Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1493: . Injured

"Among the victims who died in the accident, one of them was a distant relative of star Li Fei.

I posted it on Weibo, accusing our company of harming people. She has tens of millions of fans.

The public opinion that went down was brought up by her again. "

Tang Cheng sat down on the sofa, his face dark, his eyebrows were full of irritability, "Do you think she is sick?

I didn’t see her caring about that relative so much. If she really had that heart, she would eat and drink spicy food by herself and live in millions of people.

The mansion, let that relative move bricks on the construction site? Isn't it funny? Obviously I want to use this kind of thing to hype.

Originally, the matter has been resolved, and she has been so troubled by her, and I am no longer in peace. Seven companies have asked me to

We are in contact with the partnership. "Tang Cheng was indignant, "Damn, when the Tang family is proud, everyone comes to flatter us.

Now that something happened to the Tang family, they ran faster than anyone else. They were really unscrupulous beasts. "

"Okay, don't complain, now you should find a way to solve this matter."

"I want to solve it too, but the money has been lost, and the apology has been passed. What else can I do? I won't let

People come back to life. "

Tangcheng frowned, "Do you know the Ouyang family who is engaged in real estate in the capital? He is the biggest investment of the Tang Group.

Shang, if he also withdraws from his capital, I think I will go to drink Xifeng soon. "

"Ouyang's house?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Is it the Ouyang family who will host a charity dinner next week?"

Lin Wanxi once heard Chi Xiao say.

"Yeah, I didn't plan to go, but this time, I have to prepare well."

Tang Cheng's expression is rare and solemn.

Lin Wanxi frowned, and after a long time, he said, "I will go with you."

Tang Cheng has a frizzy temper. She is really worried that he will make things worse.


The next afternoon, Chi Xiao suddenly called about Lin Wanxi to go shopping.

As soon as the two met, Chi Xiao spoke slowly, her tone full of gossip, "Hey, I was in the doctor again this morning.

The courtyard saw Li Yunjin. "


Lin Wanxi's heart tightened.

My heart was messy for a moment.

Chi Xiao frowned, "You said he was not ill..."

"It has nothing to do with me."

Lin Wanxi frowned.

"Why has nothing to do with you, she is the father of this little **** in your stomach, if he has three long and two short, you

Doesn't this little boy have no father? "

Lin Wanxi was silent.

Chi Xiao knew that Li Yunjin was always a scar in Lin Wanxi's heart. If he couldn't touch it, he just gave up, just about to suggest whether

When going to see a movie, Lin Wanxi suddenly spoke.

"If... you see him tomorrow, help me pay attention to what happened to him."

"I knew you still cared about him." Chi Xiao said with a face.

Lin Wanxi didn't refute, but his face seemed to pale again.


As a result, Chi Xiao called on the next morning.

"I've asked you about Li Yunjin's illness..."

Chi Xiao deliberately prolonged her voice.

Lin Wanxi was still dozing off in bed, but when he heard this, he immediately became sober, and suddenly sat up from the bed.

The heart beats wildly.

"What's up with him?"

I didn't care for countless times, but it couldn't bear the tension and anxiety at this moment.

"You said you don't care about him..." Chi Xiao seemed to smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me what happened to him quickly?"

Lin Wanxi urged.

Chi Xiao said, "It's nothing big, it's just that he has a low-grade fever and insomnia recently. He prescribed some medicine and went back."

"That's it." Lin Wanxi's heart gradually returned to her stomach, "It shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

"What can you do? He is the president of the Li Group. He is under a lot of work pressure.

My **** ran away with other men. If he can still eat and sleep soundly, it will be abnormal, okay? "

Lin Wanxi's face became cold, "Can you not speak so badly?"

"You dare to do it, there is nothing I dare to say, I can remind you that insomnia is not a disease, but it is really necessary

Oh fate. "

After finishing speaking, as if afraid that Lin Wanxi would scold himself, he pressed a sentence, "I'm at work", and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Lin Wanxi held the phone in deep thought for a long time before getting up to change the clothes sent last night.

