Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1858: .What are you going to explain?

"Your mother said this bracelet is a family heirloom. If you sell it outside, how much is it worth?" She had been thinking about it.

this problem.

Bae Shengye didn’t think there was anything wrong with Han Qianyu because of her problem, but instead just said casually.

Sentence: "Almost one hundred million is needed."

With this sentence, the scared Han Qianyu suddenly became clever, and almost wanted to take off the bracelet in his hand immediately.

Just returned it to Pei Shengye, and even stammered: "One...a billion?"

Are rich people so generous? A bracelet worth a hundred million dollars is given away?

"But that was the price several years ago. I don't know how much it is now, but since my mother gave it to you,

You wear it at ease. "Pei Shengye's tone is very ordinary.

Although Han Qianyu thinks that his family is not poor, that is, an ordinary well-off family, but it is really like being

The feeling of sending a hundred million yuan inexplicably, she is not relaxed and comfortable, but a little...stressed.

"But this bracelet is really too expensive, how can I take it?" She felt a little pain in her head.

"You don't want to take it, just find a pleasing place and throw it away." Pei Shengye's tone didn't seem to be joking, nor did he feel good about him.

It seems to be unhappy.

Because of this bracelet, Han Qianyu returned to Wensen’s villa, still worrying about this high-value bracelet.

Son, how can this be handled.

Seeing Han Qianyu has been looking at this bracelet, it doesn’t look like he’s sitting there, Pei Shengye finally couldn’t help it, he stretched out

Hand, wanting to pick up her bracelet.

Han Qianyu watched his movements, thinking he was going to smash it, so scared he quickly stopped him and asked, "What are you doing?"

Pei Shengye said: "It's nothing, just find a place for it to save you from the upset."

When Han Qianyu saw this, he relaxed slightly, and then said: "Such a precious thing, put on my hand, my


All the rest of her words, she saw Pei Shengye throw the bracelet into the fish tank and disappeared completely.

Staring at the bracelet gradually sinking slightly tightly, she seemed to say something to make sure that she was not mistaken.

Sentence: "You just put it like this?"

Pei Shengye didn’t think there was anything wrong. He glanced at the bracelet that had sunk to the bottom, hidden in the seaweed, and seemed to be

It looks like an ornament, and nodded: "Yes, otherwise?"

Han Qianyu wanted to open Pei Shengye's head to see if there was something inside, whether it was different from himself.

"Forget it, when I didn't say, can you fish out that bracelet now? I think I should keep it myself.

it is good. "She was afraid that Lu Wenmei would come over once and see this bracelet being thrown into the fish tank by her son.

Fainted directly.

Pei Shengye stretched out his hands to clasp her slender waist, and then led her towards the second floor with a clear smile in his eyes

Meaning: "It's okay. It can't be lost in it. I don't think it's early. We should go to bed and rest."

Han Qianyu glanced at the weather outside, which seemed to be not too late. On the contrary, he naively asked: "No

It's late, is it too early? "

But the big bad wolf couldn't wait to take the little white rabbit apart and eat it.

Therefore, when he brought people into the room, he didn't even give Han Qianyu a chance to speak, just like that.

On the door, kissed.

When Han Qianyu reacted, it was too late.

It’s just extremely regretful that she is still too young after all, and she didn’t even realize that the man Pei Shengye was trying

Drill for her.

Early the next morning, when she dragged her tired body and opened her eyes, she found that she was the only one left in the house.

He did not see Pei Shengye.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up, so that her head was slightly clear, then went to the bathroom and waited until she got out of the bath.

When he came out of the room, Han Qianyu had recovered his usual trembling spirit.

When she went downstairs, she still didn't see Pei Shengye, so she took the initiative to ask the servant, and then she knew.

Pei Shengye went to the company early in the morning, and there should be something urgent that he needed to deal with.

She seemed to have an impression. When she was confused early in the morning, Pei Shengye told her that he was going out to make her feel better.

Good rest.

But she was really too sleepy at the time, so she just listened, and then soon fell asleep again.

As soon as she sat at the dining table, Pei Shengye called: "Are you up?"

"Of course, according to my usual biological clock, it is already very late now." She responded with full of anger.

"Really? It seems that I didn't work hard last night." There was a smile in his tone.

