Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1209: .Mr. President publicly apologize?

"Jin Nanfeng, what's wrong with my daughter?" Shi Qing took Jin Nanfeng's arm, "Is the little hydrangea really kidnapped? You

Didn’t you say to protect her? Why does little hydrangea have something to do with you... why? "

"Qing Qing." Rather than accusing and crying, Li Beixun wanted to know the current situation of Little Hydrangea. He took Shi Qing's shoulders.

Bang, told Li Yun to smile, "Take your mother upstairs to have a good rest."

"it is good."

Li Yunxiao knew that Li Beixun and Jin Nanfeng could no longer be distracted at this time, and helped Shi Qing upstairs.

"sit down."

Li Beixun motioned to Jin Nanfeng to sit down.

Jin Nanfeng sat down, and then said everything that had happened in the past two days.

"It seems that the other party's goal was at the small hydrangea from the beginning."

Li Beixun quickly analyzed it, "Is it only to catch Chenchen to lure Xiao Xiuqiu out alone?"

"This should be."

Jin Nanfeng nodded gently.

"Shi Qing's emotions are a bit agitated, she is too worried about the little hydrangea, don't care."

"No." Jin Nanfeng shook his head, "I just want her to come back safely now."

"I have found someone to investigate. You blocked the way to leave the imperial capital in the first place. The kidnappers are likely to stay in the imperial capital."

"I know this. It's just that the capital is so big. If there is no clue, the probability of finding a small hydrangea is really too high.

Low. "

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, the success rate is almost zero.

"Mr. Li, just received a strange package."

Li Jin ran over at this time, holding a black package in his hand. Jin Nanfeng is so familiar with it before.

The photos and voice recorder were also sent in such packages.

"It was sent by the kidnapper. He must have made some new request."

Jin Nanfeng said.

Li Beixun quickly opened the package. This time it was still a recording pen and two pictures of Li Yun embroidered.

"Request President Li Beixun to investigate the major traffic accident on National Highway 109 in April five years ago, and to disclose the truth and

And apologize to all the dead. After the matter is completed, two hostages will be released. The time limit, one week. "

After the content in the recording was played, no one spoke for a while.

Li Beixun's brows wrinkled lightly, obviously lost in some thinking.

Jin Nanfeng was puzzled, "Major traffic accident on National Highway 109? What is that?"

"Five years ago, in April, there was a major traffic accident on National Highway 109. Fifteen cars collided in series."


"Twelve people died in total," Li Jin explained in a low voice.

"Who is the driver who caused the accident?"

"It was the owner of the first car. At that time, the investigation was due to excessive drinking and the car suddenly changed lanes.

This incident was very troublesome. The two cars were all scientific researchers, so this incident went with Mr. President himself.

Subject to supervision and investigation. "

Li Jin continued, “The driver’s surname is Yu, and he is a truck driver. Once the responsibility for the accident is determined, it may be unbearable.

Living with huge compensation and inner pressure, I committed suicide. "

"Why did the kidnappers make such a request?" Jin Nanfeng frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

Are the survey results unsatisfactory? "

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Beixun, "Or, the case back then was really hidden?"

"Impossible." Li Jin said immediately, his voice full of determination, "Mr. President has never been such a person.

All judgments are based on the truth of the police investigation, and there will be absolutely no falsehoods. I was also involved, I used my life

Swear, there is nothing wrong with this case. "

"Then why..."

"This is not the important thing now?" Li Yunjin came over at this time, "The important thing is, should we

Do according to the requirements of the kidnappers? "

Li Beixun’s expression was cold, "Since the kidnapper asked to re-investigate this case, it means that he does not recognize the case five years ago.

Liability for the determination, he believed that the driver at the time was innocent. "Li Beixun glanced at Li Jin, "Go to check Yu's house.

people. "


Li Jin took his orders and left.

"Dad, you can't apologize publicly. You are the president, so you will have no credibility in front of China."

"What about the little hydrangea?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned.

The three people were silent for an instant. Yes, if you don’t follow the kidnapper’s requirements, will the little hydrangea be there in a week?


"In the end how to do?"

Li Yunjin hugged his head angrily.

I don't know how long it took before Li Beixun spoke, "Yun Jin."


"Go to the police station to investigate the file of this case, set up a special case team, and review the investigation."


"Do as I say, nothing is more important than your sister's safety."

Li Yunjin clenched his fists and finally nodded, "I know, I will do it right away."

After Li Yunjin left, Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Beixun, "Do you really want to apologize publicly?"

"I will announce the results of the investigation. No matter what the result is, I will ask him to let my daughter go."

"Yun Jin is right. You will lose your prestige as president."

Li Beixun got up and glanced at Jin Nanfeng coldly, "Jin Nanfeng, I can do anything to save my daughter.

No, because she is my most beloved daughter, if you love her, you should not hesitate more than me. "

Li Beixun is gone.

Jin Nanfeng sat on the sofa for a long time, his mind was in confusion.

The next morning, things suddenly turned around again.

The media didn’t know where they heard the news, and they began to report on a car accident five years ago, an ordinary

The kidnapping case immediately pushed Li Beixun and the entire presidential palace to the forefront.

Every day outside the presidential palace there are people asking Li Beixun to resign.

Jin Nanfeng was also upset. On the one hand, the longer Li Yunxiu lost contact, the more worried he became. Secondly, Brother Huo hadn’t

Explain the whereabouts of Jian Zixun.

He panicked, and completely left behind Li Yunxiu's explanation, smoking cigarette after cigarette.

Until Xin Mei found him.

"Why are you here?"

Jin Nanfeng looked at Xin Mei, a little tired.

"If I don't come, do you plan to do this for the rest of your life?" Xin Mei sat on the sofa, watching Jin Nanfeng wrinkle tightly.

The beard that emerged from her eyebrows and chin sighed helplessly.

Her son has been handsome and handsome for so many years, and only a few times of depression were all for the woman Li Yunxiu.

The Jin family, did they really do anything unruly in their previous life? That's why this only son

Can't get through with a woman?

"I came here today to ask Yu Xi, what are your plans?" Xin Mei sat down, "She went to the hospital this morning

During pregnancy check, the doctor said the fetal position was not very correct..."

"Mom." Jin Nanfeng interrupted Xin Mei intolerably, "The little hydrangea is in the hands of the bad guys, and Chenchen is still there.

In the hospital, do you think I care about Yu Xi and the baby in her stomach? "

Xin Mei's expression changed, "It just so happens that you mentioned Li Yunxiu, so mom will tell me what's in my heart."

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were filled with anger.

Xin Mei ignored his temper at the moment, and continued, "You also know the scandals in the Presidential Palace.

In the past, I think Li Beixun could not be the president 80% of the time. Now in China, who doesn’t talk about the Li family’s affairs, those and

Those who have a relationship with the Li family are all busy trying to distinguish their relationship with the Li family, but you are stupid, and you rushed over and grabbed someone.

Shan, you are a star, do you know how the media will write your news if you do this? I really don’t get it.

Is that woman really that good? Where is Yu Xi inferior to her? After three or four months, Yu Xi gave birth to a child.

Wouldn't it be okay for you to settle down and start a family? "

"Mom, you said you wouldn't stop me from being with her."

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