Today is the birthday of Mr. Ouyang in his 70s. Mr. Ouyang has done good deeds and accumulated virtue throughout his life.

The status is very good.

This time I took this opportunity to hold a charity banquet and donated all the birthday gifts to children in poor mountainous areas.

However, Tangcheng and Lin Wanxi didn’t go there for that. Tang’s company is in danger, and many companies are withdrawing capital and

On the way to divest.

As the largest investor in the Down Group, Ouyang’s family has not yet released any news, but it is difficult to guarantee

Will not be affected by this incident.

The biggest purpose of Tangcheng's visit this time was to let the Ouyang family see the sincerity of the Tang Group.

Lin Wanxi’s task is to check Tangcheng so that this frizzy man will not be on such an important occasion

What ridiculous mistake was made.

Lin Wanxi put on a gift that Tangcheng prepared for herself in advance, a black strapless evening dress, silver high heels, and a jet black head

The hair fell naturally to the waist, and the whole person looked cold and arrogant.

When Lin Wanxi came out of the room, Tang Cheng's eyes were straight.

"Sister Xia Nv, you are so beautiful." Tang Cheng swallowed, "You really don't think about letting me be your child.

Stepfather? "

"Your company is going to close down, you still have the mind to make a joke?"

Lin Wanxi coldly threw a stab at him.

Tangcheng seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and his head drooped, looking dejected.

"Let's go, there is no time for you to be mourned now. When you go to drink the northwest wind, sometimes you cry."

Lin Wanxi stabbed again in Tangcheng's heart.


Ouyang's old man has been getting worse in recent years because of his age, so the banquet was held in the morning specially.

As soon as the car stopped, Tang Cheng took the lead to walk down, and took the initiative to open the door to Lin Wanxi, sending his arm out.

His suit and leather shoes are full of vigor, and he looks more well-dressed than usual and looks like a dog...

Lin Wanxi stepped on stiletto high heels, got out of the car, looked at Tangcheng, hesitated.

"Hold on, you are my female companion tonight."

Lin Wanxi looked around, and it turned out that they were a pair of men and women. After a little thought, he stretched out his hand and took Tangcheng's arm.

The Tang family’s getting into trouble has long been spread, and out of excitement and sympathy, many people came forward to comfort Tang with wine glasses.

Cheng, Tang Cheng's face is even more ugly.

Halfway through the banquet, the head of the Ouyang family was late.

After some polite greetings, Lin Wanxi gently elbows Tangcheng, motioning Tangcheng to talk to him.

"Go now?"

Tangcheng was a little frustrated.

"Otherwise, wait until the Tang Group goes bankrupt?"

Tang Cheng was a little frustrated, "Well, then don't run around, I will come to you immediately after I resolve it."

Although he is just a dude and doesn’t have a cold at doing business, he still bears the consequences of bankruptcy.

I can’t afford it. Think about the money spent on wine shops and casinos every month.

Hand, gritted his teeth, and aggressively killed the Patriarch Ouyang.

Lin Wanxi can be considered idle, holding Tang Cheng's arm all morning, her whole arm is sore.

More importantly, she found that having physical contact with a man she didn’t like was really a terrible thing.

Resist from the body to the heart.

Lin Wanxi brought a glass of clear water and was looking for a place to sit. Who knows which man who is not careful, actually

Bumped over.

Her heels are a bit high tonight. Although she didn't fall down, her right foot twisted fiercely, and her bones shook.

Lin Wanxi's painful face turned white, and the water glass in her hand almost lost strength and dropped her hand.

"Sorry, sorry." The man apologized in a panic, "Are you all right?"

Lin Wanxi shook his head, "It's okay."

"It's fine, I'm so sorry." The man shook his head when he saw Lin Wanxi, and just apologized and left as soon as there was nothing serious.

Lin Wanxi held a round table and moved his ankle gently.



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