At the same time.

When the outside world was fighting over Ye Feng's affairs.

Ye Feng, the real person, had just woken up because he slept too late yesterday.

And he was woken up by a series of knocks on the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Dai Xiaomei rushed in.

And as soon as she came in, Dai Xiaomei asked worriedly:"Are you okay?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng was confused.

He was staying at home fine, how could something happen.

Seeing Ye Feng's puzzled look, Dai Xiaomei continued to explain:"Today, Sound into the Scene released a trailer, and you were selected as the third dubbing guest, but now the outside world seems to be very unfavorable to you. It is even possible that you will be directly removed because you are doing the dubbing for the game!"

It turned out that the news that major sponsors asked Ye Feng to withdraw from Sound into the Scene had been spread.

In order to attract attention, many unscrupulous public accounts began to publicize this matter, and all kinds of colorful titles came out.

"Return to the right path? Sound in the Realm seems to have announced the removal of Ye Feng!"

"Miserable! Ye Feng was forced to withdraw from the guest seat of Sound Immersion!"

"It's a hammer! The game dubbing is really not worthy of being in a high-class place!"

As these headlines continued to ferment and spread on the Internet,

Ye Feng was once again pushed to the forefront of the fishing reel.

""Ye Feng, what are you going to do?"

Dai Xiaomei asked with concern.

Since last night, her relationship with Ye Feng has become unusual.

Now seeing Ye Feng in such an embarrassing situation, she certainly wants to help.

"What should I do?"

Ye Feng smiled lightly and did not answer.

But his face was very calm.

Ye Feng had no intention of responding to those nt marketing accounts.

Because there was no need, arguing with them was like lowering one's status.

Moreover, let's not talk about the extreme lack of authenticity of these so-called online rumors.

Even if it was true, Ye Feng would not care much.

To be honest, it was not that important to him whether or not to be on"Sound of Imitation"."

Sound of Imitation", after all, was just a springboard for him to face the public.

If he wanted, Ye Feng could sign a contract with Tencent right now.

With Tencent's powerful capital power, coupled with Ye Feng's amazing dubbing ability.

With just a little operation and packaging, Ye Feng would definitely become popular immediately, and even become a big star known to the public.

It's just that Ye Feng has always been thinking about maximizing benefits. He wants Tencent to clearly recognize his value before he signs a contract with them.

"However, is it really so difficult to do game dubbing in a decent manner?"

"That's because you haven't seen really good game dubbing!"

Ye Feng's eyes flashed.

He planned to use a brand new hero voice pack.

Originally, he was going to use it in the live broadcast of the sound immersion, but now it seemed unnecessary.

He wanted to make a brand new dubbing video to let those ignorant people see what the pinnacle of Chinese dubbing is and what the light of Chinese dubbing is!


At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

Ye Feng picked it up and saw that it was Zhang Sheng from Tencent.

"Why did he call me?"

Ye Feng thought about it and answered the phone. Anyway, there was no rush to make the dubbing video.

"Mr. Ye Feng, we heard that you were invited to the Shangsheng Linqijing. Congratulations!"

"It just so happens that the venue of the Sound of Life and our Tencent headquarters are both in Shenzhen. I hope you can come to our Tencent to visit us when the time comes."

As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Sheng's flattering congratulations came from the other end of the phone.

Ever since he saw Ye Feng's ability, Zhang Sheng has respected Ye Feng very much.

Especially when his boss gave a death order, asking him to recruit Ye Feng to Tencent, he became more cautious with Ye Feng and did not dare to offend him at all.

"Sound Immersion? I may not go."

Ye Feng glanced at Dai Xiaomei who was worried, then pointed to his mobile phone, showing Zhang Sheng's name, and answered.

Dai Xiaomei was relieved. She thought the call was from Sound Immersion.

""What happened? Mr. Ye Feng, why did you suddenly say you couldn't go?"

Zhang Sheng's voice was obviously a little flustered.

Because his boss's arrangement this time was for him to take advantage of the start of the"Sound into the Scene" to get closer to Ye Feng, and then discuss cooperation.

If Ye Feng didn't go to"Sound into the Scene", wouldn't all his plans be ruined?

"Didn't you read the news? It is said that because of the game dubbing, several sponsors of Sound in the Scene have a lot of complaints about me."

Ye Feng said lightly

"Sponsor of the sound experience?"

Zhang Sheng spoke quickly, with anger hidden in his voice.

"Damn, I’ve only been away for one day and these bastards are already causing trouble for me!"

"Mr. Ye Feng, please wait. I will solve this problem for you right away!"

Ye Feng hung up the phone with a strange look on his face.

From Zhang Sheng's tone, it seems that he is very familiar with several sponsors of Hesheng Linqijing?

So should I make the dubbing video now, or wait and see and wait for the result from Zhang Sheng?

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