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"Reaper's decision to escape was great! Miller said excitedly:"This escape is a perfect example of a proverb. The best defense is offense! If Kennen's E and flash were used to escape and dodge skills, he could only dodge two skills at most.……"

"With Kennen's fragile tankiness, even if he dodges two skills, it will be useless and he will still die."

"That’s right! Reaper……"Xiaomi also nodded, watching the wonderful replay of Kennen on the big screen. The more he watched, the more handsome he felt. He wanted to say something. But he really didn't know much, so he could only say one sentence:"Awesome!"

The three-on-one failed, and a chain reaction immediately occurred.

The blue buff of the snake girl was directly countered, and the jungle was also cleared.

At the same time, because EDG's bottom lane invaded its own lower jungle, QG's bottom lane had to retreat to the second tower and gave up a large wave of soldiers.

The first tower, which was already low on health, was directly handed over.

QG is best at targeting the bottom lane, but this time it not only did not work, but also put their own bottom lane into a disadvantage.

It's all because of this top lane...

The failure of the three-on-one directly caused QG to lose nearly a thousand economic points.

"Did EDG save the world in their previous life? Can they sign a top laner like this?"

Under the stage, Chris had the same idea.

As EDG's opponent tomorrow and the only LGD coach who can be compared with EDG in this season's LPL, he was naturally watching this focus battle.

In the top league, no matter how sophisticated the calculations are, you can only guarantee a high success rate, but you cannot completely avoid risks.

Once a mistake is made, the whole game is lost, and you become the scapegoat that netizens and spectators point fingers at.

Therefore, many people will 'not seek credit but avoid mistakes' and give up carry. Focus on development and play the basic functions of heroes in team battles.

For this reason, a special name has been established: blue-collar players.

Blue-collar top laners, blue-collar ADCs...

There is nothing wrong with this approach.

In a team, there must be someone responsible for carrying. Someone is responsible for blue-collar work.

Five people all want to carry the team, unless their strength really crushes their opponents, otherwise We have to fight first...

If your personal strength is inferior to your opponent, taking a stable route is the best choice. However, this style of play will put more pressure on your teammates.

Top players will not only not transfer pressure to their teammates, but also take the pressure of others on themselves.

In Chris's eyes, Reaper can already be called a top top laner.

The only players in the entire LPL who can be called"top top laners" are gogoing and koro1 in their prime.

But these two are just a flash in the pan after a long career experience and encountered a"version suitable for their own style of play". When the version changed, their state also declined quickly.

Only Reaper, even in the reverse version, has shown the elements of a top top laner and unparalleled league dominance, full of infinite possibilities.



After the lower tower was lost, the EDG duo switched to the top lane, allowing Kennen to develop in the bottom lane without any pressure.

After gaining the advantage, EDG gradually eroded and compressed QG's development space.

The economic gap gradually widened, and QG was anxious, but they couldn't find any breakthrough.

Gragas tried to use R group several times, and Ashe's ultimate was also shot out several times, but it didn't work.

Forcing a breakthrough would only make the disadvantage bigger and more collapsed.

Seeing the third dragon being taken away by EDG, QG finally couldn't sit still.

"We must take on the next wave of dragons..!"

The next dragon is already the fourth one...

Once the fourth dragon is taken, EDG will completely seize the initiative, and QG will have to grab the fifth dragon, otherwise the buff of bathing in dragon blood will be too terrifying.

The problem is that in the late game, it is well known how fragile the dragon is. The longer it is delayed, the smaller the chance of grabbing the dragon.

"I'll be ready soon, Kennen's flash will be the same as mine." Swift reminded

"OK, in a team fight, watch out for him coming in! This guy is so fat, how did he grow so big?"Doinb glanced at Kennen, whose record was 0/0/0, but this electric rat's growth was the best in the field. His number of last hits exceeded the second place by nearly 50, and he was developing alone, and his experience was also one and a half levels ahead of the second place.

The rest of the lanes were fighting all the time, but they got a lot of last hits and experience.

And this Kennen was really developing all the time... Sending a terrifying big devil. In just 25 minutes, he already had magic penetration shoes, Central Asia and useless stick.

After a few more minutes of development, in the next team fight, Kennen's hat would probably be out.

The situation on the field became calm.

But this was just the last calm before the storm.

Both sides knew that the next dragon fight would be the key to ending the game.

Especially The C positions of both sides tried their best to develop while clearing soldiers and brushing jungle, and make key equipment before the next team battle. The rest of the"blue-collar" players used resources and bought wards to control vision.

