Moba: Peak Era

Chapter 105

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"Haha, just kidding. I played Fiora yesterday because I happened to be making a tutorial video."

Miss revealed her real goal, which was to advertise her own tutorial video and also to give the audience some information about the new Fiora.

"Many people complain that the new version of Sword Princess has become weaker and is not as powerful as the old version of Sword Princess. In fact, this is not the case."

"The old version of Fiora's mechanism is a bit brainless, basically Q goes up to attack, if you win, you are invincible, if you lose, the whole game will be over. But the new version of Fiora is different, it is very operation-intensive, and the damage depends entirely on flaws, and there is a luck factor. The previous W can only block the flat A. The current W skill is stronger and can block all skills, including ignite.……"

"Players who think the new Sword Princess is weak probably have not yet mastered it and are not used to the new gameplay."

"No one doubts Reaper's operation, but proficiency takes time and cannot be acquired overnight.——"

Miss's words make sense.

Fiora was originally a very popular hero in the pub game, and many people played her after the rework.

95 players still don't understand how to play, and think this hero is rubbish. The old version is more fun. Q goes up and does a mindless operation. Life and death are indifferent. If you don't accept it, just fight.

If you bring out new things, you have to face doubts.

Even the big devil is no exception, not to mention Chen Ziyou.

"I don't understand this sword girl."

"It's only been out for a few days, and you're already using it in a competition? That's awesome!"

"Tooru, Reaper is really a bit bloated"

"This rubbish hero, with such low damage, can he beat Maokai?" 26 comments were posted one after another, with discussions raging, and the vast majority of viewers were not optimistic.

People's first reaction to unknown things is to question and reject them.

Especially EDG fans... the more they care, the more emotional they are.

Of course, the diehard fans are still very optimistic.

With the cheers, the scenery of Summoner's Rift appeared before their eyes.

The lineups of both sides are as follows.

LGD (blue) vs. EDG (red).

Top unit: Maokai vs. Fiora.

Jungle: Lee Sin vs. Gragas. Mid unit: Clockwork vs. Lulu.

ADC: Kog'Maw vs. Corki.

Support: Alistar vs. Annie.

LGD's lineup this time is obviously three protecting two, a pseudo four protecting one.

Although Clockwork also has output, it basically uses damage to deter the enemy and protect the core.

The core of their team is very clear, that is Imp's Kog'Maw.

""Go, go, go!" Mingkai commanded.

Chen Ziyou chose the starting equipment of Doran's Blade + 1 red buff.

The five EDG players gathered together and drove straight into the jungle to set up wards for"catching lane changes".

EDG, who used to like lane changes the most, is the team that likes lane changes the most this season.

So far, they have become very proficient in this tactic.

‘How many times have you done this? Why are you so skilled?! '

Watching EDG roaming the jungle like bandits, Acorn cried without tears.

The tree clicked E at level 1, and the F4 trick was completely invalid. There were wards in the jungle and on the line. Forget it, forget about switching lines.

However, because of the catching and switching lines, the top laners of both sides did not have time to kill wild monsters to level up 2, but came to the line at level 1.

"Good luck."

Chen Ziyou's eyes narrowed as he saw the flaw that was refreshed in front of the tree.

He didn't rush over immediately. The flaw was refreshed in front, and Acorn must be prepared.

If he went up to exchange blood directly, he would definitely be counterattacked by the tree's Q.

The intention must not be too obvious.

Chen Ziyou attacked the soldier slowly, and then made a slight retreat.

At this moment, [Breaking Air (Q)] was launched in the opposite direction.

Clang - the flaw was broken, and the sword girl who gained the acceleration and blood recovery effect retreated quickly, just avoiding the counterattack of the tree's Q skill.

‘Ah. '

Acorn nodded in pain, this guy is still so meticulous.

Although he has only played the new version of Fiora twice, he also knows that this hero relies on"hitting flaws" to output.

So, as long as you guard against and predict your own skills, you will definitely hit Fiora.

However, Reaper is more detailed and perfectly implements"surprise attack". When

Fiora's Q skill hits a flaw, the cooldown time will be shorter, which is faster than the Q of the tree.

Next, Chen Ziyou used the same method and hit the flaw twice more.

Among them, he dodged another Q of the tree.

Of course, because of constantly crossing the line of soldiers and consuming blood, Fiora was also focused by the enemy soldiers and lost some blood.

However, because hitting the flaw has a blood recovery effect, the state is better than the tree.

After the first wave of soldiers was cleared, the tree, who was just over half of his blood, began to take drugs and moved cautiously for a while.

