The joke was so funny that the audience was shocked.

"Because, when chimpanzees are angry, they always like to knock their noses (quietly)!"

After finishing the story,

Lin Tian also gave a free hand to beat his chest, imitating the action of a gorilla.

When performing this action,

Lin Tian himself couldn't help laughing!

If I remember correctly, this joke was told to them by Li Yiren when they went to the zoo together in their dormitory during their sophomore year.

At that time, Lin Tian was so amused that he almost fell into the tiger pit to feed the tiger brothers in the zoo.

More than a year later, he still found this joke very interesting when he told it again.


Standing opposite Lin Tian, ​​the professional killer Ye Qing had a blank expression on his face, without any sign of laughing.


his face was more serious than before, and the wrinkles on his face were piled together, like an oversized roasted gluten squeezed hard.

Seeing Ye Qing standing there motionless for a long time without any movement.

Lin Tian couldn't figure out the depth, so he asked tentatively: "Roasted noodles...Mr. Ye, isn't this joke funny?"

Ye Qing still said nothing, with a solemn expression, as if he was holding back a bowel movement.

"If it's not funny, then I'll tell you another one!" Seeing this, Lin Tian was helpless, and after a pause, he said: "One day, a hunter took a gun to hunt, saw a fox on the road, drew his gun and shot it, and after shooting, the fox was fine, but the hunter died. Guess...what's going on?"

This time, Ye Qing simply didn't even answer, and just stood there and looked at Lin Tian coldly.

Seeing this, Lin Tian had no choice but to ask himself, "Because this fox is a reflex fox (arc)!"

Ye Qing still had no expression on his face, staring at him straight.

After two consecutive failures, under Ye Qing's gaze,

Lin Tian's forehead was sweating a little, thinking: "It's really not easy to earn these 100,000 destiny coins! This guy's sense of humor is not ordinary!"

Seeing Ye Qing's brows getting tighter and tighter, he seemed to be a little impatient.

He hurriedly smiled awkwardly, turned the page and continued: "This joke is indeed a bit too cold, don't worry, I'll tell another one!"

"One day, Xiao Ming..."

The third joke just started.


Lin Tian's ears moved, and he clearly felt that something was flying towards him at a very fast speed.

He was hesitating whether to dodge or use internal force to defend.


The professional killer Ye Qing had already grabbed Lin Tian's arm and pulled him aside.

The next moment.

The trajectory of a bullet passed directly less than 3 centimeters in front of Lin Tian's eyes!

After dodging the shot,

Lin Tian turned his head and subconsciously looked in the direction where the bullet came from.

Only to see,

at one end of the narrow street, five men wrapped in white bandages were walking towards them with guns and sneering.

The leading man with a red hedgehog head stuck out his tongue, licked his lips and said:

"Ye Qing, the fifth-ranked killer of 'Far East', didn't expect to meet you in such a remote place. Since we met... then lend me your head, so that I can exchange it for some bounty to buy some wine!"

Ye Qing narrowed his eyes and snorted contemptuously: "A lackey of 'Sand Dune'? There are annoying flies like you everywhere."

As soon as the voice fell.

Ye Qing reached for his waist and drew his gun at a speed that was completely inconsistent with his age.

Almost at the same time as he got the gun,

he had already pulled the trigger and shot the ground below him!


A muffled sound!

Thick smoke exploded under him instantly!

Under the cover of the smoke,

Ye Qing suddenly jumped up, stepped on the wall to relay, and flew directly to the roof in a few seconds!

Seeing that 100,000 Tianming coins were about to run away, Lin Tian naturally couldn't let it go easily.

With the internal force under his body,

Lin Tian also rose out of thin air, and followed Ye Qing straight up.

The five people behind him were obviously not ordinary people. After being trapped in the smoke for a few seconds, they also chased up by flying over the eaves and walls.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Aiming the muzzle at the two people in front, the five dune killers kept firing!

Lin Tian and Ye Qing rushed in front, constantly flashing their bodies to avoid bullets.

At this extremely tense and critical moment, Ye Qing's mouth twitched, and he suddenly started laughing wildly: "Hahahahahaha knock on the mimi!!!"

Lin Tian:......

Lin Tian: "Uncle, your reaction is a little slow."

Ten minutes later.

With a better

Thanks to the speed of the chips and Ye Qing's changeable methods, the two successfully escaped from the hands of the five people in Sand Dune.

After entering an empty alley and making sure there was no tail behind them,

Lin Tian immediately looked at the professional killer Ye Qing and said, "Uncle, the jokes that made you laugh have also been delivered. Can you click to confirm the receipt now?"

Ye Qing nodded and stretched out his hand and said, "Where are the gummy bears?"

Lin Tian took out the bag of gummy bears he had bought before from his pocket and handed them over.

Picking up the gummy bears, Ye Qing looked at them and suddenly frowned and said, "This is not the kind my daughter likes to eat!"

Lin Tian was stunned and questioned, "But you didn't say what kind your daughter likes to eat!"

Ye Qing shook his head and threw the gummy bears back to Lin Tian: "In short, it's not this kind."

Lin Tian:......

It feels like this old thing is trying to cheat,

Lin Tian grabbed his arm expressionlessly and said, "If it's not this kind, then come with me to buy the kind your daughter likes to eat, let's go now!"

The two were just near the city center at this time.

Pulling Ye Qing out of the dark alley,

Lin Tian quickly took the old man into a large supermarket in the city center that looked a bit formal.

After entering the supermarket,

Lin Tian directly pulled Ye Qing to the shelf in the candy section and asked him to pick the gummy bears that his daughter liked.

Ye Qing frowned and couldn't make a choice for a long time.

Just when Lin Tian was a little impatient,

Ye Qing grabbed a bag of gummy bears and suddenly curled his lips.

Just when Lin Tian thought Ye Qing had found the gummy candy his daughter liked,

he slapped his thigh and laughed wildly: "Reflex fox hahaha! So funny!"

Lin Tian:......

Lin Tian's face was dark: "Your reflex arc is also fucking funny... Hurry up and pick, which one is your daughter's favorite?"

Ye Qing took a few deep breaths to stop laughing, and returned to his previous cold expression and said: "I forgot."

Lin Tian's face became darker: "If you forgot, then contact your daughter and ask her quickly!"

Speaking of this, Ye Qing's expression became a little more lonely: "My daughter... has been missing for a long time."

Lin Tian's mouth twitched: "So, I can't buy your daughter's favorite gummy bear at all?"

Ye Qing shook his head: "In theory, as long as you find my missing daughter, you can know which one she likes the most, and then you can buy it."

Lin Tian:......

He thought the difficulty of this order was telling jokes.

Who would have thought that the real difficulty was the gummy bear!

After all this fuss, it turns out this is a job of finding missing people!

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