Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1438: Engagement banquet

Chapter 1438

Li Yunxiu naturally didn't understand what Li Yunjin meant. She subconsciously thought that the person he was talking about was Jiang Zixin.

"Brother, you will be engaged next month. If you do this, Jiang Zixin will be sad."

Li Yunxiu frowned, "Yes, although I and I don’t like her with a smile, but I also... don’t want you to be so hurt.

Hurt her. "

"You don't need to take care of my business, just take care of your own business, don't stretch your hands so long."

After Li Yunjin finished speaking, he opened the door of the meeting room and walked out directly.

Only Li Yunxiu with a pale face was left.

Here Li Yunjin has returned to the office.

"Mr. Li, a Miss Lin is looking for you."

"Oh, I see."

Li Yunjin opened the door, walked in, and saw Lin Wanxi sitting quietly on the sofa, looking down with her back to her.


The traces of last night on the delicate neck are still obvious. Just looking at it like this makes Li Yunjin breathe for no reason.

Tight, hot all over.

He walked quickly over, "What are you looking at?"

Lin Wanxi heard the sound, turned her head, and saw the man resting his hands on the sofa behind him, his body slightly forward.

Qing, his eyes were deep, two or three buttons on the neckline were unbuttoned, and his clavicle was vaguely revealed.

Lin Wanxi's heart couldn't help beating faster.

For three years, compared to that Li Yunjin in the flames of war, the man in suit and leather shoes is even more charming.

"Why are you here? How about work?"

"There is a company that wants to hire me, and the salary is good."

"Well, congratulations." Li Yunjin turned to the subject, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm reading a magazine."

Lin Wanxi passed the magazine in her hand to Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin took it over and it was a wedding-themed magazine.

The above are some wedding theme planning. I

After he decided to get engaged with Jiang Zixin, he subscribed to these magazines one after another, although he had not read it several times, but

Actually there is room for display at this moment.

Li Yunjin sat down beside her and took the woman's petite and thin body into his arms.

"Which one do you like?"


Lin Wanxi paused a bit, and looked up at Li Yunjin, "What are you asking about this?"

"Of course it is to prepare for our engagement. Fool."

Li Yunjin smiled dozingly at the corner of his eyes.

"Get a wedding?"

Lin Wanxi's heart shrank suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Now it's Li Yunjin's turn to be a little puzzled, "Don't you want to marry me?"

Lin Wanxi's heart "puffed and puffed", almost popping out of his throat, "Are you...serious?"

He wants to marry himself?

"We have missed three years..."

"It's because I missed three years, so I don't want to waste every second."

Li Yunjin put the magazine aside, supported Lin Wanxi’s shoulders with both hands, so that she was facing her, looking directly at herself deeply.

The sharp pupil.

"Lin Wanxi, I want to marry you, would you like to be Mrs. Li?"

"Is this a marriage proposal?"

Lin Wanxi's eyes were red.

"It should be forgotten, although I am in a hurry, the rings and flowers are not ready... but I can't wait."

Lin Wanxi choked in her throat and shook her head gently, "It's okay, I don't care about that kind of thing."

She had never fallen in love with Li Yunjin because of such things.

"Did you agree?"

There was a hint of joy between Li Yunjin's eyebrows, "Then we will get engaged next month."

"next month?"

Are you so anxious?

"Yeah." Li Yunjin's eyes were deep, "I don't want to wait any longer. I want you to be mine immediately. It's true.

Belongs to me. "

Li Yunjin’s eyes were filled with emotions that Lin Wanxi didn’t understand, but at this moment she didn’t want to go anymore.

guess. Her brain and heart are filled with happiness and joy.

The lungs are squeezed, and breathing becomes extremely difficult.

She couldn't help but reached out and hugged Li Yunjin, as if she wanted to use this gesture to tell Li Yunjin that she also didn't want to wait.

Li Yunjin chuckled in her ear, "So in the next month, we will be very busy, and we will prepare for the wedding.

Love, will your work be put away for a while? Mrs. Li..."

The last three words were like a hot soldering iron, causing Lin Wanxi's heart to shrink fiercely!

She was completely wrapped in happiness, she didn't have the reason and peace of thinking at all, and she nodded indiscriminately, with an "um".

Li Yunjin lowered her head and kissed her lips, until she was exhausted and her complexion was flushed, and she was breathing desperately, before smiling, "You look like

Almost more obedient than before. "

Lin Wanxi did not refute. She admitted that what Li Yunjin said was right. In the mental hospital, she had no choice but to be obedient.

But she still felt that in her bones, she was still Lin Wanxi of the year.

After Li Yunjin told herself the date of engagement, Lin Wanxi began to busy preparing for the engagement banquet.

She wanted to personally participate in every step from choosing the dress.

Although she was full of doubts about love because of her parents since she was a child, but at this moment, she still has

Like most girls, they are full of expectation and joy for the upcoming engagement banquet of their own.

In the evening of this day, Manager Wang called her.

"Miss Lin, how are you thinking about coming to work in our company?"

It occurred to Lin Wanxi that she had forgotten to call him back because she was too busy recently.

She quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Manager Wang, I may not be able to work there anymore."

"Huh? What's the reason?"

"I'm going to get engaged."

Speaking of this, Lin Wanxi didn't even notice the happy smile from the corners of his mouth.

"It turned out to be like this." Manager Wang's tone sounded particularly regrettable, "If that's the case, then forget it.

Well, Miss Lin, I wish you a happy engagement. "

"Thank you."

Lin Wanxi hung up the phone.

I also thought of Chi Xiao. These days, she had been contacting Chi Xiao, but every time she called, she shut down. Later, Lin

Only after Wanxi knew that Chi Xiao had probably blocked his mobile phone number. She visited Chi Xiao’s house several times,

I have never seen Chi Xiao come back, I am afraid she is also avoiding herself. "

The Li family is everyone, so many people will come on the day of the engagement, but... she only has a friend like Chi Xiao.

Now, because of her willfulness, she has lost even this friend.

Lin Wanxi felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help sighing.

"What's wrong? Suddenly sigh?"

Li Yunjin suddenly came over from behind.

Lin Wanxi didn't want him to know about Chi Xiao, so she randomly found a reason, "It just feels that the engagement is...somewhat cumbersome."

If you don’t understand, you don’t know, you understand, there are so many etiquettes to pay attention to.

"And I haven't seen your family members yet."

These days, Lin Wanxi has already touched the Li family through the family's nanny.

It was also the first time she knew that Li Yunjin also had a younger sister.

But whether it’s her sister or her parents, Lin Wanxi has never seen her, and Li Yunjin doesn’t seem to want to take her.

The meaning of going to see the family.

This is about to get engaged, she hasn’t officially visited Li Yunjin’s parents, and she doesn’t know if her uncles and aunts will

I think her future daughter-in-law is very rude.

Lin Wanxi was a little worried.

Li Yunjin chose the Zhongshan Hotel with the best number in the entire imperial capital as the place of engagement.

It is said that a total of almost 100 tables have been booked.

The nanny at home told her that she had been working in Li's family for many years. The wedding of Li Beixun and Shi Qing included

The wedding of Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng was not too extravagant. They both invited important family members and friends in private.

Friends, held it very low-key.

But obviously, Li Yunjin and them are on the contrary, they have announced the news of their engagement early. These days,

Bilan Villa will always receive gifts from people she doesn't know much about.

She also asked, is it just an engagement banquet, does it need to be so grand?

It can be low-key.

But Li Yunjin said that she didn't want to wrong her, she wanted to give her the best in the world.

She just let go of her heart.

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