Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1404: Why are you here?

Chapter 1404 Why Are You Here?

"Say a few words to my mother before talking about business matters." Su Zixuan got up and walked towards Lin Wanxi, looking down at the woman.

A pale face, "My mother specifically called to ask you, she cares about you so much, you must learn to be grateful."

Lin Wanxi sneered in her heart.

She doesn’t think that a wealthy wife who was born in a rich family will give her a warm welcome to a girl like her. You don’t need to guess.

Dao, I was just worried that I ran away from the mobile uterus that could give birth to her disabled son.

Thinking of this, the corner of Lin Wanxi’s eyes was even more mocking, looking at Su Zixuan, “Sir, it’s about human life.

Officer, please don't waste your time dealing with family affairs. "

Lin Wanxi’s words made Su Zixuan’s expression change. After a while, he nodded thoughtfully and walked over to the video.

His mother said something, then gently closed the computer, and sat down in the chair coldly, "What's the matter?"

"There may be a large, unknown infectious disease."

Lin Wanxi told Su Zixuan the number of casualties in the past few days concisely.


Su Zixuan's expression changed.

"The doctor is investigating the reason. It is estimated that it will take a while. You can give the order first to let the suspected infected

Move to the hospital for treatment to avoid further spread of the disease. "

Lin Wanxi lowered her head as she spoke, and gently scratched her hair, just such a casual movement, but

Su Zixuan was stunned suddenly, because he clearly saw a bright red mark on Lin Wanxi's left neck.

He is a man, and he naturally understands how the trace came about.

Su Zixuan's eyes suddenly became scarlet, "Huh-" a dazzling red.

He walked heavily in front of Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi only considered that he was concerned about infectious diseases and did not feel the danger at all. He continued, "Now the most important thing is

It’s just that no one can die anymore. Medical masks must be ordered to everyone and then disinfected..."

Before Lin Wanxi finished speaking, Su Zixuan stretched out his hand and suddenly grasped her wrist, and lifted it up fiercely——

"what are you doing?"

Lin Wanxi frowned in confusion, looking at him very confused.

Su Zixuan’s eyes were icy cold, and all his anger was well hidden, so that people couldn’t see a trace.

come out.

"Su Zixuan, let go."

With the lessons learned last time, Lin Wanxi was full of resistance and resistance to the man's physical touch.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, what the **** was wrong with him, why his eyes were so cold that he almost wanted to eat people.

I don't know how long it took, Su Zixuan suddenly released Lin Wanxi's hand like a decision.

Lin Wanxi's wrist was flushed red by him.

She looked at Su Zixuan dissatisfied, and coldly cursed "insanity" in her heart.

Here Su Zixuan has already sat back on the chair, his expression restored to his usual condensation, "I already understand what you said.

Yes, I will arrange it right away. At the hospital, you have to keep staring for me. "

"I understand." Lin Wanxi nodded, "If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first."

Su Zixuan glanced at Lin Wanxi, and it took a long time before he said "um".

Lin Wanxi frowned, she couldn't understand what kind of medicine this guy was selling in the gourd.

But she didn't bother to guess Su Zixuan's mind, now that such a serious matter had happened, she didn't have time to care about him.

Sure enough, just as Lin Wanxi had guessed before, more people fell in the next week. Whole doctor

The hospital was full of sick people, and even two doctors were unfortunately infected.

The virus of this infectious disease is the unique "Soderui No. 2 Virus" in Dongzheng.

For the lives of tens of thousands of people, no vaccine has been fully produced until today.

The only thing we know is that the virus is transmitted through breathing. Lin Wanxi and the soldiers distributed medical masks.

Go, send people to disinfect regularly, but even so, more and more people fall down one by one.

Once suffering from this kind of ward, the patient will die from organ failure throughout the body within half a month.

They didn't have the medicine to treat, and they could only help their patients die in despair.

"Take this patient to the observation room."

The nurse ran quickly in the corridor.

"The ward of 507 is dead, come here soon."

"How many times have I said that the corpse should be sent to be burned immediately, otherwise, the virus will still spread...Who doesn't want to get into the soil?

For Ann! You let a sick body be buried in the ground, do you want to bury everyone with you? "

In the corridor, there was a doctor's irritable hum.

Then came another noisy and messy footsteps.

Lin Wanxi was wearing a mask, standing in the corridor, watching the busy doctors and listening to the patients’ grief from the ward.

Howl, frowning a little bit.

At this time, another patient was sent to the hospital, but it was not a soldier from China, but a local civilian.

"Our hospital is already overcrowded, how can there be any way to receive patients outside?" the doctor lowered his voice

Sound, "Really nonsense, do these people have no brains? Everyone is sent to us, when we are here

Is it a free aid station? "

Not to mention saving people, they can't even deal with the new corpses every day.

Lin Wanxi walked over, "Since he is here, he should be treated first, lest he runs around and infects others."

The doctor saw that it was Lin Wanxi, his face improved a little, and ordered nonsense to take the patient away.

"Doctor, what's the situation now?"

"As far as I know, the entire Dongzhen Kingdom is now sick, and the war cannot be fought. The hospitals of all countries are full of people.

Trouble. "

"Is there no way to evacuate?"

"People from the CDC won't let people leave." The doctor frowned. "I said something bad, and now we, including you

With me, we fell down. Who knows if there is a virus in our body, how can the CDC let us go to other countries?

Family? "

"Then these sick people can only wait to die?"

Lin Wanxi’s heart sank again. There are too many people who are sick. Most of them are soldiers like her.

They did not die on the battlefield, but now they have to be taken their lives by the disease. It is a pity to think about it.

"Now there is no better way. It is said that the CDC is already researching drugs, but it will take a while.

Time, so we currently have no better solution. "

The doctor was talking here, and another patient was in crisis. He looked at Lin Wanxi, his brows furrowed, "Lin Xiao

Sister, recently the hospital is full of patients. It is better for you to come here less. If you can, don’t go out, lest you..."

After all, he didn't say anything about the latter, but no one knew what the meaning of the incomplete statement was.

"Thank you doctor."

Lin Wanxi pulled up the mask and left the hospital.

As soon as I left the gate of the hospital, I saw Li Yunjin talking to a few soldiers, lowering his head in the notebook from time to time.

Lin Wanxi walked over quickly, "What are you doing here?"

"I..." Li Yunjin had only time to say a word, and was pulled aside by Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi took off the mask and was quite angry, "Didn’t he tell you not to come to the hospital?" Didn’t he know that the hospital is now?

How serious is the situation here?

"I am a reporter, and I have an obligation to come here to get the latest information."

Li Yunjin frowned.

"You!" Lin Wanxi's face turned pale, took a deep breath, and then slowed down his tone, "I beg you, OK?

it is good? The CDC’s vaccine has not yet been developed. Even if it is developed, it will be used through clinical drug use.

It will take a while for the human body. If you contract this disease in this kind of thing, you will definitely die. I beg you

Now, the troops are already busy enough, so don’t mess with me at this time, okay? "

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