Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1414: No room for regret

Chapter 1414: No Room For Regret

Seeing Lin Wanxi's frowning eyebrows, Su Zining got up and looked at him condescendingly.

"It’s okay, don’t worry, no matter which one you choose, it won’t affect me. You can take the test slowly.

consider. "He said as if thinking of something, he smiled lightly, "I just don't know, how much more can Li Yunjin hold on?

For a long time, before he leaves the world, you had better make a choice so as not to regret it. "

After speaking, Su Zixuan left without looking back with the documents.

Lin Wanxi was sitting on the stool, as if she had been emptied, she didn't know what to do.

A heart's "puff and puff" beating wildly, inextricably entangled every soft flesh on her heart, making her unable to breathe.

Marry Su Zining...

Lin Wanxi frowned deeply.

She just didn’t want to marry Su Zining, that’s why she did everything she could to come here to Dongzhen Kingdom. She thought she was

Even if she was not afraid of death, no one could threaten her anymore, but she still made a mistake and made people see her weakness.

She loves Li Yunjin, that man is her Achilles heel, Su Zixuan knows too well.

Lin Wanxi pulled out a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and left a little desperate. When she reacted again, people no longer knew

Unconsciously came to the hospital.

She looked at the doctors coming and going in the hallway. Some patients had already been vaccinated and they started to get better.

Going in a good direction, but she is the only one who has a heart like being plucked away, empty, and can't feel a trace


Lin Wanxi was about to see Li Yunjin when he suddenly found several doctors and nurses running by him in a hurry.

At this moment, Lin Wanxi suddenly felt that she was sweating all over, as if she was losing a moment.

Such an important thing.

"Li Yunjin..."

Uneasy thoughts flashed in her mind, her face turned pale, and her footsteps vainly followed the group of doctors and nurses.

When I walked to the door of the ward, I discovered that a local civilian did not wait until the vaccine had unfortunately left.

Seeing the doctors and nurses skillfully carrying the corpse, Lin Wanxi's heart suddenly hurt.

If you don't want to think of a way, maybe the next one wrapped in a white cloth and thrown out and burned... is Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi took out his cell phone and dialed Chi Xiao's number.

"Chi Xiao, can you get a vaccine?"

Chi Xiao didn't know what Lin Wanxi wanted the vaccine to do, but Lin Wanxi's anxious tone made her inevitably solemn.

"I can get a vaccine. My cousin works at the World Center for Disease Control and Prevention, but... it will take a week at the earliest."

"One week……"

Lin Wanxi fell into despair again.

Not possible.

She waited, but Li Yunjin couldn't afford it!

Li Yunjin would be extremely dangerous now.

Chi Xiao's voice was full of worry, "Wanxi, are you okay? What do you want a vaccine for? Is anyone sick?"

"I... I'll contact you again."

Lin Wanxi hung up the phone upset.

She put her head against the cold wall, her chest undulated violently, and the heavy boulder pressed against her shoulders.

Everyone is going crazy.

"It seems that you didn't convince Su Zixuan, you thought you were so good."

Jiang Zixin's cold voice came from the side.

Lin Wanxi quarreled with Jiang Zixin unintentionally, glanced at her coldly, and then looked away.

Jiang Zixin stepped forward reluctantly and followed Lin Wanxi to the ward.

Looking at the patient who was sleeping peacefully inside, his tone was a little bit encouraging and cool, "You must hurry up.

Those who received the vaccine basically had their fever gone within half a day, and the patients who received the vaccine first could be discharged from the hospital, Li Yun

Jin is in such a state that it won't last long, at most one or two days. "

Lin Wanxi still did not speak, but clenched his fists tightly, his face paler.

What Jiang Zixin said, she naturally understood.


The thought of Su Zixuan's offer to herself made her heart hurt violently.

Jiang Zixin leaned over, somewhat blamed.

"Have you had a good talk with Su Zixuan? He likes you so much. He should know all your requirements.

