Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1425: Can give him a baby

Chapter 1425 I Can Give Him A Child

The female clerk introduced more than a dozen clothes in a row.

Jiang Zixin was dissatisfied, picking and choosing, and in the end even the patience of the female clerk was worn out, "Miss Jiang,

All the main works in our store this summer are here, if these are not satisfactory to you, then

Our shop may not be able to meet your needs..."

"You see what kind of clothes you need, we can tailor it for you."

Jiang Zixin looked at her dissatisfied, "I'm going to wear it this afternoon. Now you tell me to make a tailor-made, is it too late?

There are beautiful clothes, what shop do you open? I have delayed my business in the afternoon. Can you bear the responsibility? "

The female clerk turned pale, "I'm really sorry, Miss Jiang..."

Jiang Zixin got up, walked to the pile of clothes, picked a few randomly, "Okay, that's it, help me hang it upstairs

Go to the cloakroom. "


When the clerk did everything and walked out of the villa, everyone was already wet with cold sweat.

"This woman is too torturous. Our clothes are the best sellers. She is not satisfied.

I don't know what's wrong. "

"That said, meeting such a rude and unreasonable daughter is really killing us."

The female clerk who was the hardest to make things difficult for her sneered, "Where is she, a lady."


"Our store is a high-end brand. How many rich ladies and wealthy ladies have ordered clothes in our house, if she treats us

If the store has had a little understanding, it will not dislike that goose yellow skirt. "The clerk's face is full of irony," she

But it's just a sparrow that flies on a branch and turns into a phoenix. As soon as it turns over, it wants to show off its power, wait and see, see

When is she finished! "

Li Yunjin on the other side was already in the car.

"Young Master Li, where are you going?"

Li Yunjin quickly reported a list of addresses.

Lu Tong paused, faintly feeling that this string of addresses seemed very familiar.

After the car drove forward for ten minutes, he suddenly reacted, this address...

Isn't it from the imperial capital Su family?

No wonder he felt familiar, he had seen it when investigating the Su family before.

Why did Li Yunjin get involved with the Su family again?

Lu Tong endured and endured, and finally he asked, "Are you going to Su's house? Young Master Li...Do you know anyone in Su's house?"

Li Yunjin remained silent for a long time before speaking, "When I was in the Eastern Kingdom, I was very much cared for by the youngest son of the Su family, so I want to go today.

Come visit. "

"It turned out to be like this." Lu Tong didn't have much doubt, "Young Master Li, why didn't you tell me earlier...I'll prepare some in advance

gift. "

"There is a mall in front, so just buy some."

"Okay, little Li."

Half an hour later, Li Yunjin took Lutong into the Su residence.

The security guard at the door finished the report and soon took Li Yunjin into the house.

"I take the liberty to come here today, I'm so disturbed."

Li Yunjin politely sent the congratulatory gift in his hand, "I heard that there has been a happy event in the Su family recently, please don't dislike it with a little heart."

The head of the Su family is called Su Ming. Because Li Yunjin did not hide his identity when he came to visit, no one dared to neglect this too.

Zi Ye, said with a smile, "Young Master Li doesn't have to say these polite words, sit down quickly, and someone will make tea for Young Master Li."

Li Yunjin nodded politely.

The crowd sat on the sofa.

After some insignificant words, Li Yunjin suddenly said, "Shao Shao’s marriage is such an important matter.

Did you mention it? I received the news so late, so even the gifts were too late. "

Su Ming waved his hand, "Hey, Young Master Li should know about my eldest son's situation. We don't expect him to wake up.

A good girl from another family married to our Su family. It was our Su family who was sorry for her, but as a parent, she always

Selfish, always want to leave something for his son, and fear that others will gossiping about him, so the wedding was held low-key. "

"I didn't think about it well." Li Yunjin smiled faintly, "I don't know where the bride is?"

"It's not a big lady, but she looks good, and the children born will be pretty."

He didn’t know the relationship between his so-called bride and the young master of Li’s family.

I couldn't notice that Li Yunjin's expression was a little bit cold at this moment, and the dark eyes were wrapped in a chilling chill.

"My biggest wish now is that she can give Zining a child, so that my son won't be in vain..."

Su Ming laughed, "When the child is born, Young Master Li must come to the full moon ceremony."

Li Yunjin frowned slightly, and quickly stretched again, "This is natural."

"It just so happens that Zining's wife is upstairs. Would you like me to let her come down and show you."

"No, I should go back."

Li Yunjin got up with a cold face, "Come back another day."

‘Then Young Master Li, go slowly, I won’t give it away. "

Su Ming asked Li Yunjin to be sent out of the villa.

It wasn't until Li Yunjin got back in the car that Lu Tong frowned and asked, "Young Master Li, why don't you see this from the Su family?

New young grandma. "

"Do I need to see her?"

Li Yunjin’s voice was very cold and cold, like ice cubes clinging to human bones, and the biting feeling was like a bug

Like an unstoppable madness, drilled into the deepest part of the body.

Lu Tong swallowed, and then boldly said, "I always feel..."

Halfway through what he said, he didn't know how to continue.

"What do you think?"

Li Yunjin looked at him.

Lu Tong bit his head and said, "I always feel that Young Master Li didn't come for the youngest son of the Su family..."

It seems to be for this mysterious Su family grandma.

After listening to Li Yunjin, he didn't feel surprised, just a cold smile, then said nothing, closing his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Lu Tong didn't dare to speak any more, and drove back to the villa silently.

"Yunjin, are you back?"

Jiang Zixin was reading a magazine in the living room. Seeing Li Yunjin came back, she immediately dropped the book in her hand and ran to him with joy.

Side, "Do you think this suit looks good on me?"

The pure black dress shows the bumps of her figure, adding a touch of sensuality.


Actually Jiang Zixin doesn’t like black clothes. She likes gentle warm colors, but clothes of this color are

Lin Wanxi often wears it.

Li Yunjin must like it very much.

She looked at Li Yunjin with some expectation, but the man obviously had no thoughts, and absent-mindedly let out an "um".

Jiang Zixin was a little disappointed, her bright eyes couldn't help but darken, "Yun Jin, do you dislike me...

I want to see your parents and family members later. I want to dress more beautifully so that they can like me. I don’t.

What else..."

"I said, whether they like you or not will not affect my decision. Put away your kindness."

Jiang Zixin's face turned pale, facing Li Yunjin, almost unable to say a word.

She could only watch Li Yunjin go upstairs, and for a long time she sat on the sofa discouragedly, and then called Lutong.


"Where did Yun Jin go today?"

Lu Tong didn't want to answer, and Li Yunjin always hated someone to ask about him.

Jiang Zixin was already not very polite.

"I am Yun Jin’s girlfriend, and I will be Yun Jin’s wife in the future. He is your boss, then I will be your boss.

Mother, do you know what you should do? "

Lu Tong paused for a long time before speaking, "Young Master Li went to visit Su's house today."

"Su Family..." Jiang Zixin reacted suddenly, "You mean Su Zixuan's house?"

"Yes, the youngest son of the Su family is indeed called Su Zixuan."

"What is he going to do at Su's house?"

Jiang Zixin was tense for an instant, sweat was dripping out of her palms, and her heart was beating wildly, almost from

Popped out of his throat.

She originally thought that Li Yunjin could completely let go of Lin Wanxi's woman if she accepted herself, even if she had any influence.

Shit, that was also a long hatred, but he... why did he go to Su's house? Does he want to meet Lin Wanxi? want to go

Save her?

Jiang Zixin's face was a little pale, and the hand holding the phone was shaking slightly, "Who did he meet at the Su's house?"

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