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SKT picked Lulu in the third pick.

Seeing this, the three commentators were a little panicked.

In the first three picks,

Galio, Tristana, and Lulu were all very OP heroes in this version. Now, SKT got three of them. How would they play later?

"I have to say that SKT's BP and player selection are really smart."

"These three heroes will give you a feeling"


"And it was terribly stable."

Miller couldn't help but frown when he saw this. He was really not happy to see SKT get these heroes so easily.

Although there were some concerns, at the moment, everyone could only believe EDG.

It had reached the point where they couldn't lose.

The BP of both sides continued.

Next, it was time to enter the final BP phase.

Since SKT didn't choose a jungler in the first three rounds, EDG would continue to target the jungler position, and directly take down the two heroes, Troll and Big Worm.

At the moment, the hero Big Worm can also be regarded as a jungler.

On the SKT side, they seemed too lazy to target Xu Mo's top position, because it was too difficult to target, so it was better to help Li Ge Galio in the middle lane.

Malzahar and Snake Girl were directly taken down.

In this way, there were no heroes in the middle lane who were relatively easy to line up with Galio, which definitely added a problem for EDG.

But seeing this, Xu Mo and his teammates were relieved.

"It’s done!"

"The opponent didn't pull Yasuo."

Seeing SKT's choice, Meikou was very happy. This wave of SKT's pull did not affect EDG's strategy that had been thought of a long time ago.

And here.

SKT's fourth pick, under the situation that the jungle hero was targeted very badly, it depends on what Peanut will do now.

In fact.

Although the OP junglers were almost pulled out, there are still some junglers that can appear on the field.

Zac, excavator, etc.

Of course, heroes like EZ can also be selected, but because of the lesson in the last game, SKT will definitely not let Peanut choose such a hero again.

"Let’s see how SKT selects players!"

"Basically, there are only Zac and Rubicon left."

Just after Miller finished speaking, SKT made a choice and took Rubicon directly. This is relatively good for a jungler like Peanut.

At least he is not playing the herbivorous type, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

After taking Rubicon, when the director gave the camera to Peanut, he also saw a relatively relaxed expression on his face.

In the situation where so many junglers were targeted, he was still able to choose Rubicon, which was actually quite good.

And here.

EDG began to select the fourth and fifth picks.

Scout's fourth pick has not been determined yet, and Xu Mo's fifth pick has been locked in seconds.

Swift Swordsman, Yasuo!

Seeing this, the audience was in an uproar.

"Damn! Brother Peng is actually happy in this round"

"Shocked! This guy is really brave, he dares to use a hero like Yasuo in this kind of game"

"Anyway, I was shocked. He is indeed the expansion brother."

"This is too arrogant. If I lose, I will definitely be blamed."


Many netizens were also discussing this, mainly because of the hero Yasuo, which was really surprising. Generally speaking, Yasuo would only appear in the game where there was no pressure.

But this game was the most important fifth game of the semi-finals. If you lose, you have to get out.

In this situation, Xu Mo dared to lock Yasuo in seconds.

He was so arrogant!

"What do you think of this Yasuo?"

"Anyway, I was stunned!"

Wawa directly threw the question to the other two commentators. They have been guessing Xu Mo's top lane choice. Without knowing what hero the opponent's top laner would choose,

Jayce is definitely very stable.

In the last game, Xu Mo's Jayce beat Huni to a pulp. This game, he just needs to pick Jayce again and he'll be done.

Or like some other powerful top laners, such as Shen and Rumble, they are also very good. Whenever Xu Mo uses these heroes, he will have a very bright performance.

But Xu Mo didn't choose those heroes.

He surprised everyone.

Happy little wind man, Yasuo has been confirmed

"Although I think this hero is not good in the current version, after all, this is a version of top tank, but I still believe that Xu Mo should be able to play with his personal strength."

From Miller's expression, he is actually a little pessimistic about Xu Mo's choice, but he does not question Xu Mo's personal strength.

This is still reassuring.

"If you play Yasuo top lane, you should just play top jungle."

"I think it's OK. As long as EDG's Yasuo and Lee Sin can do something in the top lane at level 6, there will still be a fight later."

PDD obviously saw this point.

Lee Sin is indeed very easy to cooperate with Yasuo's ultimate at level 6, and it is almost a gank without explanation, and the ultimate can knock up and it's done.

To a certain extent, the success rate is relatively high.

But it also depends on the situation. If the opponent chooses a relatively tanky top lane hero, it may make it difficult for EDG's top and jungle to cooperate.

Huni, a player, rarely plays tank heroes. It is indeed painful for him to make a choice at this time.

But he has been beaten by Xu Mo for several games.

Whether playing Jayce or Gnar, his scalp is numb.

Huni is scared!

SKT's fifth pick, Ornn, was directly selected!

The real tank!

"I have to say, SKT responded very well!"

"This Ornn is telling you, Lee Sin, don't think about ganking the top lane easily. Coupled with the support of Galio's ultimate in the middle lane, it is definitely a very difficult thing for EDG."

Miller was already worried when he saw this!

The selection of this Ornn is what makes many people feel desperate.

Because at level 6, even if Lee Sin cooperates with Yasuo to deal damage with his ultimate, Ornn has displacement, ultimate, and most importantly, he is very tanky, so it is difficult for you to kill him.

This is really uncomfortable!

But no matter what, the BP of both sides has been completed, and it depends on how the game is played next.

Since EDG dares to choose such a lineup, they must have their own ideas. At this time, everyone can only believe them._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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