Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1755: .Dad or mother?

Winson Manor.

Located halfway up the mountain on the edge of s city, it can overlook the whole city.

The manor has a natural forest park and golf course. The scenery is picturesque throughout the year, just like a fairy tale world.

The baroque villa is gorgeous like a palace.

This is the residence of Pei Shengye, President of Pei Group.

He is the richest man in the city.

As a descendant of the Pei family, he has a noble status and is a true descendant of nobles.

However, although he is rich and noble, and has a face that makes women fascinated, he lacks arrogance and coldness.

Not close to female sex, the woman who tried to seduce him can be ranked from the manor to the United States, but so far, no one has succeeded.

There have been rumors that there is a problem with his sexual orientation.

early morning.

Pei Shengye had breakfast and went to the company.

As the car opened the door, suddenly a group of small white fleshy **** staggered out from under the tree next to it.

The driver hurriedly stepped on the brake.


"It's a little baby!"

little baby?

Pei Shengye frowned.

How could such a creature appear at his door?

Pei Shengye got out of the car, walked to the front of the car, and saw a snowy white mini fat man sitting on the ground, round and round

She has big eyes, a small mouth, wearing white suspenders, and her arms are fat, very cute.

As soon as he approached, the little meat ball pulled out his trouser legs, and the milky voice cried out, "Mom~~~"

Pei Shengye froze.

"I'm not your mother." He replied coldly, squatting down and removing those chubby little hands.

"Mom~~~" Xiao Rouqiu insisted that he was his mother, and the little hand grabbed his finger again.

"I said no!"


"I am not your mother, I am an uncle!"



This little thing is irrespective of gender!

Pei Shengye really had no choice but to hold him up.

The driver on the side said at this time: "How can such a small baby be at our gate? Isn't it an abandoned baby?"

Abandoned baby?

Pei Shengye touched the small pocket on the baby's chest, which contained a tape.

He took the child back to the manor.

The housekeeper and the maid widened their eyes when they saw that the master was back with a child in their hands.

What's the situation?

Pei Shengye carried the little guy into the living room, put him on the sofa, ordered someone to find a tape recorder and put the tape

Go in.

After a while, there was a sound on the tape, and then the first sentence stunned everyone.

"Bei Shengye, this baby is yours!"

There was a sound of gasping around.

Everyone's jaws fell to the ground.

Pei Shengye was not scared, he glanced at the little thing crawling on his lap, sneered, "Nonsense!"

As if he was expected to react like this, the woman **** in the tape recorder replied: "You must not believe it, it's okay.

Take your child to do a paternity test. "

Pei Shengye's expression suddenly became gloomy.

The air pressure in the room is very low.

Everyone can't help but guess, this baby really belongs to her husband?

And the more I look at it, the more I feel that this baby looks like her husband...

"Mom~~~Mom~~~" The baby grabbed Pei Shengye’s clothes and crawled **** him, a pair of meaty

Little feet jumped and jumped on him.

The more he jumped, the happier he was. Suddenly he jumped, and when his little feet landed, he steadily stepped on the lifeblood of Pei Shengye.

There is no sound around.

Several maids were holding back a laugh.

Pei Shengye’s face turned blue from the pain, and the little meat ball he disliked so much was thrown aside, Sen Leng commanded: "Take Doctor Bai

Call me! "

"Yes, yes, I'll call right away!" The butler hurriedly responded and ran outside to call.

"Drink grandma~~~, drink grandma~~~"

The baby who was snatched from the food squatted his mouth and began to cry. The pitiful appearance can break people's hearts.

Pei Shengye's irritable heart became helpless because of the baby's crying, and his heart softened unexpectedly.

He hugged him over, patted his little **** bluntly, and rubbed his little head again.

The little guy fell silent in his arms and fell asleep.

Looking at the little hand holding his clothes tightly, a strange feeling poured into his heart, very warm, strange

Often soft.

Is this little guy really his son?


Doctor Bai is here.

He personally took samples and went to the hospital for a paternity test.

As a result, it came out very quickly, and the matching degree was as high as 99%, which was a father-son relationship.

Pei Shengye had to admit it.

But he couldn't figure out why, on which night did he create this son?

Trying to think about what happened for a year and a half, the only suspicious thing was when he woke up in a hotel once, and then nothing happened to him.

Wearing clothes, he had forgotten everything that happened the night before.

Could it be that a woman was in his room that day?

Who will this woman be?

He must find this woman!

"Mom~~~~" The little milk baby woke up and began to look for her mother all over the world.

"It's Dad!"

Pei Shengye was unable to correct.


"Dad, call it Daddy!"



Pei Shengye gave up, he couldn't imagine that from now on, he would be a father and a mother again!


Five years later.

At noon, Han Qianyu came out of the police station yawning.

It took almost two nights to solve the case.

It’s just a small theft case. How can it be done so finely? The current anti-reconnaissance capabilities of thieves are really better

It's getting stronger.

She yawned as she passed a secluded trail on the way home.

The nerves relaxed for a second, and the front of the car slanted. When she recovered, she was already chasing after a van in front of her.

It's over.

She woke up suddenly and quickly got out of the car to see.

The owner of the van also got off.

Without waiting for Han Qianyu to apologize, the person smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter, you go back!"

Han Qianyu was slightly stunned.

Perceived a slight abnormality, as a policeman, she has a very keen sense of smell.

The person in front of me doesn’t look like a good person from his eyebrows to his temperament. How could such a person be so kind that he would be hit?

It didn't matter, his behavior told her that he was anxious to leave.

This person must have a problem.

Han Qianyu looked at the van.

The man's expression suddenly became tense.

"Who is in here?" Han Qianyu asked.

"Why are you asking this, let's go, let's go." The man waved his hand and turned to get in the car.

"Stop!" Han Qianyu stopped him with a drink, walked over, took out his ID, "I am a policeman, I suspect you are hiding in the car

Illegal item, open the door for me. "

The man stood still in front.

Han Qianyu walked over slowly, and the man suddenly turned his head, showing a vicious look, took out a knife and stabbed her.

She moved quickly to avoid, and put the person under control in three or two strokes. She dragged him and handcuffed the person to the guardrail on the side.

The door behind him opened, and a person jumped down and ran away.

"You stop for me!" Han Qianyu took a few steps and saw that the person was gone, so he went to the car first.

The car door was open, and there was a sack on the back seat. She untied it, and she was shocked when she saw the "things" in the bag.


A very beautiful little boy who looks like a young master from a rich family.

She hurriedly took the person out and rushed to the hospital.

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