Soon, time came to the critical point when the fourth dragon spawned.

Mystic Shot, Ten Thousand Arrows, Piercing Arrows, Secret Skill: Chidori...

Various Poke skills were launched at the same time, and the two teams were entangled in front of the dragon pit.

Finally, EDG, who had the advantage and initiative, couldn't help it and took the lead in attacking the dragon.

Kennen did not follow his teammates to fight the dragon, because he didn't need his output, but he was very cunning and stuck in a blind spot of the dragon pit. From time to time, he would throw a shuriken to warn QG members that he was here, do you dare to come over?

——QG really didn't dare.

Kennen's role in team battles is similar to nuclear deterrence. His ultimate skill, Ten Thousand Thunder Prison, is a nuclear bomb that makes the final decision.

The more people the nuclear bomb hits, the higher the damage. That's an excellent Kennen.

With such a nuclear bomb stuck in front of them, they can't rush forward to die.

But soon, QG responded.

"Give vision, give vision!!"

The thick-skinned troll and the barrel were at the front.

A pillar was erected in the dragon pit, giving them a vision of the inside of the dragon pit!

And the dragon that was about to drop to half health!

"Go, go, go!" Doinb commanded.

"I have a big one!"

Cassiopeia is actually a counter to Kennen's entry, so she was chosen.

Her role is the same as that of Alistar, Lee Sin, and Tristana, and she has a strong restraint on Kennen in team battles.

Unfortunately, Alistar was banned. Lee Sin and Tristana are not suitable for this version.

"Really going to go?"

V didn't know why he felt guilty... The scene where Kennen turned his head and passed R was still vivid in his mind.

Of course, that was a three-on-one escape. Now it was a five-on-five team fight. The situation was more chaotic, there were more people, and the concentration required was more demanding. Reaper shouldn't be able to do this... right?

However, as a blue-collar top laner, V had no say in the team and could only follow the team's command.

QG's Gragas rushed into the dragon pit and used a big move to break up the formation.

"Don't fight the dragon yet, kill people, kill people!"

Factory Manager Olaf activated Justice and Glory, and led the charge.

Titan also cooperated in the team fight.

EZ and Varus output crazily, each releasing their ultimate skills, sweeping at least two people.

Kennen, Kennen! Be careful!

Doinb shouted frantically, reminding his teammates to be careful of Kennen.

And he himself has been alert to Kennen's entry, and has been holding back his ultimate skill.

Kennen did not enter the field immediately, but followed Varus and EZ to throw skills in the back row.

Wait... wait for the best time to enter the field.

At the seventh second of the team fight, the health of the front row of both sides was extremely low, and the moment when more than half of the control skills were handed over, Kennen moved!

Secret Art - Thunder Armor!

Kennen, who turned into a ball of lightning, accelerated straight forward!

"Here it comes!"

Just like the brave warriors working together to face the devil, QG's hearts tightened.

Magic Crystal Arrow——!

Han Bing used his ultimate move and went straight to Kennen.


Not only did Doinb hold back, Aishe Jiayi also kept her skills to guard Kennen.

This ultimate move would be the best if it could hit, but if it didn't, it could also hinder Kennen's path.

However... when this huge frost arrow, the animation effect of its arrowhead was about to hit Kennen

((Great Zhao) Flash!

Kennen did not dodge, but flashed forward!

Flash is a teleportation effect, which is equivalent to disappearing from the map in an instant and appearing in another place in an instant.

And Kennen's flash happened to be at the maximum distance, dodging Frost's ultimate move.

What kind of operation is this! ?

QG people were shocked, but there was no time to think about it.

Seeing Kennen entering the field, Snake Girl quickly released her ultimate move.

A familiar scene appeared.

Turning his head.

Kennen once again avoided the petrifying gaze, and then pressed the switch of the nuclear bomb.

——Ten Thousand Thunder Prison (R)!

A magical storm entangles itself, and thunder roars down!

This ultimate move is so powerful that it shocked the five people.

Secret Skill - Electric Blade!

Kennen's W activated, and the five people were stunned.

Including the Troll King, the health of the five people was disappearing at a speed that could be described as"melting".

The five people were stunned by the thunder storm and stood there.

The health bars disappeared rapidly. Han

Bing was killed by the shuriken thrown by Kennen.

The visual effect was extremely shocking. All the audience watching this game fell into a trance in an instant, with goose bumps all over their bodies, and the barrage was empty in an instant.

QG exploded!

Seeing this scene, no one would think that QG could still win this game. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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