Han Qianyu blushed immediately, and even his voice fell eight degrees lower: "You shut up!"

Why didn't she realize that Pei Shengye's face would be so thick before?

"Are you sure you want me to shut up? Then I'll just do it next time." He still smiled and responded, his voice was extremely soft and deep.

Yes, it's pulling her nerves.

Han Qianyu only felt that his face was red to the point of bleeding, so he could only gritted his teeth and said: "Pei Shengye, you don’t

Want a face! "

Pei Shengye smiled and didn't tease her anymore. Instead, he said, "If you are still sleepy after breakfast, you can go back and sleep again.

In a moment, I may not be able to come back until around the afternoon. "

Han Qianyu said: "Then you still have to pay more attention to safety."

It’s an eventful time now. Before the murderer is caught, no one can confirm what the next wave of assassinations will be.

Time appears.

"Are you worried about me?" he asked.

"No, I'm just worried about the safety of my employer. After all, I was hired." She responded with a cold tone.

It's very.

"It seems quite difficult to hear a word of concern from your mouth." He seemed a little melancholy.

"If Mr. Pei wants to listen, I think there should be many people rushing to tell you." She teased.

After all, with his strength, there are countless people who want to curry favor with him.

"I'm too lazy to listen to other people's concerns, I just want to hear you." These sultry love words, set and set, routine Han Qian

Yu Yu thinks, has Pei Shengye been apprentice to learn art with someone recently, or why now his mouth seems to be wiped Miyi

It's so sweet.

"Okay, don't chat with you, I'm going to hang up for breakfast."

After speaking, she hung up the phone and ate breakfast in peace, but even when she had breakfast, the corners of her mouth

They are always rising.

Even today's breakfast, she thought it was exceptionally delicious.

As it approached noon, Han Qianyu was learning how to cook with the chef in the kitchen, thinking about giving Pei Shengyelu to Pei Shengye at night

While holding hands, she suddenly received a call from the police station.

On the phone, it was a colleague who asked a little serious question: "Officer Han, do you know that your employer was attacked at the company?"

"What did you say?" Han Qianyu thought he had heard it wrong.

How could Pei Shengye be attacked in the company?

"You should hurry up and have a look at the scene, our people have passed." After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Han Qianyu almost didn't hesitate at all, so he rushed out of the kitchen, then took his coat and went out.

When she arrived at the scene, she found a police car parked at the door. She rushed in without even thinking about it, and then her voice was anxious.

Asked the front desk: "How is your President Pei now? Is there anything wrong with you?"

The front desk stared at her strangely, and then looked alert.

Han Qianyu just remembered that it seemed a bit strange for herself to be like this, so she took out the police officer's ID in her pocket

Come out, show it in front of the front desk, then tidy up my feelings and say: "I am a policeman, just received

Our colleague’s phone, your President Pei was attacked, where is the other person now? "

The attitude of the front desk was much better, and then responded: "In the president's office, I will take you there."

Then, under the leadership of the front desk, Han Qianyu came to the president’s office unimpeded all the way, and then opened the door.

I saw Pei Shengye who was sitting on the sofa and was treating his wounds.

Hearing the movement at the door, everyone in the office looked up and looked at her.

But in Han Qianyu’s eyes, there was only the injured Bae Shengye. Without even thinking about it, she walked over, even Yu Dang

In the face of other people, hugged him.

"Sorry, I didn't protect you well." She buried her face in his arms, with deep self-blame.

But Pei Shengye patted her shoulder, smiled at the corners of her lips, soothed her and said, "Idiot, what does it have to do with you?"

Han Qianyu hugged him for a long while, feeling the strong heartbeat from him, and only then a little bit the fear in her heart.

Pressed down.

It wasn't until she let go of him and saw someone around her looking at herself meaningfully that she seemed to notice something.

Well, suddenly he left in front of Pei Shengye with a little embarrassment, and called the person who looked at him: "Team Zhao, you

How come here too. "

Team Zhao looked at Pei Shengye, then at Han Qianyu, and finally asked: "Xiao Han, what are you?"

Han Qianyu immediately explained: "Team Zhao, things are not what you thought of, I can explain."

Beside, Pei Shengye heard a slightly unhappy voice: "What are you going to explain?"

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