Promise? "Jiang Zixin said in a cold tone, "Don't you really want Li Yunjin to be alive? He is the president's son."

Son, what a pity it is to die, don't you have a conscience in your heart? "

Lin Wanxi was already distraught and irritated because of Li Yunjin and Su Zixuan's affairs. At this moment, this woman is free

My ears kept babbling, and her head was about to split when the noise was noisy, so she immediately threw a eye knife over.

"What does it have to do with you? Didn't you say it before? Li Yunjin is not a soldier, he will die if he dies."

This woman is really funny. She didn’t care about Li Yunjin at all before, but she knew that Li Yunjin was the president’s son.

After the son, she began to worry about his life and death, who didn't know the little Jiujiu in her heart.

Lin Wanxi sneered silently in her heart.

"I'm a nurse, how can I not care about my patients? Stop talking nonsense, okay? I'm more than you

I hope Li Yunjin can live..."

Lin Wanxi directly and unceremoniously exposed her hypocrisy, "Forget it, Jiang Zixin, don't you know if you say this yourself?

Is it ridiculous? Do you want Li Yunjin to live, or do you want the president's son to live? "

Jiang Zixin's face was white and red, and his eyes were full of guilty conscience. He gritted his teeth before saying, "The president's son is also

Yunjin, what's the difference. "

Lin Wanxi sneered, and suddenly turned around, her dark and sharp pupils staring straight at Jiang Zixin's face.

Jiang Zixin has always been a little afraid of Lin Wanxi. When she stared at her so suddenly, her face turned pale immediately, and she couldn't help but feel her feet.

Stepped back several steps.

"You...what are you doing?"

Jiang Zixin's voice trembled.

"If you really care about Li Yunjin so much and want her to live so much, then you can get a vaccine. You are a nurse.

Shi, the vaccine is yours, right? Wouldn’t it be more convenient for you to do this than I was wasting time to find Su Zixuan

? "

Lin Wanxi's smile was cruel.

Jiang Zixin felt like she was sweating crazy all over her body.

"You...what are you talking nonsense..." Jiang Zixin was a little angry, "I am a nurse, but

I don’t have the right to get a vaccine either. "

She did not lie, all vaccines are strictly controlled, and every use must go through the responsible doctor

With permission, even if she was a nurse, she never had a chance to inject Li Yunjin secretly.

"What do you embarrass me as a nurse?"

Jiang Zixin snorted coldly, "Aren't you Li Yunjin's girlfriend? You don't have the ability to ask Su Zixuan to get a vaccine.

It's hard for me, Lin Wanxi, who is it ridiculous? "

After Jiang Zixin finished speaking, she turned around and left. She couldn't bear the look in Lin Wanxi's eyes.

The vicious look almost swallowed her.

After two steps, Jiang Zixin remembered something, turned her head with red eyes, gritted her teeth, "I really didn't lie to you, Li Yunjin really

It won’t last long. No matter what Su Zixuan asks you, you’d better find a way to agree to him and stay.

With the green hills here, I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood, or when Li Yunjin is really dead, you won't even have any regrets. "

Long after Jiang Zixin left, Lin Wanxi's head gradually calmed down.

Only Jiang Zixin's only sentence remained, which kept echoing in her head.

Yeah, I'm not afraid that I won't have firewood to keep the green hills.

If Li Yunjin is alive, it means there is hope for everything...

If Li Yunjin died, she wouldn't have any meaning even if she didn't marry Su Zining.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi's eyes suddenly resolute, clenched his fists and left.

Here Jiang Zixin was about to go back to the lounge to rest, when suddenly she saw a little nurse coming to find herself.

"Nurse Jiang, there is a patient over there who said he is looking for you."


"Yes, she has been in a coma for many days. She just didn't know what was going on, but she woke up suddenly.

Well, I have been looking for you since I woke up, it seems to be called Sasha..."

Jiang Zixin paused, then laughed, "Okay, I get it, I'll go right away."

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