As the voice of the doll fell, the camera switched to the BP interface.

In this game, IG was on the red side and LZ was on the blue side.

As soon as they started, LZ really banned Shen and Fiora, plus a Noxus!


The first two bans were fine, but when everyone saw that LZ even banned Noxus, they were instantly stunned.

No... is it that serious?

However, the coach of the LZ team still has a very sharp eye. He accurately saw that the reason why IG is so strong now is largely due to the top lane.

This is simply an incredible thing in this version.

But since it has happened, we must learn to adapt and face it!

IG was also stunned when they saw this, and then they routinely banned the powerful Xia and Lulu in this version, as well as the last Spear of Vengeance.

"The bans on both sides are more targeted. Relatively speaking, our targeting is more comprehensive.…"

"Yes... In the first round of bans... LZ directly banned three top lane heroes in a row, and basically none of them were popular in the version... This was completely targeting Cherish!"

Wawa couldn't help but exclaimed:"This... LZ has such a fast reaction speed!"

"Respect, this LZ is definitely respected. Now in the world, the top laner who can let them ban three times... I am afraid that only the current IG can do it..." Miller also sighed.

LZ's ban made everyone feel unhappy or sad.

You say sad... It is true, after all, the heroes that Cheirsh is popular with have been suppressed.

Even if these heroes are not strong in the version, who can blame Cherish for being able to go against the version and play these heroes to perfection?

But... The fact that a team like LZ can target the"world's strongest team" that all the people used to rely on to make such a BP shows how much LZ values and fears Bai Qiu after the first game!

It's just…

"This time... LZ did not ban Jayce, who played a crucial role in IG's first game."Wawa glanced at it and suddenly had an idea:"LZ…Are you trying to ban someone by stealing them?"


Before he finished speaking, LZ, who was on the blue side, decisively chose Jayce’s portrait after the first round of bans.

He showed it and locked it in seconds!

"Fight for a better tomorrow!"

Future Guardian, Jace!

Directly confirmed!

"Locked! Jayce, it’s Jayce!"

Seeing this, the Oriental Sports Center suddenly rang with a commotion.

Countless LCK spectators also shouted excitedly.

Khan, after being beaten by Bai Qiu in the first game, confidently locked Jayce in the second game!

This is Khan, this is the domineering top lane king they are familiar with!

"Wow..." Commentators from all over the world looked at each other with emotion when they saw this.

"'s started!" Miller said with some mixed feelings:"When we saw this BP...we should have thought that even Noxus was banned, but Cherish's god-level performance on Jayce in the last game was not banned...this is unreasonable!"

"Yes, but... Khan is a little confident." Wawa said in a strange tone:"In the last game, Cherish's Jayce played perfectly and beat Poppy in the top lane... In this game, Khan made a counterattack... This... feels like it came with a smell of gunpowder!"

"Compete with them and determine who is better!"Miller said:"At this level of professional players, everyone has a strong sense of ambition... the smell of gunpowder is very strong."

After saying that, he frowned slightly:"In this case... Khan's Jayce has become a famous sign. If ordinary heroes can only play 80 points in Khan's hands, then Jayce is definitely 100% 100 points, or even 120 points!"

The reason why the man brother in S7 became famous is because of the god-level Jayce who once beat SKT collectively.

This selection did make many LPL viewers feel a little uneasy.

IG…This BP was a little wrong. You thought they didn't dare to pick it, but they turned around and made a move to prove that my Jayce is better than yours!!

"Brother, the other side is not convinced." Seeing this, King Ning couldn't help but teased Bai Qiu.

Bai Qiu said indifferently:"It's all right, I know more than just Jayce.…"

"To be honest, looking at the ID of the opponent, they have the capital and strength to do so." Xiaoxi in the bottom lane said, and then laughed:"But I support Qiu Dad, beat the opponent!"

"Beat him up, and then even famous heroes won’t be able to beat you, and the opponent will be completely ruined…"

The atmosphere in the IG team was still quite lively, and as they talked, the subsequent BPs were also announced one after another.

Finally, the IG lineup was determined first, which was:

Blue side LZ: top lane Jayce, jungle Lee Sin, mid lane Clockwork, bottom lane Rat + Thresh.

IG: Jungle Spider, mid lane Yasuo, bottom lane EZ + Zyra.

Nine players have been confirmed for both sides.

The blue side LZ's lineup has been confirmed, and it is obviously a familiar top and jungle lineup.

Although the choice of the bottom lane is not strong in the version, the ADC Twitch is a panacea hero that all the top AD players in LCK must be proficient in and master!

At the same time, with a Thresh, the early bottom lane will be much more comfortable.

On the other side, IG's lineup seems a bit weird, not only because they dreamed of returning to S6 and directly selected the auxiliary Zyra, but also because... Rookie actually chose Yasuo!

But whether this Yasuo is top or mid, no one knows, which also led to LZ's cautious banning of a top hero in the second round of bans.

After all... Bai Qiu has used Yasuo top before, and the effect is good!

"To be honest, I don’t quite understand IG’s lineup." Miller hesitated and said,"Is there any ultimate move?""

"It’s not about whether it’s a big move or not… I just want to know, is Yasuo a top laner or a mid laner?" Wawa said:"If he’s a mid laner, then IG… who should choose as the top laner in this game?"

"LZ targeted Cherish too much in this game, which led to him being released outside now. Moreover, there are very few top lane heroes that Cherish is hot on... Even Noxus has been banned!"

"Yes... This is indeed a bit confusing... Now outside, with this lineup, can IG use Olaf? But once Olaf is used, the whole lineup will be completely uncoordinated... What should I use..." Miller said, and under everyone's attention, IG's last choice had already fallen.

"The day when the broken sword is reforged, the knight returns!"

Then, a cool and handsome silver-haired girl's avatar suddenly appeared in front of the global audience.

Familiar yet strange.

This is -

Exiled Blade, Riven!!

An ancient and bloody character that every carry-type top laner has favored for a period of time.——"Unpopular hero"!

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