Chapter 1441

With candlelight and shadows, she saw her somewhat distorted face printed on the glass in the shop, and she felt that

The face is disgusting.

But who is she to blame?

She was not such a woman, she could have been a kind and gentle girl, she would not hide in the dark, yes

Another woman burned her hatred.

But... Li Yunjin won't propose to herself, even if she has been looking forward to the engagement for more than three years, it is just Li Yun

Jin gave herself a charity.

It seems that except for Lin Wanxi, any woman is fine and no woman is fine.

While feeling sad for Lin Wanxi, she couldn't help but envy her.

Even if Li Yunjin hated her, she still got all the love of this man.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zixin's expression was a little uncomfortable, "Yun Jin, you tell Lin Wanxi, love needs a sense of ritual..." Jiang Zi

Xin frowned, her eyes flushed, "You never thought about it, I also need a sense of ritual..."

"Jiang Zixin." Li Yunjin interrupted Jiang Zixin impatiently, "If you need a sense of ritual, you can go

Find other men. "

"Do not……"

A trace of fear flashed in Jiang Zixin's eyes, and she shook her head in a panic.

"If you want to stay with me, don’t be too greedy, I will give you everything I can, but it’s not

Yours, you should never be greedy. "

After speaking, Li Yunjin directly pulled his hand back, and then got into Si Chen's car that had arrived a few steps later and left.

The other side.

Lutong's car.

The car is very quiet, only low and soft music flowing soothingly.

Lin Wanxi looked down at the diamond ring on his finger, and his mind was full of images of Li Yunjin kneeling in front of him.

The heart is warm, as if being wrapped in a warm current, every heart beat is so powerful, "Boom

"Bang", it seems to come out of my own voice.

The corners of Lin Wanxi's mouth couldn't help but evoke a faint arc, fingers rubbing the cool diamond ring.

Then take the ring off the finger.

She didn't know how much the ring cost Li Yunjin, but the size and quality of the diamond determines the quality.

And this one belongs to her, she has only seen it on TV.


She couldn't help but speak.

Lu Tong was driving, heard the sound, turned off the music, and then replied, "Miss Lin, what's the matter?"

"Is this ring expensive?"

"This is a pair of rings. It is the brand's latest model this winter. It is currently sold in limited quantities worldwide. There are only

There are only three pairs. One is the prince and princess of the British royal family, and the other is bought by a Canadian collector.

For his wife who has been dead for many years, this last couple belongs to you and Mr. Li. "

Lin Wanxi was taken aback. She guessed that this ring must be very valuable, but she didn't expect it to be more than she expected.

So expensive.

She is not the princess...

"Li Yunjin is really a fool..."

She was swearing, but her eyes were full of surprise and happiness.

Lu Tong collected all the expressions on Lin Wanxi’s face from the rearview mirror of the car, and saw that the woman’s face was full of

Laughing, his mood seemed rather heavy.

As Li Yunjin's confidant assistant, Li Yunjin's plan, he naturally also knew.

He originally thought that a woman who would allow Mr. Li to spend so much effort in revenge should be a heinous woman

Bad woman, but this month, he and Lin Wanxi have also had several contacts.

But I found that Lin Wanxi is a woman who rarely gets along, even if she has been spoiled to the sky by Li Yunjin at this moment, she never

Although he is a bit cold, he never takes the initiative to cause trouble and never asks him excessively.

It's better than Jiang Zixin, who is a heaven and earth.

To be honest, he was a little bit pitiful for Lin Wanxi.

She was immersed in the joy of being engaged, but she didn’t realize that she was about to be woven by Li Yunjin.

The terrible big net strangled.

What will happen to her when the truth comes?

Will it crash?

Will it be desperate?

Lu Tong's gaze became more and more complicated, and his brows wrinkled tightly unconsciously.

He really wants to tell Lin Wanxi to let her pay attention to her surroundings, so as long as she is careful enough, she will find many unreasonable

But... he also understands that as Li Yunjin's assistant, he must be on Li Yunjin's side.

He couldn't betray Li Yunjin, so the hurt was destined to be poor Lin Wanxi who didn't know.

Thinking of this, Lu Tong couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Lin Wanxi didn't notice the abnormality of Lutong at all, her eyes were all on the ring, the inner ring of the silver-white ring.

Here, two letters are engraved, j and x, with a love in the middle.

Li Yunjin's brocade, and Lin Wanxi's west.

Li Yunjin loves Lin Wanxi.

Reading this meaning, Lin Wanxi's eyes became softer involuntarily.

The car was slowly moving on the street in front of the stone pot, but I didn’t know what was going on, and was hit hard by someone, Lu Tong

He whispered an **** and quickly turned the steering wheel of the car, but the car still lost control until it hit the road.

A tree on the side stopped completely.

Lin Wanxi was a person who had passed through strong winds and waves. The moment the car accident happened, she held on to the top of the car.

The armrests stabilized the body, so the body just slammed into the car door and didn't suffer serious injuries.

But the Lutong driving in front had no such good luck.

In order to prevent the car from losing control and rushing towards the crowd, he focused all his attention on the steering wheel and completely forgot to protect himself. Fortunately,

The seat belt was fastened, and the person did not fly out. But his head smashed the glass, and blood flowed.

Lin Wanxi's complexion sank, she quickly got out of the car, rushed to the cab, and exhausted all her strength to take the already deformed car

The door opened with difficulty, and then bent over to check Lutong's injury.

"Are you still? Can you still move?"

"Legs seem to be stuck."

Lu Tong's pained face paled.

"Don't move, if it is a fracture, it will easily cause secondary damage to you."

Lin Wanxi looked at Lu Tong’s painful face, and didn’t dare to move him easily. He walked around the front of the car, took a look, and then

Shen Sheng sounded like comfort.

"The fuel tank of the car is not damaged. It is safe here. I will call an ambulance now. Relax."

"Ok, I know……"

Lu Tong gritted his teeth, cold sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, the onlookers had already called the police for 120, and within 20 minutes, an ambulance screamed out, laboring

Gu broke open the parts of the car that clamped Lutong's legs, and then sent Lutong to the ambulance.

Lin Wanxi will also go with him.

Lu Tong has adapted to the pain at this moment, frowning and looking at Lin Wanxi, "Miss Lin, you don’t need to follow me, I don’t


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