Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1346: Intuition

Chapter 1346

So when these people heard Lin Wanxi reveal their identity, although their expressions were a bit regretful, they still stepped back obediently.

Retreat and make way.

Lin Wanxi held a gun at a person, her expression a little impatient, "There is a Chinese man, do you see it?"

"Is that the reporter? He is inside."

The man at the gunpoint clicked back with his finger.

Lin Wanxi took the gun away and walked directly into the church.

When the war in the Eastern Kingdom began, the cathedral was lost. Later, after a lot of exchanges of fire, half of the church

The top is gone.

As soon as Lin Wanxi entered, he saw the person he was looking for.

Li Yunjin was facing her back, sitting on the chair in the front of the church, tilting his head slightly, looking at the big

Silver cross.

When Lin Wanxi walked in front of him, he saw that Li Yunjin was injured. He covered his right wrist with his left hand, and the blood kept red.

Emerging from the gap between the fingers, smashing the ground drop by drop along the slender finger, has gathered into a small puddle.

However, Lin Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief. At least she saw a living Li Yunjin, which was lucky enough.


"What happened?"

"I passed by here and they robbed me of my things."

Li Yunjin is a rich young master, and at first glance, he is the kind of rich child who has a good tutor since childhood.

"Killing and looting" is such a bad thing, Lin Wanxi understands that even if he encounters something robbed in this environment

Love, Li Yunjin will probably also desperately to protect his preciousness.

But Lin Wanxi would not be dumb to eat coptis, she had been here for a long time.

"I will help you stop the bleeding first, and I will help you get things back later."

Speaking, Lin Wanxi was sitting beside Li Yunjin, raising his bleeding wrist.


Li Yunjin couldn't help but gasped.

Lin Wanxi's attack was not serious or serious. Seeing that no major blood vessels were injured, he took out a roll of bandage from his pocket and wrapped it around.

On Li Yunjin's wrist, he finally tied a not-so-pretty bow.

Fortunately, she had anticipated that Li Yunjin might be injured in advance, otherwise she would not even have anything to bandage him.

Li Yunjin was robbed of something, but he didn’t know what happened when he looked at the ugly bow.

Was amused.

"Are you really a doctor?"

"Huh?" Lin Wanxi frowned.

"If you really are a doctor, your patient must be in pain."

In just a few minutes between bandaging the wound, he sweated all over his body because of the pain that Lin Wanxi had encountered several times.

This doctor is really interesting.

Li Yunjin glanced at Lin Wanxi playfully.

Lin Wanxi was indifferent, "I am such an unscrupulous doctor, just bear it."

After speaking, Lin Wanxi stood up, "I'll find something for you."

With the help of Lin Wanxi’s identity, Li Yunjin’s stolen items were quickly sent back, including watches and pendants.

Child, mobile phone, camera, etc...

"Thank you."

Li Yunjin nodded faintly.

"You'd better return home earlier."


Lin Wanxi handed the watch to Li Yunjin, "This is not a game field for rich young masters like you, it will kill you."

Although it has always been the rule not to kill reporters, for some vicious thugs, the world has no responsibility.

What rules need to be followed.

"Last month, a reporter had his head cut off. The murderer was not found. I advise you to go back sooner.

Your rich young master. "

Li Yunjin's gaze retracted from a distance, fell on Lin Wanxi's body, frowned, "Why do you think I am

A rich young master? "


Lin Wanxi said lightly.

In fact, it can be seen from the set of equipment that Li Yunjin has all over his body. This watch alone is worth more than one hundred thousand.

Not a rich young master, who can afford it?

Li Yunjin didn't refute, no matter who they were before, they were a group of short-lived ghosts who could die at any time when they arrived in the Eastern Reality.

He looked at the cross not far away, and sunlight projected from the top of the missing piece of the church, like a sacred light.

"Do you believe in God?"

He suddenly asked Lin Wanxi.

"I don't believe it." Lin Wanxi was ironic. "The Bible says that God loves the world. If he loves him in this way

Believers, that would be too ridiculous. "

Li Yunjin nodded thoughtfully.

"What do you ask this for?"

"Nothing. When I was sitting here just now, I saw a woman bringing her child here to pray. I

I was thinking, maybe there is no loss in believing in God once. "

After speaking, Li Yunjin stood up and stared at the silver cross in the holy light.

"What are you praying for?"

"Pray that we can all live."

Lin Wanxi’s expression was a bit ironic, "I made such a wish the first time I prayed. Your appetite is not small, I

If God, be the first to kill you. "

"We are me and you."

Li Yunjin suddenly turned to look at Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi had a meal, and she thought that Li Yunjin meant everyone.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunjin was talking about the two of them.

Lin Wanxi was thinking about how to answer, but suddenly his stomach screamed.

The consequence of a hunger strike for two or three days is to lose face at the most critical moment. Lin Wanxi’s cold cheeks are embarrassed.

There was a trace of embarrassment.

"Does your hospital treat your doctor so harshly?"

Li Yunjin joked again.

Lin Wanxi looked at him coldly, "What does it have to do with you?"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

"Hey." Li Yunjin suddenly took her arm, "Take you to eat delicious food."

No one can refuse the temptation of food, and neither can Lin Wanxi. In Dongzheng Kingdom, she has not eaten a meal for a long time.

This kind of food, after all, everyone only cares about filling their stomachs, who cares about the exquisite dishes.

So when Lin Wanxi drove to Li Yunjin’s residence and saw the bags of snacks in Li Yunjin’s cabinet, she returned

Is his eyes rounded.

"Why do you have these?"

Li Yunjin threw him a bag of potato chips, with a smile on the corner of his lips, "Right to the rich young master."

Li Yunjin found boiling water again and soaked a bucket of instant noodles for Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi was hungry a long time ago, and he reached out to get a spoon, but was slapped off by Li Yunjin.

"Wait five minutes, the noodles are not ready yet."


Five minutes later, Lin Wanxi finally ate the hot instant noodles, which made people suspicious of the taste compared to the hospital.

Congee, this is really a delicacy, Lin Wanxi is satisfied.

"gone back."

I don't know if anyone knows about his escape from the window.

It's better to go back earlier.

"I see you off."

"I drove the car myself."

"It's okay. Let's go." Li Yunjin picked up his jacket.

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