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"This, this, this...Brother, I have something to say but I don't know if I should say it or not." Wawa was stunned for a long time before he said to his friend seriously.

"What? Miller raised his eyebrows.

"Why?" Wawa said exaggeratedly,"Why does this guy play the game like this? I didn't understand why he dared to go to the bottom lane, but Zzitai was fooled by him. The top lane double-killed IG bottom lane. What kind of monster operation and reaction was that? How could the 0/1 disadvantaged Irelia become 3/1 all of a sudden?"

"I have been commentating on LOL matches for three years, and suddenly I don't understand this game."

Seeing Wawa holding his heart half for show and half seriously, Miller shook his head and laughed,"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that such a targeted Irelia in the early stage could actually achieve such an effect. Moreover, it was all done by her own strength... This wave EDG got three kills and pushed down the top lane tower. The rhythm is back!"

"Right, especially Knife Girl, all the kills are his."Wawa said:"Now the difference between Knife Girl and Rookie's Ahri is the last hits lost in the early stage. But according to the hero attributes... Ahri can't beat Knife Girl."

"——Reaper is invincible in a single-lane situation."

This is the commentator's opinion.

Relying on a single person's ability to break through the line and then form an unsolvable single-lane situation is the most famous playstyle of Reaper since his debut.

However, the players on the field don't think so.

Tsar has been frequently targeted, and now there are too many opposing Leblancs who are behind in development.

And IG's lineup is too strong in both forced opening and Poke capabilities.

For example, now... in the middle lane, Rookie's Leblanc directly consumes WQRE, and with the lead in equipment, Pwan's emperor has lost half of his blood.

When the big move is ready, and then consumes another wave, Tsar is likely to die suddenly even under the tower, and dare not defend the tower at all.

If Irelia goes to split the lane, the front battlefield lacks Irelia's deterrence, and EDG cannot withstand IG's attack.

Chen Ziyou's second piece of equipment gave up the Ruined King, who is more suitable for single-lane, and chose the route of the Hexdrinker.

"We can't delay, Tsar and Annie have to equip themselves, it will be hard for us to fight in the later stages"

"The dragon has spawned. Let's build vision around it."

"Irelia is ready to flash!"

In the IG team voice chat, after a brief discussion, a decision was made.

Now is the strongest period for their lineup. If it drags on, the game will slowly tilt towards EDG.

——The battle for vision began.

In the upper half of the river, both sides used skills to consume each other, moved, cleared vision, and fought for vision.

After a stalemate of about 20 seconds, IG finally seized an opportunity.

Seizing the cooldown of the magic shield of the E skill of the wheel mother, the liar forced to use flash to deal a set of damage, and then attached ignite, forcing Deft to use two skills.

The ADC's health was reduced, and EDG instantly lost the capital to fight for vision.

"Open open open.!"

While the enemy ADC's health was very low, IG simply cleared the field of view and decisively started the dragon.

However, there was actually a tricky ward placed by EDG in the dragon pit.

"this……"Mingkai frowned and said nothing, commanding:"Deft is in too bad a state, we can't win the teamfight, let go of the Baron, defend the high ground, and continue to drag the game to the late game."

Although it was helpless, this was indeed the safest strategy, and it was also in line with EDG's usual style.

Force this teamfight, and if you lose, just go straight to the teamfight.

If you drag it out, you can still wait for the opponent to make a mistake and have hope of a comeback.

Pwan and Meiko had no objection to this, and Deft blamed himself.


"Mingkai." Chen Ziyou suddenly said:"This wave can be fought, the big move of the enchantress is still on cooldown, and there is no flash, and the combat power is at its weakest state. This wave... Rookie can't control me, help me create opportunities"


Mingkai just subconsciously wanted to reject this proposal, but immediately recalled all of Chen Ziyou's past performances.

Strong personal strength, radical style, and daring to fight are the consistent characteristics of Rank Passerby King.

‘Showing off is risky. No matter how brave and hardworking you are, you will be taught a lesson.

But Chen Ziyou is different.

Reaper left the deepest impression on Mingkai in Rank. He can judge the situation and turn the tide as long as his teammates choose to believe in him and play their due role.

"Good! Let's kill them this time!"

Mingkai made up his mind.

This is just a regular season game, I can afford to lose!

Compared with the outcome of this game, he wanted to bet on the possibility of Reaper.

Trust the core carry of the team!

"Deft, prepare to use R," Mingkai commanded.

"I have flash, we can start this wave!" Meiko shouted

"Let me go first!" Chen Ziyou's voice was full of determination and fighting spirit.

When EDG approached the dragon pit river, the dragon was only half dead.

Deft saw the opportunity and used his ultimate.

Irelia took the lead.

IG players caught this scene, and several players marked Irelia together.

3/1 Irelia was the most difficult point for them to deal with, but this wave……

"Is Reaper's positioning a bit too aggressive?"Miller exclaimed.

Attitude's Tree used W directly through the wall, turning into a ball of energy to bind Knife.

Knife with only Tri-phase + Hexblade was very fragile, and as long as she was controlled, she could be killed.


IG didn't know that EDG had a ward in the dragon pit.

At this distance, Tree blinded Knife with W, and even Chen Ziyou's monster reaction could not react. But if there was vision, the outcome would be completely different.


Irelia suddenly flashed backwards, bringing the tree directly to the center of the EDG lineup.

""Shit!" Zzitai was stunned.

As soon as the tree landed, it was knocked away by the Minotaur. Gragas' E and other skills controlled it, and the massive output was crazy.

Without the ultimate skill to reduce damage, the tree's health was extremely low.

In just two seconds, the tree was killed in one second before he could even use his ultimate skill.

"This... EDG's chance has come!"

Miller's eyes lit up. Irelia's trick of luring the enemy deep into the pit was the finishing touch.

Gragas threw his ultimate into the dragon pit, trying to blow up the four IG players.

Rookie and Kid Zion quickly responded by using their displacement skills to dodge the R.

""Enchantress, Enchantress!" Chen Ziyou yelled.

Pwan and Meiko understood.

Tsar WEQ, drifted with a car skill, and rushed directly into the enemy camp, using [Wall of the Imperial Guards (R)] to try to knock the four people away.

Rookie Enchantress reacted very quickly again, activated the second stage of W, returned to the mark, and hit Tsar with QE combo.


(After using this skill, Yao Ji will no longer have any skills to use.

——Supreme Edge (R)

Irelia R passes through Leblanc's body, Q rushes forward, and EW deals damage at close range.

Pantheon quickly used W to hold Irelia, but now control skills can be basically ignored by Irelia.

As long as there are three enemy heroes nearby, Irelia's full-level passive is 40% toughness.

Add to that the toughness bonus of Mercury's Boots... this hero can't control the target at all.

Meiko used Alistar's W to push Lucian away and activated his ultimate to form a human shield wall.

Targeting the gap when the opponent had no skills, Deft found an opportunity to deal damage and launched a wave of darts.

Leblanc's damage output is high, but she is also very fragile.

Her health dropped rapidly, and after her passive was triggered, Rookie wanted to use her clone to trick Chen Ziyou.

Unfortunately, this Leblanc, who was treated like an emperor, basically never lost the blue buff.

And it was this blue buff that betrayed him

——ShutDown. The death of the enchantress announced the collapse of IG's teamfight.

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