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"Kenan……"V took a deep breath and was no longer so nervous.

Is Kennen strong online?

He is strong.

But this hero is the same as Rumble. Suppression online is just a retreat. In essence, he is a hero who develops steadily and waits for team fights. If you really want to kill the opponent alone... unless the opponent is a player who is not familiar with Kennen's damage, it is basically impossible.

Long-range heroes often only have the right to consume and last hit in the online area, and do not have the right to kill alone.

Being killed by a long-range hero can only mean that you are too bad and can't even calculate the damage accurately.

Being suppressed by Reaper... This is normal. This guy has a monstrous online ability, and no top unit player in the entire LPL can withstand it. As long as you don't get killed alone and don't become a breakthrough point for the team, it will be fine.

"There is no need to switch lanes this time, just develop normally."V said.

QG didn't want to switch lanes either. In terms of lane switching operations, there is probably no one in the entire LPL who is more skilled than EDG.

QG's tactical system is very fond of catching the bottom lane, so naturally���Want to line up normally-

"OK, brothers, get going! End EDG!!"Doinb spoke fluent Mandarin, not like a Korean player -, and his voice was very loud.

Both sides started normally.

The jungler opened the buff alone, and the bottom lane duo brushed the stone beetle or toad, and the same was true for the top lane.

Kennen took the wild monsters alone, even if he learned W at level 1. The efficiency was not high.

When Chen Ziyou TPed to the line, the soldiers had been pushed over by the trolls.

Use your body to block the soldiers and control the line?

Other heroes can do it, but Kennen can't.

There is no perfect hero in League of Legends.

If there is a perfect hero, it must be a thing designed by the designer on a whim, and it will not survive for several versions.

Kennen, the Heart of Fury, integrates consumption, control, and self-defense, with sufficient output, and is almost unsolvable in one-on-one combat. However, there are two fatal shortcomings.

——Recovery and injury tolerance.

Kennen does not have any endurance skills. The basic recovery is 1.5/second, which is only 90 points per minute. It cannot even offset the loss of ranged soldiers when attacking enemy heroes.

Some players who have just started playing Kennen will greedily attack enemy heroes and AA in the line, and then they will find that their health is actually not at an advantage, and then the enemy heroes will find an opportunity to rush in and kill them in one wave.

‘V Kennen is a hero that I understand very well.……’

Chen Ziyou secretly praised.

Just from the details of this line pushing, we can see how experienced V is.

When there are many enemy minions, it is not easy for Kennen to consume the Troll. Forced suppression will only lead to loss of health and last hits.

A decision to push the line allows the Troll to avoid the dilemma of facing long-range heroes like Kennen in the first three levels. As the level goes up, with the passive recovery of the Troll, the pressure of line development will be reduced a lot.

Faced with this situation, all Kennen can do is control the line and develop.

The top lane in this game was abnormal in the early stage.

But the mid and bottom lanes of both sides were very aggressive.

In just eight minutes, the mid and jungle of both sides had a collision.

And without exception, the collision took place in the river and jungle on the way from the middle lane to the bottom lane.

"What a coincidence, you are also here to gank the bottom lane?"


"Want to have a fight?"

"Good( ̄ ̄)"Great!"

They stared at each other for a few seconds. The mid and jungle of both sides fought fiercely, and three heads broke out. All summoner skills were used.

As for the bottom lane, after Deft selected EZ, the whole person seemed to awaken, and he was very strong online.

His EZ can even be said to be a signature hero, and he has always been called EZ King.

The action of canceling the skill afterswing is very smooth and natural, and the hit rate is also very high.

If it weren't for Doomsday choosing Braum and blocking a lot of damage for Ashe, Ashe would have had to go home for supplies.

This time, EDG used the mature routine of protecting the middle and bottom. The solid foundation of EDG was revealed. Facing QG's crazy bottom, they made a very successful response. The father and son of EDG's mid and jungle worked together to perfectly restrict QG's mid and jungle. Even because of Mr. Dai's explosive feel after getting EZ, they gained a considerable advantage.

EDG controlled two dragons in a row, and the health of QG's bottom lane defense tower was also very low.

"EDG's rhythm in this game is like the team in the spring season. Miller was surprised:"Have they suddenly changed from the 'top core' tactic to the original 'mid and jungle protect bottom' system? Can the current EDG not only swing in the BP phase, but also in the play style?" The data analysts of the major teams watching this game also sighed silently.

Teams with extremely strong top laners often need the resources of their teammates to tilt and take care of them, and they must play the 'top core' style.

·······Request flowers·······

After all, the top lane is a very easy to be targeted, ganked, and trained.

Unlike the bottom lane, which is sweet and gay, and unlike the mid lane, which is short and easy to shrink, with many connections and junglers ready to support at any time... the top lane in League of Legends is like a single and honest person who can only play the game"alone".

But now, Reaper seems to be able to adapt to the situation where his teammates' resources are not inclined towards him?

Looking at the last hit... In ten minutes, before he knew it, the troll was suppressed by nearly twenty hits again.

Did EDG save the world in his previous life?

Where did they get such a monster top laner?

"This person is so strong……"

After the confrontation, V felt a chill down his spine...........

V had fought against Kennen many times, whether in rank or in competition.

Being suppressed? That's normal.

But being suppressed by twenty times in ten minutes, this was the first time!

The Troll has a passive recovery effect, so it has the capital to withstand the consumption and go to the lane.

Being suppressed so much proved that the Troll was under great pressure in the lane...

Reaper's laning was so detailed that it was like an art.

The blocking vision and escaping hatred when entering and exiting the bushes in the top lane...

The accuracy of skills and the judgment distance were perfect... The control of the special effects of the third basic attack of the ultimate skill, Lightning Blade (W)...

The slippery movement, sometimes the Troll put up a pillar to slow down, and when he wanted to use W to attack, he would find that the distance was always a little short... What surprised V the most was that this Kennen had runes of attack speed + penetration + strength, the ultimate attack attribute, and no armor or magic resistance.

As long as he could attack Kennen, Kennen would definitely not be able to withstand it.

However, from the beginning of the laning phase, the Troll did not encounter any of this Kennen!

The troll himself had been poke'd to half health, and was not far from going home to replenish... After seven minutes of replenishing, he TPed to the line. Now that TP had not cooled down, the troll could not replenish the line immediately after returning home, and would inevitably miss another wave of soldiers, and continue to be left behind in the last hit gap, losing experience...

Really, he was facing each other, and inexplicably found himself about to jump.

As a last resort, V could only shout:

"Swift, come and help me push the line a few times."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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