Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1711: .Take the child and leave.

It's terrible, this ancestor is gone, and their Mr. Lan will have to find out the whole city.

I don’t know when outside, the weather is getting gloomy, as if a storm is about to fall at any time.

The pressure of the cloud made everyone feel flustered and out of breath, and a certain master, at this moment,

Holding the baby, standing on the street where people come and go, but there is some inexplicable anxiety in my heart.

How long can they escape?

In a blink of an eye, it has been a week since Gu Qingye and her child disappeared, and Lan Yichen is almost about to be the entire imperial capital.

Turned over, but there was no clue at all.

In the study, Jiang Hui stood there, a little tight, while Lan Yichen sat there, stretching out his hand and kneading tiredly.

Of the eyebrows.

"We searched the entire wharf, airport, station and hospital of the entire imperial capital, but we still did not find the husband.

The trail of the man and the lady. "Jiang Hui said lowly, not even daring to raise his eyes to look at Lan Yichen.

"Jiang Hui, you said, how much does she hate me, she would rather leave with her child than stay with me?" Lan Yichen

Opened his eyes, his eyes were full of red blood, and the whole looked a little haggard.

Jiang Hui lowered his eyebrows when he heard the words, but he only responded lightly to Lan Yichen's words: "Madam is just distressed.

Child, if you explain to her well, she will forgive you. "

Lan Yichen shook his head, and sighed, "I know exactly what character she is."

Jiang Hui disagrees: "It's one aspect that the lady loves the child, but more, I'm afraid you should be blamed.

I didn’t discuss it with her before, after all, it’s about the child, and when the child was born, you took it to save your sister.

There was not even a little time for the wife to prepare for acceptance. "

In the end, Lan Yichen got up from the chair, lit a cigarette, stood by the window, and watched the continuous swelling outside.

Drizzle, with no emotion in his tone: "Keep looking."

Jiang Hui finally said nothing, turned and left silently.


"Qingqing, it's raining outside, just now your clothes were confiscated, I will help you take them back, you remember to come and get them later

what. "It was an aunt who seemed to be about fifty years old, with a chubby body, and the whole person looked like

The kind of honest and honest person.

The woman who is coming back from the outside with her child holding an umbrella is slender, with black hair and shawl, and the child may be tired.

Sleeping in her arms is sweet.

Hearing this, he responded with a smile: "Aunt Liu, thank you."

Aunt Liu smiled and waved her hands: "It's okay, it's all small things. Everyone's neighbors and neighbors, help each other.

That's it. "While speaking, she moved her gaze to the child in her arms: "The girl is asleep again?" "

The woman looked at the small pink ball in her arms lovingly, and a hint of guilt flashed under her eyes. The moment she lifted her eyes, she recovered

Chang: "Well, it's cold outside, so I will hug the nun and go back."

Soon after, she walked to her door with her arms, took out the key and opened the door.

After entering, she bent over and put the child on the bed and covered her with a quilt. The child may have left the mother suddenly

Hug, all the a little uneasy hum, the woman patted her gently, coaxing softly.

After a while, the child fell asleep again.

The woman coaxing the child is Gu Qingye who hasn't seen him for a long time.

After she left Lanjia, she did not leave the imperial capital, but chose to rent a room in a private house in the imperial capital.

Son, and the landlord, Aunt Liu who just collected her clothes, saw Gu Qingye a woman with a child

Zi, is so young, so the rent is not too expensive, and usually helps her.

She also knows very well that, according to Lan Yichen’s character, she is bound to send someone to all the places when she is found missing.

Investigate the place of the imperial capital that can leave, so she didn’t leave. When the limelight passed, she would consider bringing children

go away.

After coaxing the child, she got up and began to clean up the ingredients that she had just bought. The child was still young and his body was

Weak, she can only use food supplements to supplement the child's nutrition.

While she was washing the vegetables, Aunt Liu came over with the clothes she took back for her, and saw Gu Qingye cutting vegetables.

Not the kind of person who often cooks, so he put down the clothes in his hands, then smiled and said, "I don’t usually do much

Have a meal? "

Gu Qingye heard this, turned her head and saw the clothes in Aunt Liu's hand, so she quickly put down the kitchen knife in her hand, and then

Wiping his hand on the apron, he reached out to take the clothes from Aunt Liu, his face was full of gratitude: "Aunt Liu,

Thank you, and bother you to bring it here in person. "

Aunt Liu handed her the egg slung on her left hand, and said with a smile: "A relative in my country two days ago

I brought some grass eggs over, and we just couldn't finish it, so you can make up for the children. "

Gu Qingye was a little flattered, and immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "No need Aunt Liu, if I need to buy it myself,

Yes, you can take it back and eat it yourself. "

Then Aunt Liu put the egg basket on the ground, and said with a smile: "You girl, I'm afraid it was not given by Auntie.

The eggs are not good enough, so I dislike it? "

"No, don't say that." Gu Qingye really didn't know how to thank this kind-hearted Aunt Liu.

She lived here alone for not long, and this Aunt Liu has helped her a lot.

"If it's not, you just accept it. Auntie has nothing good to give you. You are a woman with a child.

Child is not easy, but don’t blame the aunt for talking too much, what about the child’s father? "

Gu Qingye avoided Aunt Liu's probing gaze, and smiled faintly: "I broke up with my child's father a long time ago."

"So he didn't know you gave birth to this child?"

After a pause, Gu Qingye nodded.

Aunt Liu felt a little distressed.

Gu Qingye said, "Well, Aunt Liu, I'm going to cook, you go and work on yours first, and I'll finish it later.

Come over and eat some. "

The other party immediately waved his hand and refused: "No, no, I'm going back to cook too. It just so happened that my son came back for dinner today."

Soon after, Aunt Liu left.

Gu Qingye picked up the kitchen knife again and began to cut the vegetables, only to cut and cut, her eyes gradually blurred, and so on.

When she noticed it, she realized that she was already full of tears.

Two days later, the imperial capital, which had been raining continuously, turned clear.

Early in the morning, Gu Qingye woke up from bed and planned to soak some milk powder for Lan Yuan. She reached out to help the child who was still asleep.

I covered the quilt, but found that the child's face was slightly red and abnormal.

She suddenly twisted her eyebrows and made a chuckle in her heart, and then reached out to touch the child's forehead, the temperature was a bit alarmingly hot.

She immediately got dressed, took her wallet and mobile phone and picked up the child and ran out, but as soon as she reached the door, she

I ran into a person head-on, and fortunately the other person reached out and held her in time, otherwise, she might really hold her back

The child fell down.

The other party is a tall man, very young, but when he lifted his eyes to see Gu Qingye, there was an obvious difference in his eyes.

The silk is amazing.

But Gu Qingye is anxious about the child at this moment, and has no time to stay here too much: "Sorry, trouble.

Make way. "

The man saw that Gu Qingye looked anxious, and he held the child in his arms, unexpectedly asked, "Need help

busy? "

Gu Qingye glanced at the burning face of the child in her arms, worried that the child’s heart had the upper hand:

Burned, do you have a car? Can you take us to the hospital? "

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