Other LGD members also gradually discovered Chen Ziyou's existence

"What about Koro and AJ? EDG doesn't need a top laner, why would they hire him?"

"Reaper's style...does it match EDG?"

"Brother A, be careful, this guy is very strong!"

The LGD players were talking about it, and even Imp expressed his opinion in Chinese with a Xinjiang accent.

"Okay, okay, everyone, be quiet for a moment."

The team coach interrupted the discussion:

"No matter who the opponent is, we just need to play seriously. I believe that with your current strength, you will not be inferior to EDG."

This coach is also a big shot. He once saved Wuwukai's life with his"closing trick". He is also a brother to Reubenwei and fought with Wihte in Royal Club.

Yes, he is the well-known Chris

"What about the ban position? Don't we need to target Reaper?"

Pyl, the team commander, asked back.

Pyl has not yet become the death god support with the most deaths in the LPL. He is considered the top domestic support in the LPL. He was once compared with Mata. Both his awareness and operation are at their peak. He is also one of the reasons why LGD has become stronger this season.

"No need." Chris shook his head and said,"This is just a training match. If EDG really comes up with something new, it will be a good thing for us. Don't give a single ban to the opponent's top laner.……"


Everyone on LGD had no objection.

Soon, as everyone pressed '1' on the public screen to indicate that they were ready, the game began.

Because it was just a training match, both sides were very casual in banning, basically only banning the heroes that were strong in the version.

EDG banned Twitch, Spear of Vengeance, and Annie.

LGD banned Jinx, Tsar, and Digger.

Then, EDG on the blue side locked the hero in seconds.

Twisted Tree Spirit - Maokai


Everyone in LGD was stunned for a moment, and Godv even directly sent out a series of question marks on the public screen.

The top lane Maokai is undoubtedly a must-ban hero in this version, and it is also the signature of EDG's teamfight system.

There has always been a popular saying in LPL that when EDG gets Maokai in domestic competitions, the game is over.

So, there is really no problem for EDG to choose Maokai...

But the problem is, the opponent's top laner is Reaper?

The player who blew up the entire Korean server with a carry-type top laner and never played a Maokai in the ranking match.

LGD.Godv:"What do you mean, brother?"

LGD.TBQ:"Just after joining EDG, have you become completely EDG?"

LGD.Imp:"Last time in the ranking game, I asked you to play Maokai, but you insisted on playing Fiora.……"

LGD.pyl:"Wait, are you really a reaper? Could it be that Tong Yang or AJ changed their ID to trick us?"



I guess you are... I am so angry, but the ban selection is still going on.

Soon, both sides have determined the lineup.

EDG Team (Blue)-VS-LGD Team (Red).

Top: Treant vs Gnar

Jungle: Gragas vs Sejuani

Mid: Card vs Lizard

ADC: Kog'Maw vs Annie

Support: Thresh vs Alistar

After the game started, Abu took his notebook, moved a chair and sat next to Chen Ziyou, staring at his screen and carefully observing his operations.

Although this was just a training match, it was no different from a professional match.

Whether Repaer can adapt to the competition, his previous performance in Rank games does not count.

This game is the key...

Knowing how to line up and fight in a team is useless.

The rhythm and play of the game are completely different from those of Rank.

The style of Rank games is more"straightforward". Even in high-end King games, you show off your skills today, and I will find an opportunity to show off again another day. It is very daring and hardworking. Many passerby kings are not inferior to professional players in terms of personal abilities such as laning and fighting in a team.

But in terms of scheming and cooperation, they are completely incomparable to the league.

There are too many examples of the king of the road who is invincible in the Rank game and becomes an inexperienced baby after entering the league. EDG's most famous Zhao Chuanxiong is one of them.

In the professional arena, the situations that need to be faced are much more complicated. You need to study the players' eye position habits to bypass the vision, the double TP brainless military training lineup, and the jungler's"anti-rhythm GANK". You can play yourself to death in the ranking, but there will be no problem with the cooperation of teammates in the game.

The same is true for the way to deal with disadvantageous situations.

Reaper relies on his outstanding personal strength.

Even if his teammates are at a disadvantage, he can still have an advantage in the Rank game and always maintain an equipment advantage to participate in the team.

However, if he is successfully targeted in the league and still"dares to fight and fight" when his equipment is very weak, he will not be able to play a game against pressure at all, which may cause the collapse of the whole team.



At the beginning of the first game, both sides did not choose to fight at level 1, and did not switch lanes. The game started normally.

In the three lanes, LGD had the advantage in terms of heroes, so they had no reason to choose to switch lanes.

EDG was worried that Reaper had no experience in switching lanes to operate the game.

——The combination of Tree vs. Gnar can be said to be a classic top lane duel throughout the spring and summer of S5.

As long as these two heroes are released, they are basically a must-ban.

"Acorn's Gnar……"

While waiting for the soldiers to come online, Chen Ziyou stretched his finger bones.

LGD's current main top laner is Acorn, the"immortal top laner" of the former Samsung Blue Team.

Acorn is very good at tank-type top laners. He is also the top laner with the lowest number of deaths in the league and the most stable. Whether it is laning or teamfighting, he is as steady as a mountain and can play the biggest role of a blue-collar top laner. It can be said that he fits the current"tank league" version very well.

In the current version, Gnar cannot be regarded as a counter to Treant.

Because this version of Treant is very powerful, the ultimate skill reduces group damage, and the small skill damage is extremely high. After the level is raised, a double Doran is produced, and a QE can clear the back row soldiers. After the equipment is formed, the tankiness is very amazing, and the passive blood recovery ability to stay in the line is also imba, which can be called a T0-level unsolvable top laner.

If Gnar dares to pursue suppressing Treant's development too much, it will be easily controlled by Treant's W and killed with the help of the jungler.

Can Chen Ziyou play Treant?


After rebirth, he really hasn't played Treant, but he played it for no less than twenty times in his previous life.

The hero Maokai does not require skill, but awareness and understanding of the game... Twenty games are enough.

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