Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1408: his son

Chapter 1408: His Son

After speaking, Lin Wanxi turned around and walked away directly.

Without looking at Li Yunjin again, her steps were heavy and strong, her back was straight, and even a little nurse told her

As he spoke, a faint smile appeared.

All this was captured by Li Yunjin's eyes. He slammed his fist on the wall angrily, turned his head and left.

This heartless woman!

Lin Wanxi here has no idea how he ended his mission in the hospital today, and then

Back to the dormitory.

Only when she walked into the dormitory and closed the door, she walked down the wall like a puppet whose soul was drawn

The wall, sitting on the ground a little bit slippery.

Everything Li Yunjin said was like a sharp knife, piercing her heart fiercely, her armor was

Abandoned in a very far place, there is nothing to resist for a long time, in just two or three hours, it has been all over


She couldn't help but lower her head and buried it deeply in her knees. She didn't know how long it took, a drop of cold eyes

When the tears fell on the ground, she realized that she was crying.

She rarely shed tears. Many years ago, she told herself that Lin Wanxi is a woman who bleeds without tears, but today...

She was in tears because of a man while her body was intact.

She obviously didn't feel sad, even in front of Li Yunjin, she still acted so calmly, but now...

What would cry?

Lin Wanxi, don't cry, isn't it just being scolded by Li Yunjin?

Isn't he the one who misunderstood himself?

Haven't you been scolded or misunderstood by others?

There are so many women who hate you, so what is one more Li Yunjin?

She kept comforting herself in her heart, trying to calm herself down with words, but it was of no use.

Her tears still rolled out uncontrollably drop by drop, scorching hot.

It's like a silent cry from the soul.

Lin Wanxi bit her lip firmly and curled up her body. At this moment, she felt the severe pain like

The ants bite and spread from the heart to the whole body.


Li Yunjin...

You fool, you don't know anything...

do not understand anything……

This night, Lin Wanxi barely closed her eyes, and her brain was always playing back Li Yunjin over and over again.

What I said to myself.

From the ambiguous vows between the two people, to the cruelty and strangeness of the break, the feeling is like an invisible

The big net held Lin Wanxi's heart tightly, ticking and tightening in the darkness over time.

So sad.

She can barely breathe.

When Lin Wanxi finally closed her eyes shallowly, when she woke up, it was already the next morning.

She cried for too long last night, her whole head was heavy, and her body was very aching. She stood in front of the mirror and even more


Both eyes are swollen like walnuts.

Lin Wanxi paused, then found the mask from the drawer and put it on, then turned out a hat and put it on her head, barely

Cover your facial features.

In normal times, this dressing might be very strange, but fortunately, in special times, others will only think that she is doing this for

It’s just not being infected.

Lin Wanxi went to the hospital all the way without arousing many strange glances.

After a night of rectification, her mood has calmed down a lot, and more importantly, she has never been a privateer.

A woman who mixes human emotions with work.

Lin Wanxi went to several wards, asked the doctor about the patient's condition, and counted the number of new patients and deaths.

Unsurprisingly, the number has risen a lot.

Just as Lin Wanxi was preparing to go to Su Zixuan with the data, a noisy noise suddenly came from the gate of the hospital.

Then a little nurse ran up in a hurry.

Stopped in front of the doctor next to Lin Wanxi, and said palely, "It’s not good, doctor, there’s a man underneath, saying

His son died in our hospital and brought many people to grab the body. We can't hold it anymore. "

The doctor's face changed, "Isn't this a nonsense? Who is his son?"

"Because it is the young man who has just passed away, we are about to dispose of his body..."

"No, you can't let them take the body away."

The corpse must be incinerated immediately to prevent the further spread of the virus. If the corpse is robbed, it will not

Know how many people should suffer.

The doctor's expression was a bit solemn, "I will take a few people down to see..."

Lin Wanxi stopped the doctor, "You stay here, your hands are already nervous, I will take a few soldiers down to see."

Since they all dared to **** the corpse, there is no need to expect them to be talkative. The doctor is so precious and hurt.

Both are huge losses, or they are safer with the guys.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi called away all the soldiers on this floor who were in charge of taking care of the patients, and a group of dozens of them was mighty.

Went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw five or six middle-aged men from Dongzhenguo yelling.

There was also a young nurse who fell to the ground, pale.

"Today I have to take my son away. Whoever dares to burn my son, I set fire to the hospital."

The head was a man with a big beard, looking fierce.

"I sent my son to your hospital. You useless doctors didn’t cure him.

Burned my son's body. In our Eastern Kingdom, this is to be cursed, and to go to **** after death.

You killed my son and made him feel restless after death, you demons. "

Lin Wanxi asked the soldiers to guard the door, but he walked over and helped the nurse on the ground.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing that it was Lin Wanxi, the nurse quickly shook his head, "Just twisted her foot, nothing serious..."

"You go back first and take care of yourself."

Xu Shi had a bad impression of Lin Wanxi on weekdays. He suddenly heard that Lin Wanxi cared about herself so much, and she took the initiative to help herself.

When I got up, the nurse looked a little embarrassed.

"Thank you...Miss Lin."

Lin Wanxi waited for her to enter the hospital before walking in front of the group of people from Dongzhen Kingdom who were making trouble.

\"Stop arguing."

Lin Wanxi coldly looked at the restless crowd in front of him.

Lift your foot and walk forward.

"Miss Lin, be careful."

A soldier stretched out his hand to block Lin Wanxi's face, his face was full of worry.

"It's okay, you let go."

Lin Wanxi nodded at the soldier lightly.

The soldier hesitated, and finally put down his hand, " be careful."

Lin Wanxi walked to the yelling father.

"It doesn't make any sense that you are arguing here. We won't let you take your son away. He will spread the virus..."

"Shut up, I've heard you say this countless times. That's my son. I don't care if the virus is not sick.

Poison, I must take him out of here today. "

The man's attitude is still very determined.

There is no possibility of being moved.

"Sir, we understand your feelings. Otherwise, we will find a way to save your son's body and wait until

The virus disappears and we will return your son's body to you. "

"Do you think I will believe what you say?"

The man looked at Lin Wanxi with scarlet eyes, and his expression was a bit hideous, "If I can't take my son today,

Who knows if you will burn my son! Don't talk so much nonsense with me, hand over my son right now

Come, otherwise I won't let you go. "

"Sir, please calm down. Since I promised you will not do anything to the body, I will never handle the body privately.

Please trust us. "

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