Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1448: .We are his parents

"Mr. Li Yunjin, you are willing to sign a marriage contract with Miss Jiang by your side. No matter what happens, you will never leave

Abandon, swear to protect everything? "

The same problem was changed to a heroine and sent to Li Yunjin again.

Li Yunjin's heart was completely chaotic the moment Lin Wanxi left.

He is not happy.

A big net that was cast before did not make him feel any joy or satisfaction at the moment of closing it.

Instead, he didn’t think of Lin Wanxi’s indifferent pupils and the seeming smile when he looked at him.

The chaos is terrible.

Seeing Li Yunjin's delay in speaking, the emcee felt a little uneasy, whether this engagement banquet can go on


"Mr. Li?" He put down the microphone and reminded Li Yunjin very carefully.

Li Yunjin recovered, suddenly tore off the red rose on his chest, turned and left.

Everyone was frightened again and again tonight. Seeing Li Yunjin's behavior, they were even more surprised that they couldn't lift it up.

What is going on?

Hasn't that Lin Wanxi already left? The real bride is here, why did Li Yunjin leave again?

Is it possible that this Jiang Zixin is also fake?

Li Yunjin had already stepped off the stage and was about to go outside when he was stopped by Li Beixun's people.

"Li Yunjin, what are you going to do?"

"I have something."

Li Yunjin was irritable. He only felt that a heavy boulder was pressing on his heart. It was heavy, let

He could barely breathe.

"This marriage, are you still uncertain?"

Li Beixun's eyes were cold.

Li Yunjin was not angry, "Now I don't have the time to care about this!"


A loud slap hit Li Yunjin's face directly.

Li Yunjin was beaten up and looked at Li Beixun dumbly.

Li Beixun frowned and said in a low anger, "Take the young master back and watch him not to let him run around."

After speaking, Li Beixun turned around and left.

Lin Wanxi didn’t know how long she walked aimlessly on the road until her bare feet were rubbed out of blood blisters.

Finally couldn't bear the pain and stopped.

There happened to be a lake beside him.

The imperial capital on winter nights was exceptionally cold and the wind was so cold that Lin Wanxi could not help but shiver, and she left.

Go to the lake and sit down gently.

At this moment, every family should close their doors and windows and eat a lively dinner, but she lost everything tonight.

Looking at the cold lake, the bits and pieces of the past month are like replays of movies, frame by frame in my mind


Li Yunjin, you really are a terrible man.

His chance destroyed everything in Lin Wanxi.

If he had never promised to be with him, Lin Wanxi at this moment should have not contradicted Chi Xiao, and even had a

A job with a good salary, even if there is nothing, at least her Lin Wanxi is clean, and she

The most proud dignity.

But there is nothing left.

Because of Li Yunjin, she did not hesitate to fight Chi Xiao coldly, followed Li Yunjin’s advice and gave up her salary, and even finished herself.

Give it to her completely, and also make a child.

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but raise a bitter smile.

Li Yunjin, you are really cruel.

A gust of wind blew her body, her body shivered again, her cheeks were cold, she touched it subconsciously, from touching it

Cool liquid.

she cried?

She actually cried?

Lin Wanxi was stunned for a while.

Strange, she obviously didn't feel any sadness, why did she cry?

Lin Wanxi wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, a deep sadness finally welled out, and the tears seemed to be broken at this moment.

The beads poured out completely.

She is not sad, she is really not sad, she just feels a little regretful.

At first, if I didn't meet him, maybe there would be no ending tonight.

I don't know how long after sitting by the lake, Lin Wanxi got up and left.

With Li Yunjin over, but life still has to go on, even if all thoughts are lost, she just sat by the lake, she didn’t

Any urge to seek death, not to mention, in her stomach... there is that person's child.

Lin Wanxi's hand couldn't help but gently pressed to her stomach.

This child is only more than a month old, still very young, not even formed yet.

Would he know that once he was born, he might not have a father?

Lin Wanxi almost lost consciousness when the night wind blew, and her throat felt itchy. She couldn't help but cough in a low voice.

The severe pain of coughing in the lungs made the whole body shatter.

After a while, she completely slowed down, and waited until the lungs were not so uncomfortable, then grabbed the tablecloth on her body and moved forward.

Clothing store walking.

Life has to go on, Lin Wanxi, nothing can defeat you, she hasn’t defeated her in those three years in the mental hospital, now

What is this?

She bought a set of clothes for herself with the money Jin Nanfeng gave, and then she found a hotel where she did not need to register her identity.

I went in, took a shower, and fell in love with nothing. It wasn't until ten o'clock in the morning the next day that I finally woke up.

The brain, which had been exhausted for too long, got enough sleep, and Lin Wanxi seemed refreshed.

She left the hotel, planning to find herself a job that could support herself.

She desperately needs work, not only because of herself, but also because of the child in her stomach.

Although God has destined that she cannot give this child a good life, but she also does not want the child to be born

Accompany yourself through hard times.

All her certificates were lost in Li Yunjin's villa.

Whether she wants to or not, she must go back.

After making a decision, she stopped a taxi and went to Bilan Villa.

"Miss Lin, are you back?"

When the nanny saw Lin Wanxi, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. Although she was not qualified to go to the engagement ceremony last night, she also heard

There was some wind, so his expression quickly became a little worried, and he lowered his voice and asked Lin Wanxi.

"Miss Lin, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I came back to get my ID."

"Miss Lin, are you really leaving?"

"Yeah." Lin Wanxi smiled lightly, "Thank you for taking care of me all this time."

"Hey, in fact, you and your husband made it like this, I am also responsible."

"This has nothing to do with you. You don't need to blame yourself." Lin Wanxi comforted her.

"No, I was wrong." The babysitter's eyes flushed, and she looked like she would cry at any time, "Actually, I should tell earlier.

Tell you. Your husband is not sincere to you. Before you came, Miss Jiang Zixin had been living here, and... first

The soup that Sheng asked you to drink every day was actually contraceptive... He didn't want you to be pregnant with his child at all. "

Lin Wanxi was taken aback, even though everything last night had made her give up, but when she learned that Li Yunjin coaxed gently every day

The soup she drank was to prevent her from getting pregnant, and her heart still couldn't help but hurt.

If it wasn't for her anorexia, every time she drank the soup, she would spit out a little bit, and she would not have a belly

Is this kid in the child?

It turns out that everything is a lie, and nothing is true.

She was really deceived from start to finish.

Lin Wanxi, you are really stupid, you have never lost so ugly.

Looking at Lin Wanxi’s bitter smile, the babysitter’s voice was even more guilty, "I’m sorry, Miss Lin, I shouldn’t keep hiding


"It's okay, it's fine if you tell me."

Lin Wanxi chuckled lightly.

At least she understands that Li Yunjin doesn't want this child. If so, then this child is her Lin Wanxi

It's alone, and has nothing to do with Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi quickly went upstairs and found his ID card and other important documents.

As soon as she walked out of the villa, a black car stopped in front of her. As soon as the car door opened, Li Beixun Haoshi Qingyi

The one after the other walked down.

"Miss Lin, can we talk?"

"You are……"

Lin Wanxi did not know this couple.

Shi Qing smiled lightly, "Hello, we are Yunjin's parents. Regarding the matter last night, we want to talk to you

Have a good talk. "

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