PDD live broadcast room.

As IG's former top laner, PDD who can shout"Look at my power and invincibility" is also watching this game.

"Wow, this ADC is really perverted, really a pimp shrimp. I think IG is determined to enter the World Championship this time!"

Although PDD has retired for a long time, he has been exploring outstanding professional players in LOL and has imported many top players into LPL.

Therefore, his vision is equally vicious.

He continued to tell his audience:"The boss of IG once asked Me, let me find them an ADC that is suitable for IG. I have been looking, I have been looking, but how can it be so easy to find an ADC that is suitable for IG? I have several ADCs, but none of them are suitable for IG."

"I didn't expect that IG would have such an ADC, I just didn't know about it. This is fate!"

"With this ADC, I think IG will be stable entering the World Championship."

As a veteran, PDD has always had his own vision.

Such words also appeared in the mouths of retired players such as Zhizi, Mala Xiangguo and others.

They feel that this ADC can really lead IG to the World Championship!


Live streaming platform viewers

"here we go! Can we let two chase three?"

"Please, IG, enter the World Championship again!"

"If there were no IG in the World Championship, there would be a lot of fun"

"Among other teams, except for TES, IG’s games are the best. Without IG, this year’s World Championship would be really meaningless."

"Hope to see IG against TES in the finals of the World Championship……"

"Come on, let two chase three!"

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Of course, LGD fans don't expect IG to create a miracle and let the second team chase the third team."


Commentary seat.

Gugu said:"Weishen, can you tell me what the situation will be like in the fifth game?"

Weishen thought for a while and said:"I think LGD must target IG's bottom lane, and IG will definitely Choose to protect your bottom lane."

Wang Duoduo said:"I think so. As an AD who is in the air every second, he will definitely be targeted by LGD. If IG's AD is crushed, I don't know if IG can rely on it. Shy and the broiler finished with two chasing three!"

"Good B/P has begun, we will wait and see!"


This time, the positions of both sides were that LGD was on the red side and IG returned to the blue side.

Enter the BAN hero stage.

For the LGD team, Mai Zijian said directly:"Jhin, VN, ban them!"

LGD banned IG's VN, Jhin, and Vampire one after another.

Needless to say, VN and Jhin, for IG's heart AD, Vampire is aimed at Shy who is in a fiery state.

On IG's side, BAN dropped Leopard Girl, Policewoman, and Clockwork.

The rest of the BAN position is normal, but LGD is not normal.

Gugu said:"Wow! IG's AD uses two heroes and takes up two BAN positions. Oh my God, this is too scary."

Wang Duoduo said:"Sure enough, it is IG's AD. Compared with other teams, The ADs are all different. They only occupied two BAN positions for the first time. But this gives IG a lot of room to play, especially Shy and Broiler. They have a lot more choices. Broiler this time Will there be a hero with the ball?" Eleven said:"What I'm curious about is that these two ADCs were banned, so does Jiang Yi still have a good ADC?"

The commentators didn’t even speak.

To know.

There are some players like this in the LPL.

Using their familiar ADC, they will lead the team to victory easily, but if their hero is banned, it will be like breaking a hand, and it will be difficult to carry!

Jone, is he such a player?

Nobody knows.

It's like no one can predict whether IG can let two chase three!

Soon the selection stage was reached.

Shy took the initiative and said:"Jiang Yi, what hero do you need?"

Jiang Yi said:"You choose first, we will talk last."

Chris nodded, AD position should not be revealed so quickly, it can also make the opponent more fearful.

Ning thought for a while and said:"Coach, I want to play Qinggang Shadow!"

Needless to say, King Ning's Qinggang Shadow is the hero who helped IG win the world championship. Chris said:"Okay! You play!"

Qinggang Shadow Shadow is locked, but LGD doesn’t know whether this hero is played by Shy or Ning, and even this hero can be played by chickens!

However, LGD's focus is not this, and they directly grab the EZ and female tank combination.

LGD has the highest usage rate of these two combinations and has almost never been replaced. This is also their most confident bottom duo, leaving the other three to counter.

When he went to IG, Shy said dullly:"I want Sword Demon!"

The Sword Demon ordered by the gods?

Chris thought to himself, what's going on? Retro lineup?

But Shy’s Sword Demon goes without saying.

But now...

Is it a god coming down to earth or a god sending food...

I always feel a little unstable, but Chris believes in shy,"Take it!"

Then Baolan took the initiative:"I want to play Luo!"

IG now completely let go and rushed. It's over, they have smashed LGD's defense in two consecutive games, so they will continue to let them feel the power of Fanshan team's attack!

Go, go, go!

Three heroes were selected, and LGD coach Mai Zijian was shocked. What?

"Could it be that IG wants that Xialuo combination?"

He was confused, they didn't have BAN Xia!

LGD's third hand.

Mai Zijian said:"Card! Gotta take it!"

Xiye directly locked his bottom hero and card.

After that, LGD continued to ban heroes.

Mai Zijian panicked and said:"Xia! Ban Xia, they must not let them take the Xia Luo combination!" kramer directly BAN Xia.

Everyone on IG,"?"

Jiang Yi scratched his head, Xia?

Whose hero is this?

I didn’t want to use Xia either!

Is this LGD’s prediction?

Is he predicting IG's prediction?


IG targeted the jungler, banning the male gunner and Lilia. After all, LGD's jungler has not yet appeared.

And LGD banned Syndra again.

This time, the two heroes of Broiler were all banned. (One of them was banned by IG.)

Everyone was dumbfounded.

LGD’s ban this time is VN, Jhin, Xayah, Vampire, and Syndra!

The three BAN positions are for IG's AD!

So, what will the two sides choose next?

Blue square IGVSLGD red square.

Top order: Sword Demon VS?

Jungler: Qinggangying VS?

Mid laner:? VS cards

?+Luo VSEZ + female tank

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