But soon, because the second wave of soldiers came online, Acorn felt safe.

Little did he know that when he saw his blood limit, Chen Ziyou had already had murderous intent in his heart.

The new version of Sword Lady has just been released. This version of Sword Lady is the strongest.

The damage and recovery of flaws have not been reduced, and the CD of Sky Break has not been extended. The damage and flexibility are unexpectedly high.

Or... He almost forgot that the basic armor of the tree in the previous version was reduced.

As the fight went on, Chen Ziyou found that there was a possibility of killing

‘——It just requires a bit of luck. '

Another flaw was refreshed, on the side of the tree.

Fiora used a Sky Break to break it.

But this time, Fiora did not use the acceleration effect to retreat, but moved forward to block the tree's position, so she was hit by the tree's Q.

The soldiers instantly focused their hatred on Fiora.

‘Mistake? '

Seeing this, Acorn immediately summoned up the courage to exchange blood and attacked Fiora on the spot.

Another flaw appeared, this time on the other side of the tree.

He attacked and retreated.

Acorn was very meticulous. He kept attacking Fiora, not allowing Fiora to attack the flaw by moving.

The advantage that Fiora had gained by consuming the enemy was now gone, and her blood volume would soon be equal to that of the tree.

‘I made a profit from this exchange of blood, it's time for Fiora to retreat……’

This was Acorn's idea.


, Fiora had no intention of retreating.

Even though she failed to break the second flaw, she was not afraid at all. She took drugs and continued to attack with her determination to kill.

Acorn felt the killing intent and felt something was wrong.

The cooldown of Sky Break ended, and Fiona's blade cut through the flaw again.

Speed up, recover health! After continuing to block the position and attack, the health of the tree was instantly in danger.

However, Acorn was almost escaping under the defense tower.

Seeing the stable development tower, Acorn felt safe instantly.

The tree turned back and attacked Fiora a few more times. Because of the focus of the soldiers, the health of the sword was also dropping very fast.

The CD of the tree's Q skill was ready, and the tree attacked instantly, and hit the sword.

The health of the heroes on both sides was only about 200 (less than 200).

The tree could take away Fiora with four attacks.

The sword could take away the tree with one QA if the flaw was broken.

However, the tree still had flash, and Acorn could not be hit by the flaw.

If Fiora forced a flash to trade, she would also be killed by the defense tower.

This exchange can be said to be reckless by Reaper.

Because Acorn tree started with Doran's Ring + Red, and had one more potion than Fiora.

The next moment, the flaw refreshed

"——It's the back side!"

Acorn was ecstatic.

If the flaw was in front of him, he would need to flash to escape, but if it was in the back side, he wouldn't need to run at all.

Fiora Q came up, flashed to the back and used a basic attack to explode?

——Diamond players can react quickly.

Do you really think that Acorn is so slow to react because of his age?

Luck was on Acorn's side this time.

But what happened next made everyone feel——

"Reaper is crazy! He is still chasing after this move?" 217 Ze Yuan shouted

"The tree is already under the tower!"

Fiora continued to move forward.

The CD of her Q skill was ready, and she used Sky Break without hesitation.

Sky Break pierced the front of the tree, and the hatred of the defense tower was instantly focused on Fiora.

Fiora swung her blade and was about to attack with a basic attack.

——This time, the basic attack is not enough!

The flaw is behind the tree.

If it is in front, the damage of the QA is enough to take away the tree, or at least force a flash.

Reaper made a mistake.

However, the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

The moment after the basic attack, Fiora flashed.

Clang - not a flash A. Nor a Q flash.

Acorn judged the first two situations and was always on guard.

If Reaper dared to do the above operations, he would definitely complete a wave of amazing counter-killing.

However, Acorn could not have thought of it, nor could he have been prepared.——A

The flaw was instantly shattered.

The tree was killed.

The Acorn screen immediately fell into darkness.

The sword lady who killed the tree sped out of the tower and took some damage from the defense tower.

The sword lady, who should have been killed by the defense tower, was upgraded to level 2 because of the experience gained from killing heroes. With only a few dozen points of health left, she escaped from the tower... and was killed alone.

This was something that had never happened before in the competition - a single kill in a single lane at level 1.

Wow————The scene was boiling instantly, and countless people shouted

"What is this?"Ze Yuan couldn't believe it, his eyes widened.

"Did I see that correctly? That was an A flash——? ? In the game League of Legends, can you A?"

"No, the most important thing is, for the hero Fiora, can A actually break through the flaw?"

"This hero has just been released, Reaper……"

"Why are you so skilled?"

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection and recommendation

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