Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1937: .girlfriend?

Tang Moran didn't speak, but blushed badly.

Fu Tingye held her hand and led her out.

Tang Moran was nervous and had difficulty breathing. She had rarely participated in such activities before, let alone

The identity of a man’s female companion...

What would others think of her?

Can you misunderstand what she and Fu Ting have at night?

What should she say if someone else takes the initiative to talk to her?

The more Tang Moran thought about it, the more panicked, the palms of his palms were also sweating frantically.

Perhaps sensing the uneasiness of the woman beside him, Fu Tingye's hand wrapped around Tang Moran's neck.


Tang Moran nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice, "Well, kind of."

"Don’t be afraid, you just need to be by my side. They dare not embarrass you. If someone really asks,

You just report my name. Don't be nervous, it's not a big scene anyway. "

Hearing Pei Shengye's words, Tang Moran breathed a sigh of relief.

But when the car stopped at the entrance of the banquet hall, Tang Moran was still frightened.

This... isn't it a big scene?

From the place where the car stopped to the banquet hall, there was a straight and beautiful red carpet, many in beautiful evening dresses

The men and women laughed and shuttled back and forth, Tang Moran's eyes with all kinds of flashing flashes almost couldn't open, she got out of the car

After glancing casually, he recognized three or four celebrities with coffee positions.

Tang Moran's feet seemed to be filled with lead, unable to move a step.

Can only be led by Fu Tingye up the steps.

There is a signature wall at the main entrance.

The waiter handed over two pens, Fu Tingye took them steadily, and then gave one to Tang Moran.

Tang Moran was still in a trance, and saw that Fu Tingye had already signed his name with a powerful pen.

Feng, in his name, looks extraordinarily beautiful and conspicuous.

Seeing Fu Tingye screwed the cap on, Tang Moran recovered and asked for a signature.

"Sign next to me."

Fu Tingye whispered in her ear.


Tang Moran looked up at the top name, and stopped instantly.

Her height can't even touch the place where Fu Tingye signed!

"Mr. Fu..."

Tang Moran was a little embarrassed.

Fu Tingye gently curled his lips and smiled twice, "What's the matter, little dwarf?"

Being so mocked by him, Tang Moran's cheeks flushed red, and he couldn't hold the pen in his hand!

She unscrewed the cap, found a place at her hand, and wanted to write: "I'll sign it here..."

Before he finished his words, Tang Moran only felt that his feet were empty, and Fu Tingye’s hand actually pinched his waist, pulling himself away from him.

Hug up on the ground.

"Mr. Fu!"

Fu Tingye's voice was very low, "Sign next to me."

It’s all people coming and going here, not to mention that there are a few others who are also signing. Seeing Fu Tingye’s move,

Looking over with a little surprise, many women blushed, with a slight envy in their eyes.

"Uncle Fu, let me go, someone..."

Tang Moran was anxious and called out what he used to call him.

Fu Tingye frowned, and the strength in her hands tightened: "If you want me to let go of you, the most effective way is to be obedient.

Sign, instead of wasting time with me here, is it possible that you still want to be seen for a while? "

Tang Moran's face was hot, his face seemed to be burning, and he tremblingly wrote beside the three words Fu Tingye

Got his own name.

"I'm finished, Mr. Fu..."

Fu Tingye put Tang Moran down easily.

When his feet touched the ground, Tang Moran put a heart back into his stomach slightly.

Followed Fu Tingye to the banquet hall. Tang Moran hadn’t seen what was going on inside. There were three or five standing at the door.

He immediately looked over.

Seeing Fu Tingye, the faces of these people changed, and they were busy carrying wine glasses.

"Mr. Fu."

"Hello, Mr. Fu."

"Mr. Fu."

Fu Tingye smiled faintly, and received a round of compliments and greetings.

At this time, someone noticed Tang Moran next to Fu Tingye.

"This young lady looks very...faced."

Tang Moran pursed her lips embarrassedly and smiled without speaking.

Fu Tingye took the initiative to introduce, "She is young, and I don't take her out often. Recently, she was idle and bored, so I took her out for shopping."

A man smiled with red wine, his eyebrows curled, "Mr. Fu is really heartbroken."

Tang Moran had a polite smile at the corner of his mouth, slandering inwardly.

How could Fu Tingye feel distressed? Is he a big bad wolf in sheep's clothing?

If it weren’t for him, he would have taken a shower and lay comfortably on the bed watching TV series, or

After playing the game, how could it be like this, not even dare to breathe? !

They are all well-dressed and beasthearted guys!

Next came the chat between the men. Tang Moran could not understand what happened in the business field. He stayed with Fu Tingye.

By the way, she sat down at first, but after half an hour, her patience was exhausted.

The banquet hall was filled with all kinds of desserts, and she could only watch and couldn't eat them. Isn't this torturing her?

Unbearable, Tang Moran gently pulled La Fu Tingye's sleeve.

The man opposite Fu Tingye was still talking: "Mr. Fu, the land in the west of the city, our Chengyang Group..."

Fu Tingye interrupted him directly, "I'll talk later."

After the man had a meal, he saw Fu Tingye turning his head, his eyebrows were dyed a little, and asked the girl beside him gently: "What's the matter?"

Tang Molan swallowed, "Mr. Fu, can I go and play there? I'll be back soon."

Fu Tingye pondered, thinking that this girl should be boring.

Also, how could she be interested in the topics they talked about? It’s also difficult to let her sit down and just sit there.

For her.

"Yes, but don't run around, don't let me find you, I don't like to find someone, do you know?"

With his permission, Tang Moran stood up immediately and said "I see."

Tang Moran went to the place where the desserts were put, the little cakes here tonight looked very good, Tang Moran took a piece

Strawberry flavor, bite by bite.

Two beautifully dressed women stood not far away, speaking clearly.

Tang Moran ate the cake while listening to them.

"Hey, did you see the woman who was following Mr. Fu today?"

"Where is a woman? I think it's just a little girl."

Unexpectedly, he was the object of these two people's discussions, Tang Moran almost didn't choke to death by the cake in his mouth.

She pressed it with orange juice, pricked her ears and continued listening.

The woman in the blue backless suit covered her mouth and smiled, "They were all brought out by Mr. Fu, what else could they be?

Flower girl? Mr. Fu is a man of good age and a wolf-like person.

It's pure. "

Tang Moran's face turned red, and his "slander" towards them was not as angry as he thought.

What's so angry about her, and she's not wrong.

Isn't Fu Tingye just a wolf?

The conversation over there continued.

"However, Mr. Fu has been empty windows for so many years, and it is normal to have a woman next to her. I think that young lady looks very beautiful..."

"Yes, I don’t know how many people were envious of Mr. Fu’s love with that Miss Yi, but it’s really a pity this

Miss Tang..."

Tang Moran bit the straw of orange juice, frowning, and just about to listen, he felt that someone was taking selfies behind his back.


She immediately turned her head, and the "unfortunate" that had just been heard was immediately abandoned.

Standing in front of him was a small man with glasses.

He waved at Tang Moran, "Hello."

"Hello there."

"I think you are here alone. Did you come by yourself?"

"Ah, no." Tang Moran smiled: "I came here with Mr. Fu."

"Mr. it Fu Tingye?"

The man's eyes lit up.

"um, yes."

"Is there anything wrong with Mr. Fu coming here?"

Tang Moran himself was not very clear, but he still said, "It seems to be for a project."

She had just sat next to Fu Tingye for half an hour, and she seemed to hear something vaguely.

"What project?"

"I'm not so sure either."

The man nodded, then asked, "Are you Mr. Fu's girlfriend?"

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