never expected that even the factory manager would start to swell up, which surprised Meikou herself.

But speaking of it, he also felt that this duel should end here.

Judging from the current summer finals, RNG's state or overall strength is not as good as EDG, and they have too many reasons to lose.

"Haha, Brother Seven can do it"

"Help me place the Rift Herald on the road, and then you can go fight the Baron."

At this point in time, it was almost time for the Baron to spawn, but at this time, the factory manager still had the Rift Herald on him. When

Xu Mo said this, the two of them immediately made a decision.


"This time, the factory manager directly put the Rift Herald down the road and continued to push for 41 points."

"Right now, EDG's rhythm is really picking up, and the offensive is continuous. RNG seems to be completely unable to defend."

Miller is also explaining the situation while looking at the situation on the field.

"EDG's decision really doesn't give them any chances"

"The highland tower in the top lane has been pushed halfway, and the Rift Herald is not placed in the top lane but in the bottom lane. Even if we fight the Baron later, Viktor can hit it with the Rift Herald in the bottom lane."

Wawa continued Miller's words.

The audience in the live broadcast room also admired EDG's decision, which was completely the rhythm of pressing RNG to the ground.

RNG chose the Baron.

This choice is also very smart.

Because if you want to catch Viktor in the bottom lane, it is actually not that easy, and you may even be killed in the counterattack. Control the vision of the Baron, or find an opportunity to grab the Baron.

Maybe this game can still be won.

Otherwise, it will be completely over.

But the rich experience of the factory manager is not to be underestimated.

RNG comes to defend the Baron.

No problem!

Retreat temporarily.

In the bottom lane, Viktor has already hit the second tower in the bottom lane with the Rift Herald.

RNG leaves.

EDG starts the Baron.

At the moment, RNG is trapped in endless psychological torture.


"I have to say, EDG played really smart."

"This experienced style of play completely made RNG lose all temper."

Seeing EDG's torturous style of play, Miller couldn't help but marvel.

It's so smart!

At this time, RNG turned back to the dragon pit.


EDG retreated again.

In the bottom lane, the Rift Herald crashed into the highland tower.

Will RNG go back to defend?

Kennen alone can't stand Viktor.


"Just surrender. It's no fun to be tortured like this."

"It feels like I was being played by EDG. It's really frustrating.��"

"EDG used this tactic, are you devils?"

"RNG was just being shunned around like this. Please tell me the psychological shadow area of the whole RNG team."


The audience in the live broadcast room watched all this and posted comments one after another.

At this moment, the mood of despair had already spread in the hearts of the RNG people.

EDG's little tactic completely destroyed the spirit of the RNG people. The key is that RNG did not dare to easily look for EDG to start a team fight.

It is really not certain that they can win.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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